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A few of the particulars of the battle of Tebb's Bend, on the Green River, between General John Morgan, with his entire division, and Colopatch: headquarters Morgan's division, in the field in front of Green River stockade, July 4, 1863. To the Officer Commanding Federal Forcesers twenty-Fifth Michigan infantry, battle-field of Tebb's Bend, Green River, July 4, 1863. special orders no. 42. My brave, my noble mters twenty-Fifth Michigan infantry battle-field of Tebb's Bend, Green River, July 4, 1863. Colonel: I have the honor to report that I having despatch: headquarters Morgan's division, in field in front Green River Stocoadr, July 4, 1808. To the Officer Commanding the Federal Fo enemy, under the rebel General, John Morgan, at Tebb's Bend, on Green River, on the fourth of July, 1863, in which they killed one fourth asial Report of killed and wounded at the battle of Tebb's Bend, Green River, Ky., July fourth, 1863 : Company D, killed, Rosewell Beebe, Thi
from any hidden foe. The weather was sufficiently cool to enable us to ride along without discomfort, and altogether the ride from Jamestown to the banks of the Green River, on that splendid July night, was one of the pleasantest marches our boys have ever made. The future we cared little about; chatting and laughing and singing, at we should do with him when we got him, for the possibility of his escaping from us was never entertained for a moment. We reached the northern bank of the Green River about daylight on Sunday morning, the fifth instant, and after a hurried breakfast we again started in pursuit, marching all that day and camping on Sunday nigh to find that we have gained something on him in the journey. We captured three prisoners shortly after leaving Laurenceville, who told us that at the fight at Green River they lost one hundred and ten men in killed and wounded, including Colonel Chenault, one major and four captains. As we drew near to Brandenburgh we saw a thic
d crossing at daylight on the third. Means of transportation — canoes and dug-outs, improvised for the occasion. Were met by Colonel Hobson's cavalry, estimated at six thousand, drove them back toward Jamestown, Ky., and our column marched on through Columbia, at which point found the advance of Wolford's celebrated Kentucky cavalry, numbering two hundred and fifty men, dispersed it, killing seven and wounding fifteen men. Our loss, two killed and two wounded. Marched on to stockade, at Green River, on the fourth. Colonel Johnson, commanding the Second brigade, attacking stockade rifle-pits and abattis of timber. After heavy slaughter on both sides, our forces withdrew — loss about sixty killed and wounded on each side. Of Morgan's command, the gallant Colonel Chenault fell pierced through the head by a Minie ball, as he led his men in a charge upon the riflepits. The lion-hearted Major Brent also poured out his life-blood upon the field. Indeed, this was the darkest day that ev