Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Chickahominy (Virginia, United States) or search for Chickahominy (Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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castle. On reaching that point the vessels were not found, and the gunboat continued the search until within a mile of Newcastle, where two companies of infantry landed and marched to an elevated position, from which they discovered all the vessels in flames, they having been set on fire to prevent their capture by the Currituck. The object of the reconnoissance having been accomplished, the companies reembarked and returned to the White House.--N. Y. Times, May 20. The gunboat Penobscot, Captain Clitch, opened fire on the shore batteries at Newlet Inlet, near Wilmington, N. C. The attack brought out the position and power of the guns and batteries, and this being all that was wanted, the gunboat soon ceased to fire.--National Intelligencer. The advance-guard of he Army of the Potomac reached the Chickahominy River at Bottom's Bridge, about fifteen miles from Richmond. The rebels destroyed the bridge, and the march of the Union troops was obstructed.--McClellan's Despatch.
eral Banks's department, was driven from Front Royal, with considerable loss, by a large body of rebels.--(Doc. 43.) Captain Tilford, stationed with forty men on the east side of the Rio Grande, seven miles below Fort Craig, N. M., received a summons to surrender from a band of two hundred Texans. He refused; but after fighting for three hours, was obliged to retreat to Fort Craig with the loss of three wounded.--Denver Herald. Portions of the army of the Potomac crossed the Chickahominy River in two places, at the Railroad Bridge and at Bottom's Bridge. The battle of Lewisburgh, Va., was fought this day. The rebel Colonel Heath attacked Col. Crook with three thousand infantry and cavalry, and six cannon. After a spirited fight of an hour, the rebels were put to flight in utter confusion, and their flight soon became a rout. Col. Crook captured four rifled cannon--one so near his position that it was loaded with canister — and caissons, and eight rounds of ammunition.
a, created the utmost excitement at the North, not only among the military themselves, but among the thousands connected with them. The greatest enthusiasm and eagerness to march at once to any field of service named by the Government was every where apparent. Great excitement existed in Baltimore, Md., consequent upon the rejoicings of the secessionists of that city, at the defeat of General Banks and the repulse of the First Maryland regiment.--(Doc. 116.) A reconnoissance of the rebel works at Vicksburgh, Miss., was this day made by the United States gunboat Kennebec, under the command of Captain Russell. The Kennebec approached within about two miles of the works, when a battery of four guns opened on her, killing one man and wounding another.--New York Evening Post. General McClellan issued an order to the effect that upon the passage of the Chickahominy River, the troops of the army of the Potomac were to be prepared for battle at a moment's notice. --(Doc. 117.)
e in the United States, discontinued by General Orders No. 33, of April third, 1862, was restored, and orders to that effect were published by General Thomas. The rebel artillery opened upon the National forces at New Bridge, on the Chickahominy River, Va., from five different points, attempting to prevent General McClellan's troops from rebuilding the bridge; their fire was returned, and after an engagement of over two hours, the rebels were compelled to retire. A heavy storm, which had lasted two whole days, raised the Chickahominy River, Va., to an unprecedented height.--President Lincoln complimented First Lieut. D. C. Constable, commanding the revenue steamer E. A. Stevens, by handing him personally a commission as captain in the revenue cutter service, in recognition of his gallantry in leading with his steamer the attacking forces in their ascent of the James River and bombardment of Fort Darling.--Second Lieutenant J. Wall Wilson was also promoted to a first lieuten
June 7. An enthusiastic Union meeting was held at Shelbyville, Tenn., at which speeches were made by Andrew Johnson, W. H. Wisner and Col. May.--On the Chickahominy River the rebels opened fire on the pickets of Gen. Sumner, but without any effect.--The rebel steam-tug Mark R. Chesk, was captured near Memphis, Tenn. The Paris Constitutionnel, of this day, published an article to show the impossibility of the South being conquered, and maintaining that foreign mediation alone will succeed in putting an end to a war disastrous to the interests of humanity. William Mumford, a citizen of New Orleans, was hung in that city for an overt act of treason in pulling down the American flag from the United States Mint.--(Doc. 65.) In the Missouri Convention a bill for the gradual emancipation of slaves was submitted and defeated by a vote of fifty-two to nineteen. Memphis, Tenn., was formally taken possession of in the name of the Government of the United States, by Col.
June 25. The division of the army of the Potomac under command of General Hooker, this day advanced in the vicinity of the Chickahominy River, with a view of occupying a new position. The advance was resisted with great determination by the rebels. They fought for seven hours, when they retreated with great loss, leaving the Unionists in the position desired. The loss of the Union army was about two hundred in killed and wounded. This battle was the first of a series of conflicts, lasting over seven days, and resulting in the retreat of the Army of the Potomac, under the command of Major-General McClellan, to the James River, under the protection of the fleet of Union gunboats.--(Doc. 77 and 78.) Yesterday the United States steamer Monticello, Lieut. Commanding D. L. Braine, picked up at sea, in an open boat, eight contrabands from Little River Inlet, South-Carolina, from whom information was obtained that two schooners were preparing to run the blockade, laden with cot
June 28. A small party of Union troops under the command of Lieutenant Glenn, was this day attacked by a body of Indians near Rocky Ridge, Utah. Two white men and one Indian were killed.--The rebel General Hindman burned the railroad bridge at Madison, Arkansas, fearing that General Curtis would pass that way to the Mississippi. Five clergymen, who refused to take the oath of allegiance to the Government of the United States, were this day imprisoned in Nashville, Tenn., by order of Andrew Johnson, Governor of the State. The battle of the Chickahominy, Va., took place this day.--(Doc. 78.) Flag-officer D. G. Farragut reported to the Secretary of the Navy that the Union fleet passed up above Vicksburgh, silencing the shore batteries while passing, and that he had communicated with Gen. Halleck and Commodore Davis.--Official Despatch.--(Doc. 143.)
August 26. A fight took place near Perryville, Arkansas, between the rebel forces under Cabell, who were retreating from Camp Stand Watie, and the National troops belonging to the army of General Blunt, in which the former were routed with considerable loss.--Major John J. Stevenson, Lieutenant D. H. Chambers, and sixty men of Rober's Third Pennsylvania artillery, left Fortress Monroe, Va., last Sunday night, on the armed steamboat C. P. Smith, and reached the Chickahominy River the next morning. They proceeded about ten miles up, landing scouting-parties at different points along the shore, and destroying a number of small boats. When about nine miles up the Chickahominy, they met a detached party of thirty rebel cavalry, belonging to Robinson's regiment. The latter were repulsed, without any injury being sustained. They then shelled and destroyed the building used as the headquarters of Colonel Robinson, of the rebel army. Two men were captured, who were released after al