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Your search returned 11 results in 11 document sections:
but sometimes
make mistakes.” “That is because you argue like a
pettifogger, Socrates. Why, to take the nearest example, do you call one who
is mistaken about the sick a physician in respect of his mistake or one who
goes wrong in a calculation a calculator when he goes wrong and in respect
of this error? Yet that is what we say literally—we say that the
physicianFor the idea cf. Rousseau's Emile, i.:
“On me dira . . . que les fautes sont du medecin, mais que la
medicine en elle-meme est infaillible. A al bonne heure; mais qu'elle
vienne donc sans le medecin.” Lucian, De Parasito 54, parodies this
reasoning. erred and the calculator and the schoolmaster. But the
truth, I take it, is, that each
since what they now tell us
is neither true nor edifying to men who are destined to be
warriors.” “Yes, we must,” he said.
“Then,” said I, “beginning with this verse we
will expunge everything of the same kind:
Liefer were I in the fields up above to be serf to
Tiller of some poor plot which yields him a scanty subsistence,
Than to be ruler and king over all the dead who have perished,
Aesch. Frag. 350Spoken by Achilles when Odysseus sought to console him for
his death. Lucian,
Dialog. Mort
. 18, develops the idea. Proclus comments on it for a
“The appropriate one,” said I, “for a man
who did not know that it was not from ignorance or inacquaintance with this
type of medicine that Aesculapius did not discover it to his descendants,
but because he knew that for all well-governed peoples there is a work
assigned to each man in the city which he must perform, and no one has
leisure to be sickCf. Plutarch, De
sanitate tuenda 23, Sophocles, fr. 88. 11 (?), Lucian, Nigrinus 22,
differently; Hotspur's, “Zounds! how has he the leisure to be
sick?” and doctor himself all his days. And this we
absurdly enough perceive in the case of a craftsman, but don't see in the
case of the rich and so-called fortunate.” “How