Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 9. (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Gaylesville (Alabama, United States) or search for Gaylesville (Alabama, United States) in all documents.

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by Summerville and Melville Post-Office to Gaylesville; and the army of the Ohio and Garrard's cavlanow, Dirttown Valley, and Goover's Gap to Gaylesville. Hood, however, was little encumbered withneteenth, all the armies were grouped about Gaylesville, in the rich valley of the Chattooga, abounmy of the Cumberland was held in reserve at Gaylesville and all the troops were instructed to draw on the twentieth pushed on by two routes to Galesville, the Fifteenth corps moving to the right on try's service. When the army reached Galesville, Alabama, he was compelled, by aggravated symptoe artillery, so as to be able to move it. At Galesville, pursuant to directions from General Shermanral Morgan's division rejoined the corps at Gaylesville, Georgia. On the second of November, this ough Mellville, the corps went into camp at Gaylesville a little after dark, making a march of tweny-eighth, the corps remained in its camp at Gaylesville. At this place, ample subsistence for the [1 more...]
hip's Gap, Summerville, and Chattoogaville to Galesville, Alabama, where we remained from October twenty-first ost exclusively by foraging on the country. At Galesville, the Third brigade was sent out to search for onethirteenth. From Rome the command marched to Galesville, Alabama, passing through Resaca, Snake Creek Gap, Ship's Gap, and Summerville. At Galesville the troops remained in camp for several days, and were subsisted almore gathered from the surrounding country. From Galesville, on the twenty-eighth, the command marched back tey through Summerville, and went into camp at Galesville, Alabama, where we remained until the twenty-fourth, wat six A. M., marching eight miles, bivouacked at Gaylesville, and, in accordance with orders from General Schoth, twenty-sixth, and twenty-seventh, remained at Gaylesville. October twenty-eighth, at two P. M., crossed neteenth. October twentieth, division reached Galesville, Alabama, where it remained encamped till the twenty-n
a Allatoona. At that point, Colonel Fowler's brigade (the Third) was put on cars and sent forward. The division arrived at Rome the twelfth, and next day marched toward Resaca, reaching that place, and passing through it and Snake Gap on the fifteenth. We passed Villanow on the sixteenth, and stopped for the night in Ship's Gap, on Taylor's Ridge. On the seventeenth, we moved to La Fayette, and on the eighteenth, to Summerville; on the nineteenth, to Alpine, and on the twentieth, to Gaylesville, and on the twenty-first, moved out seven miles on Little River, and went into camp, where we remained till the twenty-fourth, when the division, with the First of this corps, went in the direction of Gadsden on a reconnoissance. On the twenty-fifth, this division having been left in reserve at Blount's Farm, was ordered forward to form on the right of the First division, which was five miles in our front, deployed, and sharply engaging the enemy with artillery, from points considerably