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John M. Schofield, Forty-six years in the Army, Chapter XVI (search)
for Columbus, Miss., and Selma, not absolutely to reach these points, but to divert or pursue according to the state of facts. If, however, Hood turns on you, you must act defensively on the line of the Tennessee. . . . I do not fear that the Southern army will again make a lodgment on the Mississippi. . . . The only hope of a Southern success is in the remote regions difficult of access. We have now a good entering wedge, and should drive it home. . . . Sherman to Grant. Gaylesville, Ala., October 22, 1864. I feel perfectly master of the situation here. I still hold Atlanta and the road, with all bridges and vital points well guarded, and I have in hand an army before which Hood has retreated precipitately down the valley of the Coosa. It is hard to divine his future plans; but by abandoning Georgia, and taking position with his rear to Selma, he threatens the road from Chattanooga to Atlanta, and may move to Tennessee by Decatur. He cannot cross the Tennessee ex
John M. Schofield, Forty-six years in the Army, Index (search)
st Point, 3 Garfield, James Abram, election and inauguration, 447, 450; abolishes the Division of the Gulf, 451; assassination, 453 Garnett, Col. Robert S., commandant of cadets at West Point, 15 Gaylesburg, Ga., Sherman at, 326 Gaylesville, Ala., Sherman at, 318 General, the rank of, 538 Generals, as politicians, 355 Geologists, the God-hating, 9 Georgia, abandoned by Hood, 163, 164, 309, 318, 332, 333; Sherman's plans and operations in, 252, 254, 285, 299 et seq., 314, movement against Beauregard, 311; S.'s objections to his plans, 313, 314, 323 et seq.; innocence of ravages after Lee's surrender, 314; share in the subjection of the South, 314, 315; at Cartersville, 315; theory of war, 317; at Rome, 318; at Gaylesville, 318; to destroy railroads in Georgia, 319, 322; moves to Kingston, 320; burns Rome, 321; moves from Atlanta, 322; impatience, 322; military genius, 324, 330-342, 344, 355-358; his policy indorsed by success, 323; relations with and opinions o