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Herodotus, The Histories (ed. A. D. Godley) 146 0 Browse Search
M. Annaeus Lucanus, Pharsalia (ed. Sir Edward Ridley) 106 0 Browse Search
Pausanias, Description of Greece 32 0 Browse Search
Aeschylus, Suppliant Women (ed. Herbert Weir Smyth, Ph. D.) 16 0 Browse Search
Isocrates, Speeches (ed. George Norlin) 14 0 Browse Search
Euripides, Helen (ed. E. P. Coleridge) 12 0 Browse Search
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Brookes More) 12 0 Browse Search
Flavius Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews (ed. William Whiston, A.M.) 10 0 Browse Search
John Conington, Commentary on Vergil's Aeneid, Volume 2 10 0 Browse Search
Apollodorus, Library and Epitome (ed. Sir James George Frazer) 8 0 Browse Search
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Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound (ed. Herbert Weir Smyth, Ph. D.), line 780 (search)
you to guard against. But now listen to another and a fearsome spectacle. Beware of the sharp-beaked hounds of Zeus that do not bark, the gryphons,and the one-eyed Arimaspian folk, mounted on horses, who dwell about the flood of Pluto's*plou/ton is an abbreviation of *ploutodo/ths or *ploutodoth/r, “giver of wealth”; hence the apparent confusion with *plou/tos.stream that flows with gold. Do not approach them. Then you shall come to a far-off country of a dark race that dwells by the waters of the sun, where the river Aethiop is.Follow along its banks until you reach the cataract, where, from the Bybline mountains, Nile sends forth his hallowed and sweet stream. He will conduct you on your way to the three-angled land of Nilotis, where, at last, it is ordained for you,O Io, and for your children to found your far-off colony. If anything of this is confusing to you and hard to understand, may you question me yet again, and gain a clear account; for I have more leisure than I cr
Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound (ed. Herbert Weir Smyth, Ph. D.), line 846 (search)
There is a city, Canobus, on the extremity of the land at the very mouth and silt-bar of the Nile. There at last Zeus restores you to your senses by the mere stroke and touch of his unterrifying hand.And you shall bring forth dark Epaphus,Epaphus, “Touch-born,” named from the touch (e)/facis) of the hand of Zeus. Cp. Aesch. Supp. 45, 48.thus named from the manner of Zeus' engendering; and he shall gather the fruit of all the land watered by the broad-flowing Nile. Fifth in descent from him, Nile. Fifth in descent from him, fifty maidens shall return to Argos, not of their ownfree choice, but fleeing marriage with their cousin kin; while these, their hearts ablaze with passion, like falcons eagerly pursuing doves, shall come in pursuit of wedlock unlawful to pursue; but God shall grudge them enjoyment of their brides.Pelasgian soil shall offer the maids a home, when, in the watches of the night, their husbands have been slain by a deed of daring wrought by the women's murderous blows. For each bride shall take th
Aeschylus, Persians (ed. Herbert Weir Smyth, Ph. D.), line 1 (search)
ainst its youthful King, nor does any courier or horsemanarrive at the city of the Persians, who left behind them the walled defence of Susa and Agbatana and Cissa's ancient ramparts, and went forth, some on horseback, some in galleys, others on footpresenting a dense array of war. Such are Amistres and Artaphrenes and Megabates and Astaspes, marshals of the Persians; kings themselves, yet vassals of the Great King,they press on, commanders of an enormous host, skilled in archery and horsemanship, formidable to look upon and fearful in battle through the valiant resolve of their souls. Artembares, too, who fights from his chariot,and Masistres, and noble Imaeus, skilled with the bow, and Pharandaces, and Sosthanes, who urges on his steeds. Others in addition the mighty, fecund Nile sent forth — Susiscanes,Pegastagon of Egyptian lineage, mighty Arsames, lord of sacred Memphis, Ariomardus, governor of ancient Thebes, and the marsh-dwelling oarsmen,well-skilled and countless in numbe
Aeschylus, Suppliant Women (ed. Herbert Weir Smyth, Ph. D.), line 1 (search)
Enter a company of maidens, who have fled from Egypt and just landed on the shores of Argos; with them is their father Chorus May Zeus who guards suppliants look graciously upon our company, which boarded a ship and put to sea from the outlets of the fine sand of the Nile. For we have fled Zeus' landOr “the land divine” (di=an with M). But see l. 558.whose pastures border Syria, and are fugitives, not because of some public decree pronounced against blood crime, but because of our own act to escape the suit of man, since we abhor as impious all marriage with the sons of Aegyptus.It was Danaus, our father, adviser and leader, who, considering well our course, decided, as the best of all possible evils, that we flee with all speed over the waves of the seaand find a haven on Argos' shore. For from there descends our race , sprung from the caress and breath of Zeus on the gnat-tormented heifer. To what kinder land than thiscould we come with these wool-wreathed branches in our hands
Aeschylus, Suppliant Women (ed. Herbert Weir Smyth, Ph. D.), line 68 (search)
Chorus Even so I, indulging my grief in Ionian strains,pain my tender face summered by Nile's sun and my heart unexercised in tears; and I gather the flowers of grief, anxious whether there is any friendly kinsman here to champion our bandwhich has fled from the haze-shrouded land.
Aeschylus, Suppliant Women (ed. Herbert Weir Smyth, Ph. D.), line 274 (search)
Chorus Our tale is brief and clear. Argiveswe claim to be by birth, offspring of a cow blest in its children. And the truth of this I shall confirm in full. King Foreign maidens, your tale is beyond my belief—how your race can be from Argos. For you are more similar to thewomen of Libya and in no way similar to those native to our land. The Nile, too, might foster such a stock, and like yours is the Cyprian impress stamped upon female images by male craftsmen. And of such aspect, I have heard, are nomad women, whoride on camels for steeds, having padded saddles, and dwell in a land neighboring the Aethiopians. And had you been armed with the bow, certainly I would have guessed you to be the unwed, flesh-devouring Amazons. But inform me, and I will better comprehendhow it is that you trace your race and lineage from Argo
Aeschylus, Suppliant Women (ed. Herbert Weir Smyth, Ph. D.), line 291 (search)
er? King So they say, making his form that of a bull lusting for a mate. Chorus What answer then did Zeus' stubborn consort give? King She placed the all-seeing one to stand watch over the cow. Chorus What manner of all-seeing herdsman with a single duty do you mean? King Argus, a son of Earth, whom Hermes slew. Chorus What else did she contrive against the unfortunate cow? King A sting, torment of cattle, constantly driving her on. Chorus They call it a gadfly, those who dwell by the Nile. King Well then, it drove her by a long course out of the land. Chorus Your account agrees with mine in all respects. King So she came to Canobus and to Memphis. Chorus And Zeus begot a son by the touching of his hand. King Who is it then that claims to be the cow's Zeus-begotten calf? Chorus Epaphus, and truly named from “laying on of hands.” King [And who was begotten of Epaphus?] Chorus Libya, who reaps the fruit of the largest portion of the earth. King [What offspring, then, did
Aeschylus, Suppliant Women (ed. Herbert Weir Smyth, Ph. D.), line 490 (search)
Danaus We consider it worth much to have gained a champion who is compassionate. Yet send escorts and guides of the country's people with me so we may find where the gods who protect your city have their altars at the temple porches and their . . . seats,and that we may go safely through the town. My shape is unlike yours, for Nile and Inachus rear a different race. Beware lest boldness give birth to fear; for through ignorance men have slain those they love. King Come, men, the stranger speaks well. Be his guides to the altars of the city and to the sanctuaries of the gods. Do not speak at length with whomever you meet on the way while you are bringing this seafarer to be a suppliant at the hearths of the gods.Exit Danaus with attendants Chorus You told him, and let him go as directed.But what of me? What am I to do? Where do you assign security to me? King Leave your boughs here, tokens of your distress. Chorus Behold, I leave them at your signal and command. King Go no
Aeschylus, Suppliant Women (ed. Herbert Weir Smyth, Ph. D.), line 556 (search)
Chorus Harassed by the sting of the winged herdsman she gains at last the fertile groves sacred to Zeus, that snow-fed pasture assailedby Typho's fury, and the water of the Nile that no disease may touch—maddened by her ignominious toils and frenzied with the pain of Hera's torturing goa
Aeschylus, Suppliant Women (ed. Herbert Weir Smyth, Ph. D.), line 902 (search)
to a land of women? For a barbarian dealing with Hellenes, you act insolently.Many are the misses of your wits, and your hits are none. Herald And in this case where have I gone wrong and transgressed my right? King First of all, you do not know how to act as a stranger. Herald I not know? How so, when I simply find and take my own that I had lost? King To what patrons of your land was your notice given? Herald To Hermes, the Searcher, greatest of patrons. King For all your notice to the gods, you do them no reverence. Herald I revere the deities by the Nile. King While ours are nothing, as I understand you? Herald I shall carry off these maids unless someone tears them away. King If you so much as touch them, you will regret it, and right soon. Herald I hear you; and your speech is far from hospitable. King No, since I have no hospitality for despoilers of the gods. Herald I will go and tell Aegyptus' sons about this. King My proud spirit will not ponder on this threat.