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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Bad lands, the. (search)
Bad lands, the. Mauvaises Terres, of the old French fur-traders' dialect, are an extensive tract in the Dakotas, Wyoming, and northwestern Nebraska, between the North Fork of the Platte and the South Fork of the Cheyene rivers, west, south, and southeast of the Black Hills. It lies mostly between long. 103° and 105° N., with an area as yet not perfectly defined, but estimated to cover about 60,000 square miles. There are similar lands in the Green River region, of which Fort Bridger is the centre, and in southeastern Oregon. They belong to the Miocence period, geologically speaking. The surface materials are for the most part white and yellowish indurated clays, sands, marls, and occasional thin beds of lime and sandstone. The locality is fitly described as one of the most wonderful regions of the globe. It is held by geologists that during the geological period named a vast fresh-water lake system covered this portion of our continent, when the comparatively soft material
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Edwards, Ninian, 1775-1833 (search)
Edwards, Ninian, 1775-1833 Jurist; born in Montgomery county, Md., in March, 1775. William Wirt directed his early education, which was finished at Dickinson College, and in 1819 he settled in the Green River district of Kentucky. Before he was twenty-one he became a member of the Kentucky legislature; was admitted to the bar in Kentucky in 1798, and to that of Tennessee the next year, and rose very rapidly in his profession. He passed through the offices of circuit judge and judge of appeals to the bench of chief-justice of Kentucky in 1808. The next year he was appointed the first governor of the Territory of Illinois, and retained that office until its organization as a State in 1818. From 1818 till 1824 he was United States Senator, and from 1826 to 1830 governor of the State. He did much, by promptness and activity, to restrain Indian hostilities in the Illinois region during the War of 1812. He died in Belleville, Ill., July 20, 1833.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Fremont, John Charles 1813-1890 (search)
onsidered by the hunters and traders the highest in the whole range, had been a theme of constant discussion among them; and all had looked forward with pleasure to the moment when the instrument, which they believed to be as true as the sun, should stand upon the summits and decide their disputes. Their grief was only inferior to my own. This lake is about 3 miles long and of very irregular width and apparently great depth, and is the head-water of the third New Fork, a tributary to Green River, the Colorado of the West. On the map and in the narrative I have called it Mountain Lake. I encamped on the north side, about 350 yards from the outlet. This was the most western point at which I obtained astronomical observations, by which this place, called Bernier's encampment, is made in 110° 08′ 03″ W. long. from Greenwich, and lat. 43° 49′ 49″. The mountain peaks, as laid down, were fixed by bearings front this and other astronomical points. We had no other compass than th
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Kentucky, (search)
ens. A. McDowell McCook, O. M. Mitchel, G. H. Thomas, and T. L. Crittenden, acting as major-generals, and aided by twenty brigade commanders. These troops were from States northward of the Ohio, and loyalists of Kentucky and Tennessee. They occupied an irregular line across Kentucky, parallel with that of the Confederates. General McCook led 50,000 men down the railroad, and pushed the Confederate line to Bowling Green, after a sharp skirmish at Mumfordsville, on the south side of the Green River. In eastern Kentucky Col. James A. Garfield struck (Jan. 7, 1862) the Confederates, under Humphrey Marshall, near Prestonburg, on the Big Sandy River, and dispersed them. This ended Marshall's military career, and Garfield's services there won for him the commission of a brigadier-general. On the 19th, General Thomas defeated Gen. George B. Crittenden near Mill Spring, when General Zollicoffer was slain and his troops driven into northwestern Tennessee. This latter blow effectually se
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Morgan, John Hunt 1826- (search)
e numerous; and to prevent reinforcements from being sent to Meade from that region. Already about eighty Kentuckians had crossed the Ohio (June 19) into Indiana to test the temper of the people. They were captured. Morgan started (June 27) with 3,500 well-mounted men and six guns, crossing the Cumberland River at Burkesville, and, pushing on. encountered some loyal cavalry at Columbia (July 3), fought them three hours. partly sacked the town, and proceeded to destroy a bridge over the Green River, when he was driven away, after a desperate fight of several hours, by 200 Michigan troops under Colonel Moore, well intrenched. Morgan lost 250 killed and wounded; Moore lost twenty-nine. He rushed into Lebanon, captured a small Union force there, set fire to the place, and lost his brother—killed in the fight. He reached the Ohio, 40 miles below Louisville, July 7. His ranks were swelled as he went plundering through Kentucky, and he crossed the Ohio with 4,000 men and ten guns. He
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Mumfordsville, battle of. (search)
Mumfordsville, battle of. The Confederates under General Bragg crossed the Cumberland at Lebanon, and entered Kentucky on Sept. 5, 1862. His advance, 8,000 strong, pushed on towards Louisville; and on the 13th two of Buckner's brigades encountered about 2,000 Nationals, under Col. T. J. Wilder, at Mumfordsville, where the railway crossed the Green River. There the Nationals had hastily constructed some earthworks. A demand for a surrender being refused, the Confederates drove in the National pickets early the next morning. Then a battle began, which lasted about five hours, when a reinforcement reached Wilder, and the assailants were repulsed with heavy loss. Assured of final success, the Confederates remained quiet until the 16th, when a heavy force under General Polk, not less than 25,000 strong, appeared. Wilder had been reinforced, and, with 4,000 effective men, sustained a battle nearly a whole day, hoping Buell (then at Bowling Green) would send him promised relief.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Newberry, John strong 1822-1892 (search)
was appointed secretary of the Western Department of the United States Sanitary commission (q. v.). His district included the whole valley of the Mississippi. He served in this capacity until July, 1866, and during this period disbursed more than $800,000 in cash; placed supplies in the various hospitals to the value of over $5,000,000; and ministered to the necessities and comfort of more than 1,000,000 soldiers. In 1866-92 he was Professor of Geology and Paleontology in Columbia University, in which he established a museum of over 100,000 specimens, most of which he collected himself. His publications include Reports of explorations and surveys to ascertain the most practical and economical route for a Railroad from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean, made in 1853-56; Report upon the Colorado River of the West explored in 1857-58; Report of the exploring expedition from Santa Fe to the Junction of the Grand and Green rivers, etc. He died in New Haven, Conn., Dec. 7, 1892.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Transylvania. (search)
the proprietors, between whom and the settlers a compact was made, the most important features of which were an agreement—1. That the election of delegates should be annual; 2. Perfect freedom of opinion in matters of religion; 3. That judges should be appointed by the proprietors, but answerable for bad conduct to the people; and, 4. That the Convention or Assembly have the sole power of raising and appropriating all moneys, and of electing their treasurers. Courts and a militia were organized, and laws were enacted. The proprietors held a meeting in September at Oxford, Greenville co., N. C., and elected James Hogg a delegate for Transylvania in the Continental Congress, but the claim of Virginia to the territory of the new commonwealth was a bar to his admission. The legislature of Virginia afterwards annulled the purchase of Henderson, and the inchoate State disappeared. Virginia gave Henderson a tract of land on the Ohio 12 miles square, below the mouth of Green River
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo. (search)
Bernardo Couto, and Don Miguel Atristain on the part of Mexico. It provided for a convention for the provisional suspension of hostilities; for the cessation of the blockade of Mexican ports; for the evacuation of the Mexican capital by the United States troops within a month after the ratification of the treaty, and the evacuation of Mexican territory within three months after such evacuation; for the restoration of prisoners of war; for a commission to survey and define the boundary-lines between the United States and Mexico; for the free navigation of the Gulf of California and the Colorado and Green rivers for United States vessels; freedom of Mexicans in any territory acquired by the United States; Indian incursions; payment of money to Mexico for territory conquered and held, and of debts due citizens of the United States by Mexico; regulation of international commerce, and other minor regulations about property, etc. Both governments ratified the treaty. See Mexico, War with.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Arizona, (search)
mining law and the so-called Howell code of general laws; sits......Sept. 26–Nov. 10, 1864 Tueson made the capital by a majority of one vote......1867 Arizona a military district by order of General Halleck......October, 1867 Act to establish public schools in the Territory and a board of education and levying a tax of 10 cents on each $100......1868 Major J. W. Powell, for the Smithsonian Institution with a party of ten, in four boats, descends the cañon of the Colorado from Green River to Rio Virgin......May–August, 1869 Arizona and southern California made a military department, headquarters at Fort Whipple......1869 Forty citizens and 100 Papagos from Tucson and vicinity massacre eighty-five Indian prisoners of war (seventy-seven of them women and children) at Camp Grant, and capture thirty, who are sold to the Papagos as slaves. (One hundred and eight persons were afterwards tried for murder and acquitted)......April, 1871 Arizona diamond swindle. Excitemen