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J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 27 (search)
have sufficient numbers to take Charleston, in all probability, without passing the forts. He says information of his weakness is sure to be communicated to the enemy-and I think so too, judging from the number of passports allowed by Judge Campbell and Mr. Benjamin! There is some purpose on the part of Gen. Lee to have a raid in the enemy's country, surpassing all other raids. If he can organize two columns of cavalry, 5000 each, to move in parallel lines, they may penetrate to the Hudson River; and then the North will discover that it has more to lose by such expeditions than the South. Philadelphia, even, may be taken. To-day, the regular train on the Fredericksburg road came back to the city, the conductor being in a terrible fright, and reporting that the enemy were again at Ashland. But it turned out that the troops there were our men! It is not probable the enemy's cavalry will soon approach Richmond again. May 17 The last few days have been cool and dry; fine
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 10: Peace movements.--Convention of conspirators at Montgomery. (search)
profit. Jefferson Davis was about fifty-four years of age at the time we are considering. His person was sinewy and light, a little above the middle hight, and erect in posture. His features were regular and well-defined; his face was thin and much wrinkled; one eye was sightless, and the other was dark and piercing. He was born in Kentucky, and was taken to reside in Mississippi in early boyhood. He was educated at the Military John H. Reagan. Academy at West Point, on the Hudson River; served under his father-in-law, General Taylor, in the war with Mexico; occupied a seat in the National Senate, and was a member of President Pierce's Cabinet, as Secretary of War. He was a man of much ability, and considerable refinement of manner when in good society. As a politician, he was utterly unscrupulous. In public life, he was untruthful and treacherous. He was not a statesman, nor a high-toned partisan. He was calm, audacious, reticent, polished, cold, sagacious, rich in
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 21: closing events of the War.--assassination of the President. (search)
d, everywhere received with the warmest demonstrations of gratitude and affection. In almost every village and city there were public receptions of the returning regiments. As these demonstrations had all features in common, the writer will endeavor to convey to the reader an idea of the manner in which the citizen-soldiers were received, by giving an outline sketch of the reception of the remnant of the One Hundred and Fiftieth Regiment of New York Volunteers, at Poughkeepsie, on the Hudson River, his place of residence. The One Hundred and Fiftieth Regiment left Poughkeepsie in October, 1862, under Colonel John H. Ketcham, and returned, in a Government transport, from New York, late on a Saturday night, in June, 1865, under Colonel A. B. Smith, who went out as major. Ketcham had been wounded at Savannah, and promoted to brigadier-general. The regiment was expected; and as soon as the transport appeared, the street in the vicinity of the landing was made brilliant by blazing
t on board the steamer Florida, for Savannah. As the Post's paragraph will be copied, with amplifications, into Republican papers throughout the country, it may be well to state the real facts upon which the above ridiculous report is probably based. Several weeks ago, five hundred cases of muskets were shipped to Savannah, to supply, it is said, the legal demand of Georgia for her quota of guns from the United States. There was no mystery about the transaction. The arms came down the Hudson River on a barge, and were taken on board the Savannah steamer like any other cargo. If this shipment had occurred at any other time, it would have caused no remark. Its occurrence now is explained by the fact, that Georgia had previously neglected to draw out the quota of arms to which she was entitled, and which the General Government could not legally or equitably deny to her. Within a week or two, the Adjutant-general of this State has drawn all the arms to which New York was entitled, an
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Hamilton, Alexander 1757- (search)
to his private character; and in relation to any other language or conversation of General Hamilton which Colonel Burr will specify, a prompt and frank avowal or denial will be given. This was all an honorable man could ask. But Burr seemed to thirst for Hamilton's life, and he pressed him to fight a duel in a manner which, in the public opinion which then prevailed concerning the code of honor, Hamilton could not decline. They fought at Weehawken, July 11, 1804, on the west side of the Hudson River, and Hamilton, who would not discharge his pistol at Burr, for he did not wish to hurt him, was mortally wounded, and died the next day. The public excitement, without regard to party, was intense. Burr fled from New York and became for a while a fugitive from justice. He was politically dead, and bore the burden of scorn and remorse for more than thirty years. Report on the coinage.—On Jan. 28, 1791, Secretary Hamilton sent the following report to the House of Representatives:
Oliver Otis Howard, Autobiography of Oliver Otis Howard, major general , United States army : volume 1, Chapter 8: Colonel of the Third Maine regiment; departure for the front (search)
Chapter 8: Colonel of the Third Maine regiment; departure for the front The cottage at West Point where with my family I resided May 28, 1861, was a square two-story building, a little back from the street. This street, going south, passed the academy building and old Cadets' Hospital, and ran along the brow of a steep slope, parallel with the Hudson River. My cottage, just below the hospital, had an eastern face toward the river from which there was a pleasant outlook. The luxurious foliage of the highlands was then at its best. The cliffs, hills, and mountains on both banks of the Hudson had already put on nature's prettiest summer dress. If one entered our front hallway and glanced into the parlor and up the stairway, he would say: It is a pleasant and comfortable home. I came home that day after my morning lessons a little later than usual. Before entering my front gate, I raised my eyes and saw the picture of my little family framed in by the window. Home, family,
Jula Ward Howe, Reminiscences: 1819-1899, Chapter 1: birth, parentage, childhood (search)
I encountered great difficulty in acquiring the th sound, when my mother tried to teach me to call her by that name. Muzzer, muzzer, was all that I could manage to say. But the dear parent presently said, If you cannot do better than that, you will have to go back and call me mamma. The shame of going back moved me to one last effort, and, summoning my utmost strength of tongue, I succeeded in saying mother, an achievement from which I was never obliged to recede. A journey up the Hudson River was undertaken, when I was very young, for the bettering of my mother's health. An older sister of hers went with us, as well as a favorite waiting-woman, and a young physician whose care had saved my father's life a year or more before my own birth. After reaching Albany, we traveled in my father's carriage; the grown persons occupying the seats, and I sitting in my little chair at their feet. A book of short tales and poems was often resorted to for my amusement, and I still remember
Jula Ward Howe, Reminiscences: 1819-1899, Index (search)
airs, 269; averse to women speaking in public, 305; his interest in the Cretan insurrection, 312, 313; starts for Greece, 313; arrival in Athens: his life endangered, 314; visits Crete: returns to Boston, 320; visits Santo Domingo to report on the advisibility of annexing it, 345; goes to Santo Domingo again, 347; gives a dance for the people, 355; goes to Santo Domingo a third time, 360; hears of Sumner's death, 364; returns to Boston, 368; his death, 369; tributes to his memory, 370. Hudson River, journey up the, 8. Hugo, Victor, remark on John Brown, 256; at the congress of gens de lettres, 413. Hunt, Helen, at Newport, 402. Hunting, Rev. J. J., commends the exercises of the convention of woman ministers, 312. Huntington, Daniel, paints portrait of Mrs. Howe's father, 55. Hymns of the Spirit, collected by Samuel Longfellow and Samuel Johnson, 293. Indians, the, in New York State, 9; Samuel Ward's intercourse with, in California, 70. Inglis, Sir, Robert Harry, 9
the American general called upon the governors of the four New England states, in earnest and pointed terms, to complete their continental battalions, to hold bodies of militia ready to march in a week after being called for, and to adopt effective modes of supply. Governor Trumbull, of Connecticut, cheered him with the opinion that he would obtain all that he needed. In June, the French contingent, increased by fifteen hundred men, newly arrived in ships of war, left Newport for the Hudson river. The inhabitants crowded around them on their march, glad to recognise in them allies and defenders, and, mingling at their encampments with officers and soldiers, listened with delight to the bands of their regiments. The rights of private property were most scrupulously respected, and the petty exigencies of local laws good-naturedly submitted to. Cornwallis began his career in Virginia by seizing the fine horses on the James river, and mounting a Chap. XXV.} 1781. gallant and mo
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 7., An eighteenth century enterprise. (search)
ts, two and one-half for luggage boats, while three miles was the limit at which the passage boats might proceed. Of these latter there were but two, and for a time only one was needed, so little did people journey a century ago. All boats were limited by the Rules, to within a certain size, this made requisite by the locks, while the rafts of logs bound for the ship-yards of Medford, were towed in bands and passed the locks singly. Steam navigation had become an assured fact on the Hudson river in 1807, one year before Mr. Sullivan took charge of the canal, but years before the canal went into operation a steamboat was successfully operated upon the Connecticut river, and its owner and inventor was interviewed by Fulton, who, it seems, only made successful application of the inventions of John Fitch in Delaware and Samuel Morey in New Hampshire, assisted by the wealth of Livingston. Morey, to his dying day, complained bitterly of their treatment of him, saying that the cusses h
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