Browsing named entities in Waitt, Ernest Linden, History of the Nineteenth regiment, Massachusetts volunteer infantry , 1861-1865. You can also browse the collection for Rowley (Massachusetts, United States) or search for Rowley (Massachusetts, United States) in all documents.

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staves, but the women grabbed them and began to tear off little pieces as souvenirs. The officers rescued them from their hands, however, and finally came the order to Stack arms. Then.—For thirty days, break ranks, march! and with a wild cheer the men scattered without ceremony for their homes. The thirty days were passed in a round of pleasure, the men were warmly greeted, received everywhere and banquetted, and in a number of places Veterans' Balls were given in their honor,—one at Rowley being especially notable. Several of the officers were presented with swords by their townsmen and the brief stay at home was in every way made pleasant. Colonel Devereux resigned during this period and the command of the Nineteenth fell upon Major Edmund Rice,—Lieutenant Colonel Wass being on recruiting duty in Boston. To the honor of the regiment it should be mentioned that during the time it was on furlough in Massachusetts, no one of its members was under restraint by the civil auth<