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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 11. (ed. Frank Moore) 6 0 Browse Search
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arched via Arkadelphia to Mulberry Fork, crossing at Hanley's mills; eighteenth, marched to and crossed Little Warrior, at Menters Ferry ; nineteenth, moved to Mount Pinson, fourteen miles north of Elyton; twentieth, moved via Trussville and Cedar Grove, and arrived at Talladega on the twenty-second. On the twenty-third moved toding no boats but a few canoes with which we began crossing, and were over by sundown next day (nineteenth), all the command except the Eighth Iowa encamping at Mt. Pinson, fourteen miles north of Elyton. Here I learned that the corps had taken Montgomery, and gone east. Destroyed the foundry and nitre works near Mt. Pinson. Mt. Pinson. April twentieth. Moved via Trussville and Cedar Grove, thence three miles on the Montevalle road to make the impression that we were going that way. April twenty-first. Moved towards Talladega, sending the Fourth Kentucky mounted infantry ahead before daybreak to seize the boats at Truss' and Collins' ferries, on Coosa river