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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore) 4 0 Browse Search
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second, to delay our advance, allowing their families more time to escape. No time was lost, the column moved on, and by nine A. M. our advance saw the masses of the retreating foe. The pursuit was continued until late, when we encamped on Apple River. Men and horses were not in a condition to pursue that night, but early on the morning of the twenty-ninth, with the regiment in the advance, pursuit was commenced, and after marching six miles and overcoming a rise of ground, our eyes first rder to return. I wrote a short despatch and directed him to return at once, as my communication might prove of much value to the General. All being accomplished that was desired, the regiment returned and joined the camp near the mouth of Apple River, with the loss of private N. Miller, of company K. On my return to camp I learned that Beever had never reported, and we had just grounds to believe him lost. Guns were fired and rockets sent up, but our friend did not return. At noon on