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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The treatment of prisoners during the war between the States. (search)
t, 1864, six hundred of us were selected and sent to Morris' Island, in Charleston harbor, to be placed under the fire of our own batteries. We were in high spirits at starting, for we firmly believed .we were soon to be exchanged for a like number of the enemy in Charleston, In some instances men gave their gold watches to some of the lucky ones, as they were termed, to be allowed to go in their places. On the evening of the 20th we were all (600) stowed away between decks of the steamer Crescent. Bunks had been fixed up for us. They were arranged in three tiers along the whole length of the ship, two rows of three tiers each on each side of the vessel, leaving a very narrow passageway, so narrow that two men could with difficulty squeeze by each other. In the centre of the rows the lower and centre tiers of bunks were shrouded in continual night, the little light through the port holes being cut off by the upper tier of bunks. My bunk, which was about five feet ten inches square
s brigade, and the remains of Jackson's, which had fallen to pieces in the night, were there. The regiments of Gladden's brigade were represented by small bands of one or two hundred men, under various commanders. Colonel Deas, with 224 men of Gladden's brigade, was aided by the Fourth Kentucky, which had become detached from Trabue's brigade. In a charge he lost half of them. The First Tennessee from Stephens's brigade, the One Hundred and Fifty-fourth Tennessee from Johnson's, and the Crescent Regiment from Pond's, which had so distinguished itself on the left centre the previous afternoon, were found mingled in the confused and bloody conflict on the right. Chalmers was at one time detached from the command of his own brigade by General Withers, in order to lead one of these conglomerate commands; and Colonel Wheeler had charge of two or three regiments thrown together. General Withers strove, with great gallantry and skill, to bring order out of all this confusion; but in vai
danger has been found and glory to be won, the heroes who have fought for immortality have been distinguished by some emblem to which every victory added a new lustre. They looked upon their badge with pride, for to it they had given its fame. In the homes of smiling peace it recalled the days of courageous endurance and the hours of deadly strifeand it solaced the moment of death, for it was a symbol of a life of heroism and self-denial. The poets still sing of the Templar's cross, the Crescent of the Turks, the Chalice of the hunted Christian, and the White plume of Murat, that crested the wave of valor sweeping resistlessly to victory. Soldiers! to you is given a chance in this Spring Campaign of making this badge immortal. Let History record that on the banks of the James thirty thousand freemen not only gained their own liberty but shattered the prejudice of the world, and gave to the Land of their birth Peace, Union, and Liberty. Godfrey Weitzel, [Official.] Major-Ge
he engines cold and fires unlit. I had full time, but my good luck — the first since I started-put me in a glow, and I stepped out in a juvenile pace that would have done credit to the Boy in training days. As I came nearer, my mercury went rapidly down to zero. Every car was jammed, aisles packed and box-cars crowded even on top. The doorways and platforms were filled with long rows of gray blankets that smelt suggestively human! Crowds of detained passengers and three companies of the Crescent guard had taken their places at midnight, and slept with a peacefulness perfectly aggravating. As I walked ruefully by the windows, there was no hope! Every seat was filled, and every passenger slept the sleep of the just; and their mixed and volleyed snoring came through, Keeping time, time, time, In a sort of Runic rhyme. There was no sort of use. I'd have to try the Express, and deep was my chuckle as I reread my friend Grimes' remarkable production. It would be an oasis in th
t the enemy, in much superior force, were about surrounding them, they immediately took about ten prominent citizens prisoners as hostages and retreated. The prisoners included Dr. William L. Breckinridge, the President of the college, and his two sons. One of these was John Breckinridge, who a few years ago had a duel with one Leavenworth, of New-York, in Canada, whom he wounded, and at a later time, while editing the Courier in New-Orleans, had another duel with Nixon, the editor of the Crescent, and in which Breckinridge was wounded. The detachment then fell back toward Port Gibsor with the prisoners, traversing a broken country in the night, and skirmishing with the enemy all the way About ten o'clock Major Kiernan, of Wright's regiment, was severely wounded in the shoulder and thrown from his horse. At two A. M. they reached Port Gibson. They held possession at ten A. M., when they ascertained that the enemy were about surrounding the town. The place being indefensible, Co
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., Jackson's foot-cavalry at the Second Bull Run. (search)
urteous but firm; he listened to my story with more attention than I could have expected, but attached my person all the same. Better stay with us, my boy, and if you do your duty I'll make it right with your company officers when the fight's over. They won't find fault with you when they know you've been in with the Pelicans, he added, as he assigned me to company F. The command was as unlike my own as it was possible to conceive. Such a congress of nations only the cosmopolitan Crescent City could have sent forth, and the tongues of Babel seemed resurrected in its speech; English, German, French, and Spanish, all were represented, to say nothing of Doric brogue and local gumbo. There was, moreover, a vehemence of utterance and gesture curiously at variance with the reticence of our Virginians. In point of fact, we burned little powder that day, and my promised distinction as a Pelican pro tem. was cheaply earned. The battalion did a good deal of counter-marching, and some
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., chapter 6.79 (search)
ella, Calhoun, Kinsman, and Diana, were quickly built, equipped, turned over to the navy, and sent to Berwick Bay, under Commander T. McKean Buchanan. When all was ready Weitzel took transports, under convoy, landed below Donaldsonville, entered the town, and on the 27th of October moved on Thibodeaux, the heart of the district. At Georgia Landing, two miles above Labadieville, he encountered the Confederates under Brigadier-General Alfred Mouton, consisting of the 18th and 33d Louisiana, Crescent and Terre Bonne regiments, Ralston's and Semmes's batteries, and 2d Louisiana Cavalry,--in all reported by Mouton as 1392 strong; they had taken up a defensive position on both sides of the bayou. After a short but spirited engagement, Mouton's force was routed and pursued about four miles. Mouton then called in his other troops, burned the bridges, and evacuated the district, Buchanan's gun-boats having been prevented by a gale from arriving in time to cut off the retreat. Mouton's repor
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 4: seditious movements in Congress.--Secession in South Carolina, and its effects. (search)
of Southern productions of the earth, and over and around them the words, the wealth of the South--Rice, tobacco, sugar, and Cotton. On the day when the Ordinance of Secession was passed, the Convention adopted a banner for the new empire. It was composed of red and blue silk, the former being the ground of the standard, and the latter, in the form of a cross, bearing fifteen stars. The largest star was for South Carolina. On the red field were a silver Palmetto and Crescent. The Crescent was placed in the South Carolina flag in 1775, under the following circumstances:--The Provincial Council had taken measures to fortify Charleston, after the Royal Governor was driven away. As there was no national flag at the time, says General Moultrie, in his Memoirs, I was desired by the Council of Safety to have one made, upon which, as the State troops were clothed in blue, and the fort [Johnson, on James Island] was garrisoned by the First and Second Regiments, who wore a silver cre
Charles Congdon, Tribune Essays: Leading Articles Contributing to the New York Tribune from 1857 to 1863. (ed. Horace Greeley), Slaveholding Virtues. (search)
know what a Thug is. He is a gentleman of Eastern origin who finds his principal pleasure in playing such scurvy tricks upon travelers as murder and robbery. What does he do in the West when he should serve his lord and master, the devil, in the East? Why is he not operating in New England? We do n't know. We only know that he is said to be fearfully lively in New Orleans just now. Particularly is mentioned a certain Red Bill (or William Rufus, we suppose,) who for many years in this Crescent City has performed a crescendo of crime, murdering, whenever and whomsoever he pleased, with artistic enthusiasm, and finally closing his career of glorious guilt by flinging a loyal person into the river to be drowned. Hitherto William the Red has pursued enthusiastically his brilliant career with no let or hindrance. How many people he has drowned, how many bushels of brains he has scattered, how many hearts the ball from his friendly pistol has perforated, into whose bowels his bowie-k
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 2. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 125.-Southern Bank Convention. (search)
e gentlemen representing their several Banks to register their names, whereupon the following delegates presented themselves: Alabama.--Central Bank of Alabama, Wm. Knox, Charles T. Pollard. Florida.--None. Georgia.--Planters' Bank of the State of Georgia, R. R. Cuyler; Central Railroad and Banking Company of Georgia, R. R. Cuyler; Bank of Commerce, G. B. Lamar; Bank of Columbus, G. B. Lamar; Mechanics' Bank of Augusta, Thomas S. Metcalf; Bank of Augusta,---------. Louisiana.--Crescent City Bank, W. C. Tompkins, J. O. Nixon. North Carolina.--Bank of the State of North Carolina, G. W. Mordecai; Bank of Cape Fear, W. A. Wright; Farmers' Bank of North Carolina, W. A. Caldwell; Bank of Yanceyville, Thomas D. Johnston; Bank of Clarendon, John D. Williams; Commercial Bank of Wilmington, O. G. Parsley; Bank of Washington, James E. Hoyt; Miners' and Planters' Bank, A. T. Davidson. South Carolina.--Bank of the State of South Carolina, C. M. Furman; Bank of South Carolina, C.
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