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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., With Slemmer in Pensacola Harbor. (search)
rt of it, the little old Spanish fort, San Carlos de Barrancas. About a mile and a half east of this is the village of Warrington, William Conway, the man who refused to haul down the Union flag at the Pensacola Navy Yard. From a sketch from lifehallenged and not answering nor halting when ordered, the party was fired upon by the guard and ran in the direction of Warrington, their footsteps resounding on the plank walk as the long roll ceased and our company started for the fort at double-qus, not even so far as to let us have the marines, as he had promised. The excitement at the yard and in the village of Warrington was intense and was increasing daily, and the commodore was nearly distracted. He was desirous of doing his duty, and d by night do picket or patrol duty or stand by the guns. They were nearly tired out Confederate water Battery near Warrington, Pensacola Harbor. From a war-time photograph captured at Mobile in 1864 by Admiral Farragut. with hard work and want
News, where they shelled the camp of the Second Louisiana regiment, completely destroying it, and causing much havoc among the rebels.--(Doc. 184.) The Second regiment of cavalry N. Y. S. V., Black horse cavalry, under the command of Colonel A. J. Morrison, left Camp Strong, near Troy, for the seat of war. Previous to their departure the troops were presented with an elegant stand of colors. Col. Morrison is an officer of considerable military experience. He served in the Mexican war, in the expeditions of Lopez and Walker, and with Garibaldi in Italy. On his return to the United States he was authorized to raise a regiment of cavalry, which he has designated the Black horse cavalry, and which is now the second regiment of volunteer cavalry of New York. Fort Pickens opened fire upon the rebel steamer Time, just as she entered the Navy yard at Warrington, Fla., and was answered by the rebels at Forts Barrancas and McRae. The firing continued upon both sides nearly all day.
November 23. The bombardment of the rebel Forts McRae and Barrancas was continued from Fort Pickens and the National ships in Pensacola harbor. Fort McRae was completely silenced, and Barrancas and the Navy yard at Warrington very much damaged. The town of Warrington was destroyed, together with the rebel rifle works at that place. Fort Pickens sustained no damage beyond the disabling of one gun. The loss on the Union side was one killed and six wounded.--(Doc. 191.) Brig.-Gen. H. Warrington was destroyed, together with the rebel rifle works at that place. Fort Pickens sustained no damage beyond the disabling of one gun. The loss on the Union side was one killed and six wounded.--(Doc. 191.) Brig.-Gen. H. H. Lockwood, in command of the Union force on the eastern shore of Virginia, issued a proclamation, by which the various officers of the civil government in that locality were restored to the exercise of their functions interrupted by the ordinance of secession. This expedition accomplished important results without bloodshed. Ten pieces of cannon were captured, eight of them new and in good condition; also a thousand stand of arms, rebel flags, &c.--(Doc. 185.) The Confederate gunboat
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 7: Secession Conventions in six States. (search)
with death. Before the Ordinance of Secession was passed, the Governor of Florida (Perry) made secret preparations, in conjunction with the Governor of Alabama, to seize the national property within the limits of the State. This consisted of Fort Jefferson, at the Garden Key, Tortugas; Fort Taylor, at Key West; Forts Pickens, McRee, and Barrancas, near the entrance to Pensacola Bay (a fine expanse of water at the mouth of the Escambia River), and the Navy Yard, at the little village of Warrington, five miles from the entrance to the Bay. He ascertained that the defenders and defenses of Forts Jefferson and Taylor were too strong for any force Florida might send against them, so he prudently confined his efforts to the harbor of Pensacola. He issued orders, immediately after the passage of the Ordinance of Secession, for the seizure of these forts and the Navy Yard, and disloyal men were in them ready to assist in the work. Fortunately, the command of the forts was in the hands o
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 15: siege of Fort Pickens.--Declaration of War.--the Virginia conspirators and, the proposed capture of Washington City. (search)
ry, it was announced that the insurgents had actually seized the Navy Yard at Warrington, and Forts Barrancas and MCRee, and were menacing Fort Pickens, he consented in the case of the Hungarian, Martin Kostza), had charge of the Navy Yard at Warrington. On the day of Lieutenant Worden's arrival there, Captain Adams had dined wiicer was sent with him to the General's Headquarters at the Naval Hospital at Warrington (whither they had been conveyed in a small steamer), where he arrived at ten That officer had been kept acquainted with affairs in the insurgent camp at Warrington by Richard Wilcox, a loyal watchman at the Navy Yard, who addressed him over er in a steamboat (the same that conveyed Lieutenant Worden from Pensacola to Warrington) and escalade the fort at an hour when the sergeant and his confederates woulnd its way into the fort. In that paper was a letter from a correspondent at Warrington, in which the intended attack on Fort Pickens was mentioned. Slemmer prepare
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 4: military operations in Western Virginia, and on the sea-coast (search)
on the coast, and at others by firing on some supply-vessel of the Confederates, moving in Pensacola Bay. On the night of the 2d of September, 1861. a party from Fort Pickens, under Lieutenant Shepley, burned the Dry Dock at the Navy Yard at Warrington; and, on the night of the 13th of the same month, about one hundred men, under Lieutenant John H. Russell, of Commodore Merwin's flagship Colorado, crossed over to the Navy Yard, and before daylight boarded a large schooner (the Judah), which wFort McRee. The fire of Pickens was less rapid, but more effective than the day before. McRee made no response, and the other forts and the batteries answered feebly. At three o'clock in the afternoon, a dense smoke arose from the village of Warrington, on the west of the Navy Yard, and at about the same time buildings in Wolcott, at the north of the yard, were in flames. These villages were fired by the missiles from the fort, and large portions of them, as well as of the Navy Yard, were la
e bar. The names and nativity of the crew are as follows: Oliver Ruse, carpenter, aged twenty-one, born in Charleston; Wm. Dangler, cook, aged twenty-six, born in Redbank, N. J.; Peter Parry, seaman, aged eighteen, born in South Carolina--was on the Jeff. Davis; James McGivern, seaman, aged twenty-two, born in Liverpool; John Burns, seaman, aged forty-five, born in Dublin; John Conway, seaman, aged thirty, born in Philadelphia; joined a French company of Zouaves in New Orleans; went to Warrington, deserted, arrived in Charleston destitute, and enlisted on the Beauregard from necessity; Daniel Culle, seaman, aged sixteen, born in Glasgow; Henry F. Randolph, seaman, aged twenty-five, born in New York — he is deaf; was seduced on board, and not allowed to leave the vessel; Wm. Boyd, seaman, aged twenty-six years, born in Ireland; Charles Butcher, seaman, aged twenty years, born in Prussia, was formerly on the steamer Isabel, running between Havana, Key West, and Charleston; he testifi
About three o'clock fire was communicated to one of the houses in Warrington, and shortly afterwards to the church steeple, the church and thenight, the whole sky is illuminated by the burning of the town of Warrington and the Navy Yard. The former has been burning since two P. M., and quartermaster stores, which are unharmed. A gentleman from Warrington and the Navy Yard has just come up. He left at three o'clock, andch all day paying their respects to the yard and the batteries at Warrington. Gen. Bragg visited the batteries yesterday after the action ceam frigate. I have just learned by the glass that the fire in Warrington is the Baptist Church. P. S.--The Episcopal Church and the r shore, But larger ones may venture more Nearly the whole of Warrington has been reduced to ashes by the enemy's shot and shell. None of are led to believe that somebody is hurt. A gentleman just from Warrington confirms the report that the firing of the enemy is very bad, and
had has been paid, from time to time, for food and trivial comforts to the family of his jailer. The subject of this paragraph is one of the most efficient officers in the service, and came to be imprisoned in this way:--The Government at Washington — which never mentions him in his despatches — sent Mr. Worden from the National Capital expressly to order the reinforcement of Fort Pickens. His despatches were addressed to Capt. Adams, of the Sabine. He arrived safely at Pensacola — at Warrington — at the Headquarters of Gen. Bragg, on the very day that Gen. Bragg, Commodore Ingraham of the Confederate Navy, and Capt. Adams of the Sabine, had dined together. Worden, fearing trouble, read his orders two or three times, committed them to memory, and tore them up. He told Bragg he was a courier from the U. S. Government to the Commander-in-Chief of the United States naval forces in Florida, and wanted to go on board the Sabine. You can go on one condition, sir, said the General. I
ent. Several of the squadron were present, but took no part in the fight, and it is as well they did not, for nothing could have been gained, and probably much would have been lost had they attempted to have opposed their wooden sides to stone walls and earthworks. The bombardment was the old story of fort against fort, at a distance too great for any decisive result. We gain nothing, yet expend a great amount of powder, shot, and shell, and they the same. Apart from the burning of Warrington, the navy-yard, and Woolsey, I doubt if we have done them any injury worth speaking of; and as for Fort Pickens, it is as strong as before the first bombardment. There were but few, if any, incidents worth recording during this affair. Colonel Brown, by way of bravado, suspended a light outside of the Fort, that the rebels might better see where to fire at. What his reasons were for so doing he alone knows. No doubt they were good ones. I can not see what benefit can accrue from thes
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