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Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative, Chapter 2: the battle of Bull Run (July, 1861) (search)
ohnston felt any reluctance to the movement, or had Patterson's attitude been in the least threatening, excuses would have been easy to make for non-compliance. But Johnston was a good soldier, and he lost no time in taking the road. He quickly arranged for the best route of march, and for the indispensable help of the railroad in moving his infantry. His leading brigade was under command of Jackson, soon to show the world the stuff of which he was formed, and to earn an immortal name. Jackson's brigade left camp at noon, and at ten o'clock that night bivouacked at Paris, 17 miles, fording the Shenandoah and crossing the Blue Ridge en route. This is an average of about one and three-quarters miles an hour and is an excellent march under the circumstances. The other three brigades, Bee's, Bartow's, and Elzey's, made about 13 miles, and encamped at the Shenandoah, itself a good march. Next morning, Friday, the 19th, Jackson's brigade covered the remaining six miles from Paris t
Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative, Chapter 14: fall of 1862 (search)
Political situation. Lincoln orders advance. a Confederate raid. Lincoln dissatisfied. condition of Confederates. reorganization. Lee moves to Culpeper. McClellan succeeded by Burnside. plan of campaign changed. Burnside's strength. Lee's strength. Sumner at Falmouth. non-arrival of pontoons. surrender demanded. earthworks erected. Jackson Arrives. Burnside's plan. Marye's Hill. building the bridges. the bombardment. the crossing made. Dec. 12. the plan changed. Jackson's line. Franklin advances. Gibbon supports Meade. Meade strikes Gregg. the counter-stroke. Jackson's proposed attack. casualties. on the Federal right. the Formations. French and Hancock charge. Howard charges. Sturgis charges. sunken road Reenforced. Griffin's charge. Humphreys's first charge. Humphreys's second charge. Humphreys's report. Tyler's report. Getty's charge. Hawkins's account. a Federal conference. Dec. 14, sharp-shooting. Dec. 15, Burnside Retreats. fla
Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative, Chapter 15: Chancellorsville (search)
Chapter 15: Chancellorsville Winter quarters. rations reduced. Hays's Louisiana brigade. officers' servants. Hooker's reorganization. Confederate organization. Hooker's plan of attack. Lee's proposed aggressive. Hooker crosses. Hooker's fatal mistake. Lee's prompt action. the Wilderness. Hooker advances. Lee's advance. Hooker Retreats. Hooker Intrenches. Lee Reconnoitres. Lee's plan of attack. Jackson's march. the movement discovered. Sickles advances. Jackson Deploys. Jackson attacks. Colquitt's blunder. Dowdall's Tavern. casualties. at Hooker's headquarters. defensive measures. Jackson Pauses. a cannonade. wounding of Jackson. Stuart in command. formation for attack. Sickles's midnight attack. Hooker's interior line. Hooker abandons Hazel Grove. Stuart attacks. assaults repulsed. Hazel Grove guns. Federals withdraw. Lee and Stuart meet. Sedgwick's advance. Wilcox on Taylor's Hill. assaults renewed. Early falls back. Salem Chur