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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 11. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 36. General Rousseau's expedition. (search)
nant-Colonel Patrick, of the Fifth Iowa. In the afternoon the march was continued over a rough, barren country, and in the evening the expedition reached the Coosa river at Greenport. Here it was expected that the rebels would attempt to delay us, if they could gather any force, as news of our approach had been no doubt sent foreference to present military operations. A small rebel force left Talladega a few hours before our approch, and moved down the railroad to the bridge over the Coosa river, our coming having been heard of, and the destruction of that bridge being supposed by them to be one of the objects of the expedition. They were unable, howevFifth Iowa, ably seconded General Rousseau throughout the expedition, and by their indefatigable efforts contributed materially to its success. In the fight of Coosa river and Chehaw Station they displayed coolness and courage, and were at all times energetic in the management of their respective brigades. The different regimen
neral Sherman proposed the abandonment and destruction of that place, with all the railroads leading to it, and telegraphed me as follows: Centreville, Ga., October 10--noon. Despatch about Wilson just received. Hood is now crossing Coosa river, twelve miles below Rome, bound west. If he passes over the Mobile and Ohio road, had I not better execute the plan of my lefter sent by Colonel Porter, and leave General Thomas, with the troops now in Tennessee, to defend the State? He willmuch more on the defensive than heretofore. U. S. Grant, Lieutenant-General. Major-General W. T. Sherman. Kingston, Ga., October 11--11 A. M. Hood moved his army from Palmetto station across by Dallas and Cedartown, and is now on the Coosa river, south of Rome. He threw one corps on my road at Acworth, and I was forced to follow. I hold Atlanta with the Twentieth corps, and have strong detachments along my line. This reduces my active force to a comparatively small army. We cannot
Pending these operations in Tennessee, the whole aspect of affairs about Atlanta had under-gone a change. Hood had crossed the Chattahoochee river, and had sent one corps of his army to destroy the railroad between Allatoona and Marietta, which he had effectually accomplished for a distance of over twenty miles, interrupting all communication between the forces in Tennessee, and the main army with General Sherman in Georgia. He then moved around south of Rome, to the west side of the Coosa river, and taking a north-easterly course, marched toward Summerville and Lafayette, threatening Chattanooga and Bridgeport. The following dispositions were made on the eleventh: Croxton's cavalry brigade was to move to some point sufficiently near his supplies at Athens, and not too far removed from the Tennessee river to protect its crossings from Decatur down as far as Eastport. Morgan's division of the Fourteenth corps to move without delay from Athens to Chattanooga by rail, and Steedm
the destruction of the public stores. Major Weston, of the Fourth Kentucky, with a small detachment of his regiment, made a rapid march toward Wetumpha, swam the Coosa and Tallapoosa rivers, and captured five steamboats and their cargoes, which were taken to Montgomery and destroyed. Early on the fourteenth the march was resumedtwenty-first. Moved towards Talladega, sending the Fourth Kentucky mounted infantry ahead before daybreak to seize the boats at Truss' and Collins' ferries, on Coosa river, which they did, driving the guard off, and by night that regiment had crossed. April twenty-second. By noon the command had crossed, and at sundown reachedcapturing three (3) guns and a number of prisoners, he moved toward Columbus, fought Wirt Adams near Eutaw; moved thence to Hanby's mill, on Black Warrior, crossed Coosa near Talladega, fought and dispersed Hill's forces between there and Blue Mountain, burned several factories and iron works, There are no iron works or factorie