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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli, chapter 7 (search)
e rocks behind it covered with cardinal flowers. Margaret Fuller had with her two pupils from Providence; she was within easy reach of friends, and could at the same time renew that love of nature which Groton had first taught her, and which city-life had only suspended. From this time, many charming outdoor sketches appear among her papers. Inheriting a love of flowers from her mother, she gave to them meanings and mysticisms of her own. Of her later Dial sketches, The Magnolia of Lake Pontchartrain grew, as she writes in one of her unpublished letters, out of the suggestion by some one that its odor was so exquisite at that spot as to be unlike any other magnolia; and the Yucca Filamentosa came wholly from a description given her by Dr. Eustis, in his garden at Brookline, of its flowering at full-moon. If you like it (the sketch of the magnolia),--she says to one of her correspondents,-- I will draw the soul also from the Yucca and put it into words. Ms. (W. H. C.) Among
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli, Chapter 10: the Dial. (search)
Professor John M. Mackie, now of Providence, R. I., who wrote of Shelley ; Dr. Francis Tuckerman, who wrote Music of the winter; John A. Saxton, father of the well-known military governor of South Carolina, who wrote Prophecy — Transcendentalism — progress; the Rev. W. B. Greene, a West Point graduate, and afterwards colonel of the Fourteenth Massachusetts Volunteers, who wrote First principles. Miss Fuller herself wrote the more mystical sketches--Klopstock and Meta, The Magnolia of Lake Pontchartrain, Yucca Filamentosa, and i Leila ; as well as the more elaborate critical papers--Goethe, Lives of the great Composers, and Festus. Poetry was supplied by Clarke, Cranch, Dwight, Thoreau, Ellery Channing, and, latterly, Lowell; while Parker furnished solid, vigorous, readable, commonsense articles, which, as Mr. Emerson once told me, sold the numbers. It is a curious fact that the only early Dial to which Parker contributed nothing was that which called down this malediction from Carl
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli, Bibliographical Appendix: works of Margaret Fuller Ossoli. (search)
Messenger. Review of Lives of Crabbe and More. i. 20. Western Messenger. Review of Bulwer's Works. i. 101. Western Messenger. Review of Philip van Artevelde. i. 398. Western Messenger. Review of Korner. i. 306, 369. Western Messenger. Review of Letters from Palmyra. v. 24. Dial. Vol. I. No. 1. Essay on Critics; Allston Exhibition; Richter (poem); A Sketch (poem); A Sketch (poem) [?]. No. 2. Record of the Months (part). No. 3. Klopstock and Meta; The Magnolia of Lake Pontchartrain; Menzel's View of Goethe; Record of the Months. No. 4. Leila; A Dialogue. Dial. Vol. II. No. 1. Goethe; Need of a Diver; Notices of Recent Publications. No. 2. Lives of the Great Composers; Festus. No. 3. Yucca Filamentosa; Bettine Brentano and her Friend Giinderode; Epilogue to the Tragedy of Essex; Notices of Monaldi and Wilde's Tasso (including part of her translation of Goethe's Tasso). Dial. Vol. III. No. 1. Entertainments of the Past Winter. Notices of Hawthor