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ll great mortality among them skirmish with bushwhackers arrival of forage trains from white River horses eat each others manes and tails off the small-pox among the Indians very few of them vaccinated only a few cases among the white soldiers remarks on the disease the Government should stock with animals to furnish Vaccine virus for the army. On the morning of March 4th, Colonel Phillips, with an escort of one hundred men, set out for Fayetteville. The Union citizens of Washington county have called a mass meeting to be held at that place, and as that county is in his district, have invited him to be present, and to address them on current issues, and concerning their future prospects. Of course I have no means of knowing what advice he will give them, but it is easy to imagine that he will advise them to enroll every able-bodied loyal man in defence of their homes, to be vigilant and take every precaution against surprise by the enemy, to see to it that the troops s
ers, are wounded. It was a hard-fought battle, and a complete victory. S. R. Curtis, Major-General Commanding. Official report of Colonel Weer. headquarters Second brigade, First division, army of frontier, camp at Cane Hill., Washington Co., Ark., Dec. 12, 1862. Lieutenant-Colonel Moonlight, Chief of Staff: Colonel: Having just received the reports of the subordinate commanders, I hasten to submit to the General Commanding an account of the part taken by this brigade in the battle of Prairie Grove, Washington County, Arkansas, on Sunday December seventh, 1862. The Third Indian regiment (Cherokee) had previous to the action been ordered to protect the train some miles distant, so that we went into the engagement as follows: Tenth Kansas regiment, Major H. H. Williams, commanding three hundred and eighty-seven men--company I being absent on detached service. First Kansas battery, Lieut. Marcus D. Tenny, commanding, ninety-five men. Third Indian Regiment, Adj
t 1,000 men and horses. Plenty of subsistence for men and forage for horses was found in the neighborhood, but the weather became severe. Snow, sleet and rain fell upon the men and horses, who were without shelter except straw shacks made upon inclined scaffolding of rails, and much suffering followed. While there, Colonel Brooks was transferred to other duty. Harrell's battalion was put on outpost duty there until ordered to report to Cabell's brigade, then camped at Columbus, in Washington county. General Cabell had returned from his visit to Texas and placed his brigade in comfortable winter quarters—huts, with doors and chimneys—with abundant food and forage. The brigade now numbered about 2,500 mounted men, with Hughey's battery of four guns. Shelby was in winter quarters on the Little Missouri, and Marmaduke's brigade near Red river at Harvey's. October 31, 1863, the monthly return of Marmaduke's cavalry division showed the following strength, present for duty: Marmadu
s beginning to move with his army, numbering twenty-seven thousand men, and twenty-five pieces of artillery. On Saturday morning he was marching towards Pineville, McDonald county, in the extreme Southwestern corner of the State. Ben McCulloch broke up his camp on Friday night, and the next day was marching towards Berryville, Carroll county, Arkansas. A gentleman, recently a prisoner in the rebel camp, says Gen. Price designs to go into winter quarters at Cross Hollow, Washington county, Arkansas. All his rebel followers who wished to go home have already returned, and those now with him intend to fight outside of Missouri. Another vessel Running the blockade — the Emily Tenbrook Enters St. Thomas with a Confederate flag. The following letter, addressed to the editor of the New York Herald, is full of interest: St. Thomas, October 28. --This morning the schooner Emily Tenbrook, Capt. Seabrook, arrived from Savannah, where she left on the 14th inst.
s army in motion toward the Arkansas line. There was more or less skirmishing between his rear guard and the enemy's advance until he crossed into Arkansas and effected a junction with Van-Dorn and McCulloch. In all these skirmishes, our informant says the Missouri sharp shooters invariably got the best of their pursuers.--Price's object was to draw them down into Arkansas, since Van-Dorn had not joined him at Springfield. The Confederates rested a few days at Cove creek, in Washington county, Arkansas, some thirty miles below the line. At length Gen. Van-Dorn having got ready, he determined to go in search of the enemy, and to make the attack himself. The troops were ordered to cook five day's provisions, and move upon the enemy, who had stopped at Sugar creek. At Sentonville, on their way up, they encountered the Federal rear guard, and had quite a brisk skirmish, in which we lost one man and the enemy eight or ten. We also took one piece of artillery there. The Confedera
st enough for their own domestic consumption, and plant all their lands in grain. Our people are determined to support the army, and help to whip the fight in every way." A letter dated Talbotton, Ga., says: "We had a glorious meeting here yesterday on cotton planting. Several of our largest planters will not plant a seed, among them, Major J. H. Walton, who has been in the habit of planting 600 acres in cotton.--So, also, old Mr. Searcy, and his son, Dr. Searcy, and Mr. J. Canker. I do not believe there will be 300 acres of cotton planted in the county. We have a cavalry company in progress, for the equipment of which $1,000 have been subscribed." The Sandersville Georgian says: "We are truly gratified to be able to state that so far as we can learn — and we have made it our business to inquire — a large majority of the planters of Washington county will plant but very little cotton this spring. The same, we believe, may also be said of Johnson county
byterians, Methodists, Moravian, and other sects, on the basis of the Nicene creed. The new fort for the defence of New Haven harbor is being pushed forward with great rapidity. When finished, it is to mount eighteen guns of large calibre. Negro troops are now stationed at all the principal towns between Louisville and Henderson. Eighteen millions of new cents and six millions of two cent pieces have been coined within the last two months. Sarah Jane Smith, of Washington county, Arkansas, has been sentenced to be hung on the 25th of the present month, by a military commission, at St. Louis, for cutting Government telegraph wires. General Sherman telegraphed his wife on Thursday, November 10th, as follows: "I have received all your letters up to the 3d. I start to morrow. Write no more, and don't expect to hear from me, except through rebel sources, for some time to come. Good bye." Hon. Erastus Fairbanks, Ex-Governor of Vermont, who died a few days si
General Price. --A special dispatch from the Meridian Clarion, published in this paper on Saturday last, stated that Major-General Price died at Dooley's ferry, Lafayette county, Arkansas, on the 1st of December, 1864. A later account states that Major-General Price was at Cane Hill, Washington county, Arkansas, December 3. We are at a loss to know how General Price could be dead on the 1st and alive on the 3d ultimo.