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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 6. (ed. Frank Moore) 83 3 Browse Search
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories 55 1 Browse Search
Wiley Britton, Memoirs of the Rebellion on the Border 1863. 38 0 Browse Search
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.) 32 0 Browse Search
Col. John M. Harrell, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 10.2, Arkansas (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 30 0 Browse Search
Col. John C. Moore, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 9.2, Missouri (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 18 0 Browse Search
Edward Alfred Pollard, The lost cause; a new Southern history of the War of the Confederates ... Drawn from official sources and approved by the most distinguished Confederate leaders. 9 1 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2. 8 0 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II. 8 0 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3. 6 0 Browse Search
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Second Kansas cavalry, and capture of Gen. Cooper's artillery the battle of Cane Hill brave charge of Col. Lewis R. Jewell, Sixth Kansas cavalry his mortal wound and death remarks on his character after the battle of Cane Hill, Gen Blunt orders his trains to Rhea's Mills couriers sent to Gen. Herron to bring forwaPassing over minor engagements and skirmishes, we come next to the battles of Cane Hill and Prairie Grove. The battle of Cane Hill took place November 29th. ThougCane Hill took place November 29th. Though we drove the enemy through the mountains from position to position all day, we gained nothing of consequence, since we lost one of the bravest and best officers of be more deserving of a monument than. Colonel Jewell. After the battle of Cane Hill, General Blunt ordered forward all his trains from Camp Moonlight to Rhea's Mills, eight miles north of Cane Hill. All the troops of his division, except some detachments which were posted to guard the principal passes in the mountains to t
f our remaining here several days, as we hear that there is going to be shortly a reorganization of the Army of the Frontier. Gen. Blunt has been relieved, and bade his troops farewell to-day, and, with his staff and escort, started to Forts Scott and Leavenworth. On account of his personal bravery and the brilliant achievements of his campaign, he has greatly endeared himself to his troops. I speak from personal knowledge of his bravery. He was to the front all day during the battle of Cane Hill, and was only a few yards from Col. Jewell when he fell mortally wounded. At Prairie Grove too, he was on the field all the afternoon in dangerous positions, directing the movements of his troops. And at Dripping Springs he was at the front with us when we charged the enemy's camp, and rode with the advance squadrons when we dashed into Van Buren. How well he would succeed in a campaign which required of the Commanding General that every movement of his troops should be made with a dist
flour for distribution among those whose necessities are most pressing. He also occasionally makes a tour of personal inspection among the refugees, that he may know from his own observation something of the condition of those whom the fortunes of war have driven to seek our protection. Yesterday evening (17th) a detachment of cavalry guarding a supply train from Cross Hollows, near Pea Ridge, with rations for this command, brought information that General Marmaduke, whom we fought at Cane Hill last November, attacked Springfield, Missouri, on the 8th instant, with a force of three or four thousand rebel cavalry and artillery. General E. B. Brown who commanded our troops, nearly all of whom were Missouri State Militia, made a gallant defense of the place, and repulsed the enemy after a day of fighting and skirmishing. General Marmaduke captured two unimportant positions in the southern quarter of the city, but after some sharp fighting his men were soon driven from them. Our
Creek, on the 22d of last August. Though he knew that the ball had not been found by the surgeons who made a partial diagnosis of the wound, and knowing too that the ball, wherever it had lodged, had had the effect of producing at different times, queer sensations of dizziness and numbness of certain muscles, yet with all these serious premonitions of his approaching end, he preferred to remain with his company as long as he could stand upon his feet. He fell paralyzed at the battle of Cane Hill, at a place where his company was required to dismount and scale the mountain on foot, in order to dislodge the enemy from a certain position. I am perfectly conscious that if these few simple words referred to the sufferings and death of some general officer instead of a private soldier, they would be read by many with greater eagerness, and touch deeper their sympathetic emotions. But he was my brother, and I would be recreant to my conscience, were I not, in passing, to mention that n
es rebel raid on Neosho and capture of negroes a deserter from the enemy gives position and strength of their forces the enemy's wounded from Prairie Grove at Cane Hill still great mortality among them skirmish with bushwhackers arrival of forage trains from white River horses eat each others manes and tails off the small-p enemy in force. Captain John Rogers, of the battalion Sixth Kansas cavalry, with a detachment of two hundred men, returned yesterday evening (13th) from beyond Cane Hill, in the Boston Mountains, and reports having met with no signs of the enemy. He saw, however, at Cane Hill a large number of the rebel wounded that were taken tCane Hill a large number of the rebel wounded that were taken to that place last December from the battle-field of Prairie Grove. We have heard that a large percentage of the rebel wounded-probably nearly as many as General Hindman left on the field --have died in the hospitals there during the past winter. It may be that the mortality is not unusually high for the number wounded. If they h
n was received here yesterday evening that a rebel force of one hundred men were seen the day before in the vicinity of Cane Hill. Colonel Phillips immediately sent out a detachment of cavalry under Captain Fred Crafts to discover the movements ofl Phillips has information leading him to believe that the rebel force which was seen a few days ago in the vicinity of Cane Hill, has gone north, possibly with the view of attacking our train. A man was found dead to-day just outside the limitsinity, our troops having well-nigh exhausted the supply when we were encamped near here last fall, before the battle of Cane Hill. When we leave here we shall march to Illinois river, twelve miles south. To-day, March 23d, a number of officers xth Kansas cavalry, with about two hundred men, returned last night from Dutch Mills, a small place a few miles west of Cane Hill, and right on the line of Arkansas and the Cherokee Nation. We wore sent out two days ago with the view of ascertainin
the west side of Grand River are too distant for an enemy to shell us with much effect with ordinary field artillery. In a few weeks therefore our position can be made quite a strong one. But the presence of General Cabell in the vicinity of Cane Hill a few days ago, with upwards of a thousand cavalry; and the force under General Cooper near us on the opposite side of the Arkansas River, in the vicinity of Webber's Falls, looks as if Colonel Phillips will be required to display great firmnesas Cavalry, and a section of Hopkins' battery, joined Colonel Schaurte beyond Park Hill. Colonel Harrison, commanding at Fayetteville, was also expected to join Colonel Schaurte near the State line. These troops were to attack the enemy near Cane Hill, if he seemed disposed to give battle. But after nearly a week of hard marching, the expedition under Colonel Schaurte returned to this post, having had only a slight skirmish with the enemy. The troops were much fatigued and hungry when they
side; though all our troops that participated, behaved with the utmost coolness during the entire battle. The Sixth Kansas cavalry suffered more than the rest of our cavalry on account of having been assigned to the task of turning the enemy's left flank, which they did handsomely by sweeping down upon them in a saber charge. General Blunt is familiar with the fighting qualities of the Sixth, as he was only a few rods from Colonel Jewell when he fell leading his regiment at the battle of Cane Hill, the 29th of last November. But I will not endeavor to bestow undue praise upon the Sixth regiment because I happen to belong to it, for I know that every regiment of Kansas troops in the division with which I have served, have acted with conspicuous bravery upon every field. Our loss in this engagement was seventeen killed and sixty wounded. The loss of the enemy was 150 left dead upon the field, and 400 wounded and seventy-seven prisoners. And we captured from him one piece of artil
November 28. The battle of Cane Hill, Ark., was fought by the Union forces under General Blunt, and the rebel troops under the command of General Marmaduke, which resulted in a retreat of the latter with considerable loss.--(Doc. 34.) This morning, while doing picket-duty near Hartwood Church, about fifteen miles from Falmouth, Va., the first and third squadrons of the Third Pennsylvania cavalry, belonging to General Averill's brigade, were suddenly attacked by a numerically superior force of rebel cavalry, and after a brief resistance, in which four of the Unionists were killed and nine wounded, were finally taken prisoners. An important reconnoissance was this day made by a large Union force under the command of General Stahel, to Upperville, Paris, Ashby's Gap, Snickersville, Berryville, etc.--(Doc. 50.) An expedition consisting of five thousand infantry and two thousand cavalry, under the command of General A. P. Hovey, yesterday left Helena, Ark., and to-day
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., chapter 5.63 (search)
Little Rock without further delay. Hindman, however, had made up his mind to attack Blunt before obeying Holmes's order. He had already sent Marmaduke toward Cane Hill with a division of cavalry; and skirmishing was taking place almost daily between him and Blunt, who had some 7000 or 8000 men. At last Blunt attacked in force on the 28th of November, and drove Marmaduke back to the vicinity of Van Buren. Blunt then took position at Cane Hill. Hindman resolved to attack him there with his whole available force. Leaving Van Buren on the 3d of December with 9000 infantry, 2000 cavalry, and 22 pieces of artillery, about 11,500 men in all, he drove in Bl north side of that river. He immediately ordered Herron, who was encamped with two divisions of the Army of the Frontier near Springfield; to come instantly to Cane Hill. That excellent officer broke camp on the morning of the 3d, and, marching 110 miles in 3 days, reached Elkhorn on the evening of the 6th of December. There