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The Convention.
The conclusion of Ex-President Tyler's speech on the Peace Propositions, yesterday, was an able argument against their adoption as a basis of adjustment.
He desires Virginia to present an ultimatum, containing full and ample demands, to the North and to the Border States, as the only condition of remaining in the Union.
The propositions were referred to the Committee on Federal Relations.
Secession resolutions from Lunenburg and Wythe counties were presented by Messrs. Neblett and Kent. A motion to take up a resolution upon the military defence of the State, offered on the 28th ult., by Mr. Richardson, was lost for want of a quorum.
The reports from the Committee on Federal Relations will come up for debate today.
House of Delegates.
Friday, March 22d, 1861.
The House was called to order at 10 o'clock, by Mr.Yerby.
A message was received from the Senate announcing the passage of a number of bills.
Senate bill transferring the Cacapon and North Branch Turnpike to the County Court of Hampshire, was passed.
Adverse reports were returned to the petition of Henry C. Perkins, of King George county; to the petition of Samuel E. Lee, of Lunenburg county; to the expediency of incorporating the American Agency.
The Orange and Alexandria Railroad was brought to the attention of the House by a motion of Mr. Barbour for its relief.
The bill proposes that the collection of the interest on $400,000 shall be deferred until 1864.
The mover explained the bill, and advocated its passage, saying that, on account of the condition of public affairs, the road receipts had been diminished, per month, from $60,000 to $25,000.
Mr.Magruder advocated the passage of the bill.
Similar o
General Assembly of Virginia.[extra session.]Senate.
Tuesday, April 2, 1861.
The Senate was called to order at the usual our by Mr. Johnson.
Mr. A. D. Dickinson reported a bill allowing the County Court of Lunenburg county a uniform and equip volunteer companies; A. Mr. Bruce, for the relief of W. H. Morton. Bills Passed.--Senate bill changing the time or holding counts in the Fifteenth Circuit; senate bill to incorporate the Cabell county Petroleum Company; to incorporate the town of Richburg, in the county of Wirt: to incorporate the Rocky Point and Howe Lime and Marble Manufacturing Company, in the county of Wirt: to incorporate the Old Dominion Mining and Manufacturing Company; to amend the charter of the Southwestern Bank of Virginia; incorporating the Staunton Savings Bank; to authorize Joseph Gushman to rebuild his mill; to incorporate the Great Kanawha Company, (limited,) in the county of Putnam; to amend the charter of the Bank of the Old Dominion; House bill
The Daily Dispatch: may 3, 1861., [Electronic resource], Somebody aroused. (search)
Somebody aroused.
--A correspondent informs us that the people of Lunenburg county are now fully aroused, and volunteers are rapidly flocking to the standard of their country.
The writer says:
"Two companies of Infantry have been organized under the command of Captains Orgain (Common wealth's Attorney) and Stockes, who are at present in Richmond, for the purpose of procuring arms and uniforms."
"The company of Cavalry, under Col. John Allen Stokes, needed only a few to make up the requisite number when we left the county, and we suppose it is also fully organized by this time."
"The delay in coming forward in the defence of our home and firesides, by the citizens of this county, has been occasioned by circumstances of a nature which we do not deem it necessary to mention, and not from any want of interest in the common welfare of every Southern man."
"The ladies of the county are also actively engaged, day and night, in plying the busy needle, in order to eq
Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch.Lunenburg a unit for secession. Lunenburg,Va., May 27.
In the daily issue of the Dispatch of Friday last, it was stated that "there was but one vote for the Union polled in Lunenburg county, and that was at Pleasant Grove."--Permit me to say that your correspondent was mistaken.
Lunenburg gave a larger vote than ever before, and every one was for secession.
Pleasant Grove.
committed to the Jail of this county, on the 24th day of April, as a runaway, a Negro calling himself Davy Wheeler, who says he is free and from Lunenburg county.
Said Negro is 5 feet 4½ inches high; about 55 years old; a dark brown color, and complains of his right knee being stiff.
He will be dealt with according to law.
Brown & Tyree.
je 19--2w* Chesterfield county, Va.
Committed to the Jail of this county, on the 24th day of April, as a runaway, a Negro calling himself Davy Wheeler, who says he is free and from Lunenburg county.
Said Negro is 5 feet 4½ inches high; about 55 years old; a dark brown color, and complains of his right knee being stiff.
He will be dealt with according to law.
Brown & Tyree, Jailors,
je 19--2w* Chesterfield county, Va.
The Daily Dispatch: June 24, 1861., [Electronic resource], Scarcity of cotton and the blockade. (search)
committed to the Jail of this county, on the 24th day of April, as a runaway, a Negro calling himself Davy Wheeler, who says he is free and from Lunenburg county.
Said Negro is 5 feet 4½ inches high; about 55 years old; a dark brown color, and complains of his right knee being stiff.
He will be dealt with according to law.
Brown & Tyree, Jailors,
je 19--2w* Chesterfield county, Va.,
committed to the Jail of this county, on the 24th day of April, as a runaway, a Negro calling himself Davy Wheeler, who says he is free and from Lunenburg county.
Said Negro is 5 feet 4½ inches high; about 65 years old; a dark brown color, and complains of his right knee being stiff.
He will be dealt with according to law.
Brown & Tyree, Jailors,
je 19--2w* Chesterfield county, Va.