Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 8, 1865., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Holston (Tennessee, United States) or search for Holston (Tennessee, United States) in all documents.

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fications. Capture of a Torpedo Expedition. The Chattanooga Gazette has lengthy details of the capture of a Confederate yawl and fourteen men, at Clapman's landing, below Kingston, on the Tennessee, by seven Tennesseans. The yawl was armed with torpedoes, intended for the destruction of Government property. The party were regularly uniformed, and acted under the orders of the rebel Navy Department. The yawl was built at Richmond, brought to Bristol on the cars, placed in the Holston river, and moved thence with muffled oars to the place of its capture. Their instructions were not to destroy or disturb anything until they got below Kingston, where they were to destroy the Government transports. They hoped, also, to destroy the warehouses, rolling-mills, etc., on the banks of the river at this place. The whole enterprise was in charge of a scientific officer. Report of the Federal Secretary of war. The Yankee Secretary of War, Friday, sent to Congress his annual