Browsing named entities in Wiley Britton, Memoirs of the Rebellion on the Border 1863.. You can also browse the collection for Washington County, Ark. (Arkansas, United States) or search for Washington County, Ark. (Arkansas, United States) in all documents.

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ll great mortality among them skirmish with bushwhackers arrival of forage trains from white River horses eat each others manes and tails off the small-pox among the Indians very few of them vaccinated only a few cases among the white soldiers remarks on the disease the Government should stock with animals to furnish Vaccine virus for the army. On the morning of March 4th, Colonel Phillips, with an escort of one hundred men, set out for Fayetteville. The Union citizens of Washington county have called a mass meeting to be held at that place, and as that county is in his district, have invited him to be present, and to address them on current issues, and concerning their future prospects. Of course I have no means of knowing what advice he will give them, but it is easy to imagine that he will advise them to enroll every able-bodied loyal man in defence of their homes, to be vigilant and take every precaution against surprise by the enemy, to see to it that the troops s