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fications for defence of the railroad bridge over Green River. On Sunday, September ninth, I was informed that Colonel J. T. Wilder, Commanding U. S Forces at Green River: You have made a gallant defence of your positJ. T. Wilder, Colonel Commanding U. S. Forces at Green River when they asked the privilege of removing their dJ. T. Wilder, Colonel Commanding U. S. Forces at Green River. Colonel Dunham's report. Louisville, Kyhundred and forty-six strong, rank and file — for Green River, near Munfordville, to reenforce Col. Wilder in ding him that it was all-important for us to reach Green River before daylight. He did increase the speed as faust below Bacon Creek, and about seven miles from Green River, the train stopped for wood. I immediately passeunham, Colonel Commanding United States Forces at Green River. N. B.--It is probably but just both to MajoL. D., Colonel Commanding United States Forces at Green River. Major-General Jones's report. To Genera
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 5. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 121.-surrender of Munfordville, Ky. (search)
fications for defence of the railroad bridge over Green River. On Sunday, September ninth, I was informed that Colonel J. T. Wilder, Commanding U. S Forces at Green River: You have made a gallant defence of your positJ. T. Wilder, Colonel Commanding U. S. Forces at Green River when they asked the privilege of removing their dJ. T. Wilder, Colonel Commanding U. S. Forces at Green River. Colonel Dunham's report. Louisville, Kyhundred and forty-six strong, rank and file — for Green River, near Munfordville, to reenforce Col. Wilder in ding him that it was all-important for us to reach Green River before daylight. He did increase the speed as faust below Bacon Creek, and about seven miles from Green River, the train stopped for wood. I immediately passeunham, Colonel Commanding United States Forces at Green River. N. B.--It is probably but just both to MajoL. D., Colonel Commanding United States Forces at Green River. Major-General Jones's report. To Genera
62. by persons arriving last evening from Munfordsville, which place they left Sunday night, we have obtained a full report of the battle of Sunday, fought between Colonel Wilder's Indiana brigade and the rebel troops of the renegade Buckner. The following is a circumstantial account of the affair: The intrenchments within which our troops fought are situated about one mile from Woodsonville, opposite Munfordsville, on the south side of the river, and are built so as to protect the Green River railroad bridge. Immediately south of the works, and three hundred yards from them, a strip of woods crosses the railroad. A portion of this had been felled, and forms an abattis in front of the intrenchments. Beyond the woods is another open space, which was the scene of the battle between Col. Willich and Terry, in December last. To the right and left of the intrenchments are extensive open fields of undulating surface, extending on the left to Woodsonville and the turnpike road, by