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rotection of his supply trains. A rebel reconnoitering force of about two hundred men were on the opposite side of Grand river this morning, probably not more than three miles from this post. They have ascertained that we have no force on the wced to set their toils early. A cavalry force can march in a day and night from the Arkansas line to any point on the Grand River, and thus easily co-operate with any force General Cooper might send to the west of us. Instead of making a demonstrats about fifteen hundred men and several pieces of artillery at a point between the Arkansas line, near Cincinnati, and Grand River. Though we do not know their exact intentions, everything points to their intention of concentrating all their mountein find the enemy too strongly posted at this point on the west side to be able to dislodge them, and attempt to cross Grand River at Grand Saline and come down on the east side, General Cabell will be on hand to thwart the movement, or he may cross
the east as reported by rebel pickets Vicksburg closely invested by General Grant Federal troops in southwest Missouri Federal supply train detained by high water at Neosho River Federal supplies running short at Fort Gibson high water in Grand River Indian women report heavy firing in the vicinity of Cabin Creek General Cabell on the east side of Grand River, near Cabin Creek, with artillery the suspense a National salute fired in honor of Independence day beef and beans for barbecueGrand River, near Cabin Creek, with artillery the suspense a National salute fired in honor of Independence day beef and beans for barbecue the pinch of hunger horses and dead rebels floating in the River two days fighting at Cabin Creek gallant charge of the colored regiment total rout of the enemy how the Federal troops crossed Cabin Creek under fire General Cabell unable to join General Cooper's division on account of high water arrival of supply train at Fort Gibson. The rebel pickets shouted across the river on the 24th instant, that our commissary train was on the way down, and that Colonel Dodd was commanding the
m this post, on the Texas road; that his force was six thousand strong; and that he expected a reinforcement of three Texas regiments on the seventeenth, when he intended to make a demonstration upon this place. At midnight, on the fifteenth, I took two hundred and fifty cavalry and two six-pound guns,, and proceeded thirteen miles up the river to a point that was fordable, drove their pickets from the opposite side, crossed over, came down on the south side to the ford at the mouth of Grand River, near which this fort is located, drove their outpost from there, and commenced crossing all my available force, which was less than three thousand men and twelve pieces of light artillery. At ten o'clock P. M. the little column commenced moving. At daylight we came upon the enemy's advance, which fell back, as we pressed them, upon their main line, which Was on Elk Creek, five miles beyond. Their line was formed in the edge of the timber, (which was very bushy,) on the north side, in
I was taken sick on the fourteenth, and on the fifteenth, at midnight, I got out of a sick-bed with a burning fever, and, taking three of my staff, ferried over Grand River, got two hundred cavalry and two howitzers and twenty-six-pound guns, marched thirteen miles up the Arkansas, forded the river in the face of the enemy's pickets, passed down on the south side of the crossing at the mouth of Grand River, opposite Fort Blunt, expecting to come in the rear and capture the enemy's outpost, but they had got the scent and had skedaddled. I had learned that Cooper was on Elk Creek, twenty-five miles south of the Arkansas with six thousand men, and was to be re the seventeenth, by three thousand men from Fort Smith, when they expected to move upon this place. I immediately commenced crossing my forces at the mouth of Grand River, ferrying the infantry on boats I had built when I arrived here and found the river high. The column moved from the south bank about ten o'clock P. M., less
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., Resume of military operations in Missouri and Arkansas, 1864-65. (search)
Resume of military operations in Missouri and Arkansas, 1864-65. by Wiley Britton, 6TH Kansas cavalry. The capture of Fort Smith by General Blunt, and of Little Rock by General Steele, early in September, 1863 [see The conquest of Arkansas, Vol. III., p. 441], put the Arkansas River, from its mouth to its junction with the Grand and Verdigris rivers, into the possession of the Federal forces. This general advance of the Federal line forced General Price to fall back with his army from his fortified positions around Little Rock to Camden and Arkadelphia, in the southern part of the State. Having now no threatened positions of importance to hold, the Confederate generals in Arkansas were free to use their mounted troops and light artillery in attacking and threatening with attack the small posts and lines of communication in the rear of the Federal army. On his retreat from Little Rock [see map, p. 348], Price detached General Joseph O. Shelby with a brigade from Marmaduke's ca
Doc. 162.-the battle of Bayou Barnard. New-York Tribune narrative. camp on Grand River, C. N., August 14, 1862. while the three Indian regiments (First, Second, and Third) lay in camp at Wolf Creek, under directions of Colonel Furness, the ranking commander, Col. Phillips, of the Third, selected one thousand two hundred men picked from the three regiments, and a section of Captain Allen's battery, under Lieut. Baldwin. Col. Phillips sent Major Forman down the west side of Grand RiGrand River with one half of the force and the two pieces of artillery, (Parrott guns.) The other six hundred men went down with him through Talequa and Park Hill. Talequa is the capital of the Cherokee Nation, and is a small decayed town. Park Hill is the residence of John Ross, whose mansion is a beautiful one, handsomely furnished, with a lawn and shrubbery, and a great deal of comfort and beauty clustered around it. The design of the expedition was, first, to check the inroads of the enemy fro
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Brant, John, 1794- (search)
Brant, John, 1794- Indian chief; son of Joseph Brant; born in the Mohawk village on the Grand River, in Canada, Sept. 27, 1794; took up arms for the British when the War of 1812-15 broke out. and led a party of Indians at the battle of Queenston (q. v.). He was then only eighteen years of age, and was conspicuous for his bravery. He had received a good English education at Ancaster and Niagara, and was a diligent student of English authors. Young Brant was an ardent lover of nature. was manly and amiable, and was in every respect an accomplished gentleman. On the death of his father, he became the principal chief of the Six Nations, although he was the fourth and youngest son. Brant was engaged in most of the military events on the Niagara frontier during the war; and at its close he and his young sister Elizabeth occupied John Brant. the homestead at the head of Lake Ontario, and there dispensed a generous hospitality. He went to England in 1821 on business for the Six Na
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Brant, Joseph, (search)
the King of England. He prevailed on the Six Nations to make a permanent peace after the war; and in 1786 he went to England the second time, but then for the purpose of collecting funds to build a church on the Indian reservation on the Grand River, in Canada. This was the first church erected in the Upper Province. Brant did much to induce his people to engage in the arts of peace. He died on his estate at the head of Lake Ontario. Canada, Nov. 24, 1807. The remains of Brant rest beneathiver, in Canada. This was the first church erected in the Upper Province. Brant did much to induce his people to engage in the arts of peace. He died on his estate at the head of Lake Ontario. Canada, Nov. 24, 1807. The remains of Brant rest beneath a handsome mausoleum near the church on the reservation on the Grand River, Canada. It was erected by the inhabitants of the.vicinity in 1850. On the slab that surmounts it is an inscription in commemoration of the chief and of his son John.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Garfield, James Abram 1831-1881 (search)
aptured Fort Duquesne, which thus passed into the possession of the English, and was named Fort Pitt, in honor of the great minister. In 1759 Quebec was captured by General Wolfe; and the same year Niagara fell into the hands of the English. In 1760 an English force, under Major Rogers, moved westward from Niagara, to occupy the French posts on the upper lakes. They coasted along the south shore of Erie, the first English-speaking people that sailed its waters. Near the mouth of the Grand River they met in council the chiefs of the great warrior Pontiac. A few weeks later they took possession of Detroit. Thus, says Mr. Bancroft, was Michigan won by Great Britain, though not for itself. There were those who foresaw that the acquisition of Canada was the prelude of American independence. Late in December Rogers returned to the Maumee; and, setting out from the point where Sandusky City now stands, crossed the Huron River to the northern branch of White Woman's River, and, p
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Mohawk Indians, (search)
r on the patriots, causing the valleys in central New York to be called the Dark and bloody ground. After that struggle, the greater portion of them removed to Grand River, 50 or 60 miles west of the Niagara River, where they still are. Many of them are Christians. The Common Prayer-book has been translated into their language, laim from Governor Haldimand a fulfilment of his and Carleton's promises. The Mohawks chose a large tract of land, comprising 200 square miles on the Ouise or Grand River, or 6 miles on each side of that stream from its source to its mouth. It is chiefly a beautiful and fertile region. Of all that splendid domain, the Mohawks now retain only a comparatively small tract in the vicinity of Brantford, on the Grand River. In 1830 they surrendered to the government the town-plot of Brantford, when it was surveyed and sold to actual settlers. On their present reservation is a church built of wood in 1783, a plain, unpretending structure. It is furnished wit