Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Tampa Bay (Florida, United States) or search for Tampa Bay (Florida, United States) in all documents.

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by reason of their light load and draft they would escape the blockading vessel, I sent Lieutenant Commander Semmes to Tampa Bay to destroy them. It was planned between myself and Captain Semmes that he should, with the Tahoma, assisted by the Adethe expedition by shelling the fort and town, and that, under cover of the night, men should be landed at a port on old Tampa Bay, distant from the fort, to proceed overland to the port on the Hillsborough River, where the blockade-runners lay, thermes, after three months repairing and preparation, and taking on board a two-hundred-pound Parrott rifle, left here for Tampa Bay, arriving on the evening of the thirteenth, where she found the United States steamer Adela, Acting Volunteer Lieutenang. The next morning both steamers started up for Tampa, the county seat of Hillsboro County, standing at the head of Tampa Bay. The town is defended on the water-side by a battery of five guns, built on one end of the United States parade ground