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The Daily Dispatch: March 26, 1863., [Electronic resource] 1 1 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: April 27, 1863., [Electronic resource] 1 1 Browse Search
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son (War Democrat,) 4,483. Majority against Eastman, 624. Democratic gain 4,233. Republican loss 3,170. Marcy, (Dem.) is elected in the First, and Rolland and Paterson, (Cep.) in the Second and third disputers. The Republicans have 44 majority on joint ballot in the Legislature of New Hampshire. Last year it had 83. A special correspondent of the Chicago Times, writing from Washington, says Lincoln is certainly to be impeached at the opening of the next session of Congress. Chizens are arming to resist the arrest of deserter is in Noble county, Ohio. The New York World thinks the Conscription act involves odium to point of its personal effects, and is questionable in point of constitutional legality. The Herald, of the 26th, says the finances are in a very critical condition, and cannot be left as they are much longer. As to Hooker's army, the Herald says nothing is to be gained by an advance when the elements as well as the enemy have to be conquered.
The Daily Dispatch: April 27, 1863., [Electronic resource], The Views in the Northwest about peace (search)
regard to the peace feeling among the Yankees: There is a peace party at the North--a strong and active party, nearly equal — may be suite equal, or even numerically superior to this war party — and the bitterness between these parties is very intense, and the irreconcilable. But our informant does not believe that such fond will ever provoke any weapons more dangerous than words. He believes the conscript law will be enforced and that the malcontents will yield, like those in Noble county, Ohio, did yield, by flight, before the appearance of an armed and organized soldiery. He does not believe the Democrats will make fight, and regards the Chicago. Times and the organ of Ex Governor Modary, as already preparing to back squarely down "In obedience to the laws, and subject to the Constitutional" This is only an opinion, but our informant entertains it with great confidence. The Northern Democrat in favor of peace, and against Lincoln and the Abolitionists, and in favo