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The Daily Dispatch: July 6, 1861., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: November 20, 1861., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
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The Daily Dispatch: July 6, 1861., [Electronic resource], Patriotic Move in West Baton Rouge. (search)
Patriotic Move in West Baton Rouge. --We learn from the West Baton Rouge Gazette and Comet, of the 21st, that the planters of West Baton Rouge parish have organized a Confederate League, and a number have signed the following agreement: We, the subscribers, agree to deliver, at the dates and places named below, to the agent of the Government, at the market prices, the military stores and provisions set down to our respective names, to be paid for in the eight per cent. bonds of the Confederate States: W. B. Robinson, 1st January, 1862, New Orleans, 100 hogsheads sugar, 200 barrels molasses. J. T. & W. Nolan, October and November, Memphis, 250 hogsheads centrifugal sugar, 300 barrels molasses. Wm. D. Winter, January, 1862, wherever wanted, 150 hogsheads sugar, 100 barrels molasses, 1,000 bushels corn. James R. Devail, January, 1862, New Orleans, 75 hogshead sugar, 100 barrels molasses. A. C. Woods, January, 1862, 70 hogsheads sugar, 100 barrels molas
Fatal accident. --The Baton Rouge (La.) Advocate, of the 10th, says: Dr. Drozin Cloatre, of the parish of St. Charles, was instantly killed by a kick from his horse. The accident occurred on the plantation of Capt. Trinidad, in the parish of West Baton Rouge, on Friday evening last.