on G., 472.
Paley, William, Rev. [1743-1805], 2.110.
Palfrey, John Gorham, Rev. [1796-1881], 1.464.
Palmer, Abijah, removal to N. B., 1.4; namesake of A. Garrison, 12. Father of
Palmer, Abijah, 1.12. Grandson of
Palmer, Daniel [b. Rowley, Mass., July 31, 1712], Maugerville grantee, 1.3; ancestry, marriage, family, 3; cabin flooded, 5; patriot, 6, 7.
Palmer, Joanna, 1.24.
Palmer, Mary [bapt.
Rowley, Mass., Jan. 11, 1741; d. Jemseg, N. B., Feb. 14, 1822], removal to N. B., 1.3; mRowley, Mass., Jan. 11, 1741; d. Jemseg, N. B., Feb. 14, 1822], removal to N. B., 1.3; marries Joseph Garrison, 4; adventure on the river, 5; removal to Jemseg, 11; marries Robert Angus, 12; characteristics, 12; revisits Mass., 12.
Panoply, 2.424.
Parish, John, 1.392.
Park, John C., witnesses Boston mob, 2.17, 25, 32.
Park Street Church, G.'s discourse, 1.126; ejects a black pew-owner, 253; lectures by M. Thacher, 269.
Parker, Mary S. [d. Jaffrey, N. H., July, 1841, aged 39], in mobbed A. S. meeting, 2.12-14, 15; greets G., 47; host of Mays, 67; hospitality to G., 69