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John Conington, Commentary on Vergil's Aeneid, Volume 2 68 0 Browse Search
P. Vergilius Maro, Aeneid (ed. Theodore C. Williams) 54 0 Browse Search
P. Vergilius Maro, Aeneid (ed. John Dryden) 52 0 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), History of Rome, books 1-10 (ed. Rev. Canon Roberts) 26 0 Browse Search
C. Suetonius Tranquillus, The Lives of the Caesars (ed. Alexander Thomson) 18 0 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), History of Rome, books 1-10 (ed. Rev. Canon Roberts) 16 0 Browse Search
C. Suetonius Tranquillus, The Lives of the Caesars (ed. Alexander Thomson) 14 0 Browse Search
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Brookes More) 12 0 Browse Search
Cornelius Tacitus, The History (ed. Alfred John Church, William Jackson Brodribb) 8 0 Browse Search
Q. Horatius Flaccus (Horace), The Works of Horace (ed. C. Smart, Theodore Alois Buckley) 8 0 Browse Search
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P. Vergilius Maro, Aeneid (ed. Theodore C. Williams), Book 1, line 12 (search)
In ages gone an ancient city stood— Carthage, a Tyrian seat, which from afar made front on Italy and on the mouths of Tiber's stream; its wealth and revenues were vast, and ruthless was its quest of war. 'T is said that Juno, of all lands she loved, most cherished this,—not Samos' self so dear. Here were her arms, her chariot; even then a throne of power o'er nations near and far, if Fate opposed not, 't was her darling hope to 'stablish here; but anxiously she heard that of the Trojan blood there was a breed then rising, which upon the destined day should utterly o'erwhelm her Tyrian towers, a people of wide sway and conquest proud should compass Libya's doom;—such was the web the Fatal Sisters spun. Such was the fear of Saturn's daughter, who remembered well what long and unavailing strife she waged for her loved Greeks at Troy. Nor did she fail to meditate th' occasions of her rage, and cherish deep within her bosom proud its griefs and wrongs: the choice by Paris made; her scorned<
P. Vergilius Maro, Aeneid (ed. Theodore C. Williams), Book 2, line 752 (search)
ough a loftier port it wore. I quailed, my hair rose, and I gasped for fear; but thus she spoke, and soothed my grief away: “Why to these frenzied sorrows bend thy soul, O husband ever dear! The will of Heaven hath brought all this to pass. Fate doth not send Creusa the long journeys thou shalt take, or hath th' Olympian King so given decree. Long is thy banishment; thy ship must plough the vast, far-spreading sea. Then shalt thou come unto Hesperia, whose fruitful plains are watered by the Tiber, Lydian stream, of smooth, benignant Bow. Thou shalt obtain fair fortunes, and a throne and royal bride. For thy beloved Creusa weep no more! No Myrmidon's proud palace waits me now; Dolopian shall not scorn, nor Argive dames command a slave of Dardan's royal stem and wife to Venus' son. On these loved shores the Mother of the Gods compels my stay. Farewell! farewell! O, cherish evermore thy son and mine!” Her utterance scarce had ceased, when, as I strove through tears to make reply, she
P. Vergilius Maro, Aeneid (ed. Theodore C. Williams), Book 3, line 472 (search)
Hector's wife. Take these last offerings of those who are thy kin—O thou that art of my Astyanax in all this world the only image! His thy lovely eyes! Thy hands, thy lips, are even what he bore, and like thy own his youthful bloom would be.” Thus I made answer, turning to depart with rising tears: “Live on, and be ye blessed, whose greatness is accomplished! As for me, from change to change Fate summons, and I go; but ye have won repose. No leagues of sea await your cleaving keel. Not yours the quest of fading Italy's delusive shore. Here a new Xanthus and a second Troy your labor fashioned and your eyes may see— more blest, I trust, less tempting to our foes! If e'er on Tiber and its bordering vales I safely enter, and these eyes behold our destined walls, then in fraternal bond let our two nations live, whose mutual boast is one Dardanian blood, one common story. Epirus with Hesperia shall be one Troy in heart and soul. But this remains for our sons' sons the happy task and
P. Vergilius Maro, Aeneid (ed. Theodore C. Williams), Book 5, line 779 (search)
Lapse of days, nor prayers, nor virtues her hard heart subdue, nor Jove's command; nor will she rest or yield at Fate's decree. Her execrable grudge is still unfed, although she did consume the Trojan city, Phrygia's midmost throne, and though she has accomplished stroke on stroke of retribution. But she now pursues the remnant—aye! the ashes and bare bones of perished Ilium; though the cause and spring of wrath so great none but herself can tell. Wert thou not witness on the Libyan wave what storm she stirred, immingling sea and sky, and with Aeolian whirlwinds made her war, — in vain and insolent invasion, sire, of thine own realm and power? Behold, but now, goading to evil deeds the Trojan dames, she basely burned his ships; he in strange lands must leave the crews of his Iost fleet behind. O, I entreat thee, let the remnant sail in safety o'er thy sea, and end their way in Tiber's holy stream;—if this my prayer be lawful, and that city's rampart proud be still what Fate int
P. Vergilius Maro, Aeneid (ed. Theodore C. Williams), Book 6, line 77 (search)
r from her breast; But he more strongly plied his rein and curb Upon her frenzied lips, and soon subdued Her spirit fierce, and swayed her at his will. Free and self-moved the cavern's hundred adoors Swung open wide, and uttered to the air The oracles the virgin-priestess sung : “Thy long sea-perils thou hast safely passed; But heavier woes await thee on the land. Truly thy Trojans to Lavinian shore Shall come—vex not thyself thereon—but, oh! Shall rue their coming thither! war, red war! And Tiber stained with bloody foam I see. Simois, Xanthus, and the Dorian horde Thou shalt behold; a new Achilles now In Latium breathes,—he, too, of goddess born; And Juno, burden of the sons of Troy, Will vex them ever; while thyself shalt sue In dire distress to many a town and tribe Through Italy; the cause of so much ill Again shall be a hostess-queen, again A marriage-chamber for an alien bride. Oh! yield not to thy woe, but front it ever, And follow boldly whither Fortune calls. Thy way of saf
P. Vergilius Maro, Aeneid (ed. Theodore C. Williams), Book 7, line 25 (search)
Now morning flushed the wave, and saffron-garbed Aurora from her rose-red chariot beamed in highest heaven; the sea-winds ceased to stir; a sudden calm possessed the air, and tides of marble smoothness met the laboring oar. Then, gazing from the deep, Aeneas saw a stretch of groves, whence Tiber's smiling stream, its tumbling current rich with yellow sands, burst seaward forth: around it and above shore-haunting birds of varied voice and plume flattered the sky with song, and, circling far o'er river-bed and grove, took joyful wing. Thither to landward now his ships he steered, and sailed, high-hearted, up the shadowy stream.
P. Vergilius Maro, Aeneid (ed. Theodore C. Williams), Book 7, line 148 (search)
Soon as the morrow with the lamp of dawn looked o'er the world, they took their separate ways, exploring shore and towns; here spread the pools and fountain of Numicius; here they see the river Tiber, where bold Latins dwell. Anchises' son chose out from his brave band a hundred envoys, bidding them depart to the King's sacred city, each enwreathed with Pallas' silver leaf; and gifts they bear to plead for peace and friendship at his throne. While on this errand their swift steps are sped, Aeneas, by a shallow moat and small, his future city shows, breaks ground, and girds with mound and breastwork like a camp of war the Trojans' first abode. Soon, making way to where the Latin citadel uprose, the envoys scanned the battlements, and paused beneath its wall. Outside the city gates fair youths and striplings in life's early bloom course with swift steeds, or steer through dusty cloud the whirling chariot, or stretch stout bows, or hurl the seasoned javelin, or strive in boxing-bout and
P. Vergilius Maro, Aeneid (ed. Theodore C. Williams), Book 7, line 212 (search)
some friendly shore, and, what to all is free, water and air. We bring no evil name upon thy people; thy renown will be but wider spread; nor of a deed so fair can grateful memory die. Ye ne'er will rue that to Ausonia's breast ye gathered Troy. I swear thee by the favored destinies of great Aeneas, by his strength of arm in friendship or in war, that many a tribe (O, scorn us not, that, bearing olive green, with suppliant words we come), that many a throne has sued us to be friends. But Fate's decree to this thy realm did guide. Here Dardanus was born; and with reiterate command this way Apollo pointed to the stream of Tiber and Numicius' haunted spring. Lo, these poor tributes from his greatness gone Aeneas sends, these relics snatched away from Ilium burning: with this golden bowl Anchises poured libation when he prayed; and these were Priam's splendor, when he gave laws to his gathered states; this sceptre his, this diadem revered, and beauteous pall, handwork of Asia's queens.
P. Vergilius Maro, Aeneid (ed. Theodore C. Williams), Book 7, line 286 (search)
again? Was Ilium's flame no warrior's funeral pyre? Did they walk safe through serried swords and congregated fires? At last, methought, my godhead might repose, and my full-fed revenge in slumber lie. But nay! Though flung forth from their native land, I o'er the waves, with enmity unstayed, dared give them chase, and on that exiled few hurled the whole sea. I smote the sons of Troy with ocean's power and heaven's. But what availed Syrtes, or Scylla, or Charybdis' waves? The Trojans are in Tiber; and abide within their prayed-for land delectable, safe from the seas and me! Mars once had power the monstrous Lapithae to slay; and Jove to Dian's honor and revenge gave o'er the land of Calydon. What crime so foul was wrought by Lapithae or Calydon? But I, Jove's wife and Queen, who in my woes have ventured each bold stroke my power could find, and every shift essayed,—behold me now outdone by this Aeneas! If so weak my own prerogative of godhead be, let me seek strength in war, come whe
P. Vergilius Maro, Aeneid (ed. Theodore C. Williams), Book 7, line 435 (search)
In mocking answer to the prophetess the warrior thus replied: “That stranger fleet in Tiber moored, not, as thy folly prates, of me unnoted lies. Vex me no more with thy fantastic terror. Juno's power is watchful of my cause. 'T is mere old age, gone to decay and dotage, fills thy breast with vain foreboding, and, while kings contend, scares and deceives thy visionary eye. Guard thou in yonder temple's holy shade the images divine! Of peace and war let men and warriors the burden bear!