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The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), Fire, sword, and the halter. (search)
ynchburg. On the 8th, General Breckenridge arrived at Rockfish Gap with a small force drawn from General Lee's army, and assumed command, and immediately began preparing for the defense of Lynchburg. General John McCausland, with his cavalry brigade, was ordered to keep in front of Hunter, and delay and harass him as much as possible, a task which he performed with signal ability, skill, and bravery. Hunter having sent General Duffie, with the brigade under his command, into the county of Nelson, east of the Blue Ridge and south of Rockfish Gap, I was ordered in pursuit and to protect Lynchburg, which was almost defenseless, from surprise by this cavalry detachment. The people of Nelson and Amherst counties, never having had the enemy before in their midst, were greatly excited and alarmed, and brought to me the wildest reports of the enemy's doings, and the most exaggerated accounts of his strength. Such information embarrassed me so much from its apparently authentic and yet of
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., The battle of New Market, Va., May 15th, 1864. (search)
the Blue Ridge from Staunton, through an unfrequented gap, at the head of Back Creek, twelve or fifteen miles south-west of Rockfish Gap. To my command was assigned the duty of looking after this brigade. With the exception of one or two light skirmishes, no collision occurred between us. Our rapid movement on Lynchburg doubtless saved it from capture by this cavalry force, as the town was then virtually defenseless. The second day after reaching the eastern base of the Blue Ridge in Nelson County this brigade retired through White's Gap, and rejoined Hunter at Lexington about the 12th of June. Hunter halted a day at Lexington to burn the Virginia Military Institute, Governor Letcher's residence, and other private property, and ordered the torch to be applied to Old Washington College, that had been endowed by the Father of his country. This was too much for many of his officers, and they protested, and thus the old college was saved, and is now The Washington and Lee Universi
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 20: Peace conference at Hampton Roads.--the campaign against Richmond. (search)
ammunition and pontoon trains to come over the mountains. That time was employed by his troops in destroying bridges, factories, depots, and the railway in the direction of Lynchburg, for about eight miles. satisfied that Lynchburg was too strong for him, Sheridan now divided his command, and pushed for the James River. One column, under General Devin, pressed rapidly to it at Scottsville, in Albemarle County, and the other by way of Lovingston, to the same stream at New Market, in Nelson County. The right column then proceeded along the canal to Duguidsville, hoping to cross the James there, over a bridge, but the vigilant Confederates had burned it; also one at Hardwicksville. The rains had made the River so full that Sheridan's pontoons could not span it, and he was compelled to choose whether to return to Winchester, or to pass behind Lee's Army to White House, and thence to the Army of the James, on Grant's right. He chose the latter course, and proceeding eastward, dest
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Sketches of operations of General John C. Breckinridge. (search)
s command moved by way of Richmond, Lynchburg and Charlottesville, to Rockfish gap, where the railroad from Staunton to Charlottesville crosses the Blue Ridge. While preparing to move on Hunter, General Breckinridge received information that the latter was moving to Lexington. Divining his purpose to be to attack Lynchburg, General Breckinridge, instead of pursuing, wisely concluded to get ahead of him; and to this end, marched to Lynchburg by the arc of the circle, through the counties of Nelson and Amherst. His interpretation of Hunter's design was correct, since he had scarcely reached Lynchburg before it was announced that Hunter was within a day's march. Fortunately, General Early, who had started for a diversion towards Maryland, also arrived with a portion of his corps the next day, and when Hunter appeared before the place, instead of finding it unprotected, he found a well organized force to defend it. On the 19th of June he made an attack, but was repulsed, and immediatel
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Cabell, James Laurence 1813- (search)
Cabell, James Laurence 1813- Sanitarian; born in Nelson county, Va., Aug. 26, 1813; graduated at the University of Virginia in 1833; studied medicine in Baltimore, Philadelphia, and Paris; and became Professor of Anatomy and Surgery in the University of Virginia. He was in charge of the Confederate military hospitals during the Civil War. When yellow fever broke out at Memphis he was appointed chairman of the National Sanitary Conference, and devised the plan which checked the spread of the epidemic. From 1879 till the time of his death, which occurred in Overton, Va., Aug. 13, 1889, he was president of the National Board of Health.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Pollard, Edward Albert 1828-1872 (search)
Pollard, Edward Albert 1828-1872 Journalist; born in Nelson county, Va., Feb. 27, 1828; graduated at the University of Virginia in 1849; studied law in Baltimore, Md., and was editor of the Richmond examiner in 1861-67. He was a stanch advocate of the Confederacy during the Civil War, but bitterly opposed Jefferson Davis's policy; was captured near the end of the war and held a prisoner for eight months. His publications include Letters of the Southern spy in Washington and elsewhere; Southern history of the War; Observations in the North; Eight months in prison and on parole; The lost cause; A New Southern history of the War of the Confederates; Lee and his Lieutenants; The lost cause regained; Life of Jefferson Davis, with the secret history of the Southern Confederacy; Black diamonds gathered in the Darky homes of the South; and The Virginia tourist. He died in Lynchburg, Va., Dec. 12, 1872.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Rives, William Cabell 1793- (search)
Rives, William Cabell 1793- Diplomatist; born in Nelson county, Va., May 4, 1793; was educated at Hampden-Sidney and William and Mary colleges; studied law under the direction of Jefferson, a member of the State constitutional convention in 1816; of the State legislature in 1817-19 and in 1822, and of Congress in 1823-29; was minister to France in 1829-32; and United States Senator in 1832-45. He was again minister to France in 1849-53. He sympathized with the secession movement, and in February, 1861, was a member of the peace congress. After Virginia joined the Confederacy, he became a member of the Confederate Congress. He died near Charlottesville, Va., April 25, 1868.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Tucker, St. George 1752-1828 (search)
but entered the public service at the beginning of the Revolutionary War, planning and assisting personally in the seizure of a large amount of stores in a fortification at Bermuda. He commanded a regiment at the siege of Yorktown, where he was severely wounded. After the war he became a Virginia legislator, a reviser and digester of the laws of Virginia, professor in the College of William and Mary, and member of the convention at Annapolis in 1786 which led to that of 1787 that framed the national Constitution. He was a judge in the State courts nearly fifty years, and of the court of appeals from 1803 to 1811. In 1813 he was made a judge of the United States district court. Judge Tucker was possessed of fine literary taste and keen wit, and he was a poet of no ordinary ability. He wrote some poetical satires under the name of Peter Pindar; also some political tracts; and in 1803 published an annotated edition of Blackstone. He died in Edgewood, Nelson co., Va., Nov. 10, 1828.
oposed was, to fight and overthrow any enemy that stood in the way, to seize upon Staunton, unite with Crook and Averell, and with the combined force occupy Charlottesville, from whence we might easily operate with our cavalry against the James River canal, and by crossing the river cut off the Southside railroad, thus cutting off the enemy from its chief source of supplies. The more extended plan, of moving on Lynchburg by the valley route from Staunton, or through the Piedmont counties of Nelson and Amherst, directly from Charlottesville, was discussed, but left for consideration after the first part of the programme should be accomplished. The occupation of Harrisonburg, the flank movement on Port Republic, the brilliant and decisive victory at Piedmont, and the junction with the forces under Crook and Averell, at Staunton, have all been described in a former report. The result of the battle at Piedmont was the virtual annihilation of the enemy's military power in West Virgin
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 21. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The muster roll [from the Staunton, Va., Vindicator, March 3, 1893.] (search)
Fix, living at Middlebrook. James Gabbert, killed at Second Manassas. Privates. Arehart, William, living at Brownsburg. Arehart, H. C., died of disease, August, 1861. Almarode, George S. Berry, John R., died since the war. Baylor, Charles W., living at Middlebrook. Baylor, George, killed at Cedar Mountain, 1862. Beard, John W., living at Moffett's Creek. Beard, William S., living at Riverside, Va. Bartley, John F., living. Buchanan, John W., living in Nelson county. Buchanan, George W., killed by lightning since the war. Brubeck, John, killed at Port Republic, 1862. Blakemore, John R., killed at Second Manassas, 1862. Baker, John, died of disease, 1863. Craig, Alex. S., died of disease, 1861. Carroll, Frank, living at Zack, Va. Clemmer, John C., died prisoner at Fort Delaware, 1864. Clemmer, George L., died since the war. Carson, William, living at Middlebrook. Dunlap, John C., died in Georgia since the war. Gay,