Browsing named entities in Col. J. J. Dickison, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 11.2, Florida (ed. Clement Anselm Evans). You can also browse the collection for San Juan River (Florida, United States) or search for San Juan River (Florida, United States) in all documents.

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At other points the State of Florida had made warlike preparations for defense against hostile invasion, although it was realized that it was impossible to fortify the whole coast. From Pensacola to St. Augustine, 1,400 miles and more, there was nothing approaching a fortification except the works at Key West and Tortugas, and those posts, the keys to the Gulf, were held by the enemy. There were a few cannon mounted at St. Augustine, at Fort Clinch on Amelia island, at the mouth of St. John's river, at Fernandina, Cedar Keys, St. Marks, Apalachicola and Tallahassee; but there were only two guns at each of the gulf points, and St. Augustine had but eleven. At this time (May) it was estimated that Florida had 70000 men in the field at Pensacola, and nearly 2,000 more, organized under the last call of the President and equipped by the State, ready to march where ordered. On May 10th the Confederate steamer Spray captured off Cedar Keys the United States schooner William C. Atwate
re of large bodies of infantry, cavalry and artillery, and their occasional capture of posts on the east side of the St. John's river, which portion of the State had been in possession of the Federals since our evacuation of Fernandina and St. John's the abandonment of the coast defenses early in 1862, several gunboats passed the fortifications at the mouth of the St. John's river and Yellow bluff, anchored in front of Jacksonville and landed a considerable force. Colonel Davis was ordered to ssoon as the water fell in the Apalachicola river so low as to prevent its navigation, the battery was removed to the St. John's river, where the enemy was in large force, and used to cover the erection of a battery on St. John's bluff, five miles frothe landing of supplies from our blockade runners. In the meantime the enemy's gunboats were concentrating in the St. John's river, and the Confederates, having neither naval forces nor batteries at the time on the river, could make no resistance.
supplies. Gilmore answered hastily, complaining that Seymour was not following instructions and repeating that the objects of the Florida expedition were as follows: First, to bring Florida into the Union; second, to revive the trade on the St. John's river; third, to recruit the negro regiments and organize a regiment of Florida white troops; fourth, to cut off in part the Confederate supplies drawn from Florida. On the morning of February 20th, General Seymour moved out from Barberjs, with alawaha river. Detachments from the Fourth Georgia cavalry were on duty in this locality to strike the enemy in an advance from Palatka to Orange Springs, at that time a city of refuge for families who had been driven from their homes on the St. John's river. Captain Pearson, while en route for Tampa, was ordered to repair to Orange Springs, as the enemy was supposed to be advancing up the Ocklawaha river in barges from Welaka. At the same time an order was given to send a train down toward
the additional defense of gunboats in the St. John's river. The Florida troops, with reinforcementsmand, marched 9 miles before reaching the St. John's river. Under cover of night they crossed the ron, Second Florida cavalry. Crossing the St. John's river in small boats, Captain Dickison surprisetry lying between the St. Mary's and the St. John's rivers, and the more thickly populated countiesied out by the Federals, who ascended the St. John's river 25 miles to Black creek and there landed inued to perform heavy picket duty on the St. John's river, frequently engaging in skirmishes with theadquarters at Green Cove Springs on the St. John's river. Sergeant Poer, with his invincible commacaptured when they had nearly reached the St. John's river, about 50 miles from Gainesville. They wh his fine battalion had been sent on the St. John's river especially to capture Captain Dickison, bion, Levy and Hernando, lying between the St. John's river and the Gulf of Mexico, were known by the[1 more...]
elapsed when a scout from the east side of the St. John's river, where a small party was kept on watch, reportays rations. Starting at night he reached the St. John's river early the next morning, but having only one fl at the same time of a similar movement on the St. John's river, two steam transports left Barrancas, having ats near Green Cove Springs, Palatka and up the St. John's river as far as Volusia county, were kept constantlyons and two ambulances, to be moved across the St. John's river by means of one flatboat, with capacity to cargon were safely landed on the west side of the St. John's river. While this was going on a courier reported tcklawaha bridge and were retreating toward the St. John's river. I then ordered my command to march back in tt my picket of two men on the east side of the St. John's river intercepted the courier line between St. Augusy after they had returned from the last on the St. John's river, where, without the loss of a man, they killed
rict, or the deserters and disloyals who infest certain remote localities. The best that can be done will be to defend points of greatest importance. With this view I have disposed the cavalry as follows: Hood's battalion and three companies Fifth Florida battalion in middle and west Florida, to picket the coast and operate in the disloyal neighborhoods. The Second Florida cavalry and four companies Fifth battalion Florida cavalry in east Florida, in front of Jacksonville and up the St. John's river on the west side, as high as Fort Butler, for the purpose of keeping observation on the enemy's force in that vicinity. It will be readily perceived that this force is wholly inadequate to the protection of the country, should the enemy see fit to move out from under his gunboats. From any point on the upper St. John's he can make raids into Marion, Sumter and Alachua counties at pleasure. A large negro population and an exaggerated estimate of the supplies in those counties are the