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Eliza Frances Andrews, The war-time journal of a Georgia girl, 1864-1865, V. In the dust and ashes of defeat (may 6-June 1, 1865). (search)
ound the country so infested with robbers and bushwhackers and Kirke's lambs, that she dared not venture three miles beyond Athens. The Yankees have committed such depredations there that the whole country is destitute and the people desperate. The poor are clamoring for bread, and many of them have taken to bushwhacking as their only means of living. Mrs. Cumming traveled from Union Point to Barnett in the same car with Mr. Stephens. The Yankee guard suffered him to stop an hour at Crawfordville [his home], in order to collect some of his clothing. As soon as his arrival became known, the people flocked to see him, weeping and wringing their hands. All his negroes went out to see him off, and many others from the surrounding plantations. Mrs. Cumming says that as the train moved off, all along the platform, honest black hands of every shape and size were thrust in at the window, with cries of Good-by, Mr. Stephens; Far'well, Marse Aleck. All the spectators were moved to tear
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), How Jefferson Davis was overtaken. (search)
s directed to deliver his prisoner safely into the custody of the Secretary of War. I also placed in his charge the person of Clement C. Clay, Jr., for whose arrest a reward had been offered by the President. Mr. Clay surrendered himself at Macon, about the 11th of May, having informed me by telegraph, from Western Georgia, the day before, that he would start for my headquarters without delay. Alexander it. Stephens, Vice President of the Confederacy, was arrested by General Upton, at Crawfordsville, about the same time, and also placed in charge of Colonel Pritchard; but he and Davis were not brought into personal contact, both expressing the desire that they might be spared that pain. General Upton was charged with making the necessary arrangements for forwarding the prisoners and escort safely to Savannah, to the department of General Gilmore. In order to cut off all hope of escape an escort of twenty-five picked men were specially charged with the safety of Davis, while eig
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 2: preliminary rebellious movements. (search)
mbs and Cobb, and for other demagogues, he added:--Some of our public men have failed in their aspirations; that is true, and from that comes a great part of our troubles. As soon as prolonged applause ended, Mr. Stephens said:--No, there is no failure of this Government yet. We have made great advancement under the Constitution, and I cannot but hope that we shall advance higher still. Let us be true to our cause. In a private letter, written eleven days after this speech (dated Crawfordsville, Ga., Nov. 25, 1860 ), Mr. Stephens revealed the fact that in him the patriot was yet subservient to the politician — that his aspirations were really more sectional than national. He avowed that his attachment to Georgia was supreme, and that the chief object of his speech at Milledgeville, on the 14th, was not so much for the preservation of the Union as the security of unity of action in his State. The great and leading object aimed at by me, in Milledgeville, he said, was to produce
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 19: the repossession of Alabama by the Government. (search)
ay, and the passengers were many. Among them the writer had the pleasure of discovering two highly-esteemed friends, Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Hart, of Troy, New York, who were then members of General Wool's family. traveling for the purpose of seeing the country; and he enjoyed their most agreeable companionship many days, until parting at New Orleans. We had just reached the beginning of the more picturesque hill-country of Georgia, which seemed to be peculiarly charming in the region of Crawfordsville, the home of Stephens, the Vice-President of the Confederacy, whose house we saw on an eminence to the right. As we approached Atlanta, we noticed many evidences of the devastating hand of Sherman, when he began his march to the sea, in the ruins of railway stations, twisted iron rails, and charred ties, along the road-side. Toward evening the grand dome of Stone Mountain, a heap of granite fifteen hundred feet in height, loomed up a mile or so north of us. From Decatur onward, the ear
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Stephens, Alexander Hamilton -1883 (search)
Stephens, Alexander Hamilton -1883 Statesman; born near Crawfordsville, Ga., Feb. 11, 1812; was educated at Franklin College, and graduated in 1832. Being left an orphan, he was indebted to the care of friends for his education and youthful training for usefulness. He was admitted to the practice of the law in 1834 at Crawfordsville, and soon rose to eminence. His first care was to reimburse expenditures by his friends and to purchase from the hands of strangers the home of his childhood at Crawfordsville. In early manhood he adopted the doctrine of State sovereignty (q. v.) in all its breadth, and always believed in the righteousness of slavery. In this doctrine and belief he always acted consistently. Though small in stature about Mr. Davis's nomination for President can be told in few words. Robert Toombs and I, as we got upon the cars at Crawfordsville, on our way to Montgomery, met Mr. Chestnut. The latter said that the South Carolina delegation had talked the matov
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Georgia, (search)
....Nov. 25, 1890 Monument to Henry W. Grady unveiled at Atlanta......Oct. 21, 1891 Southern States exposition opens at Augusta......Nov. 2, 1891 Charles F. Crisp elected speaker United States Congress......Dec. 8, 1891 First State convention of People's party at Atlanta nominates W. L. Peck for governor and a full State ticket......July 20, 1892 L. Q. C. Lamar, of United States Supreme Court, dies at Macon......Jan. 23, 1893 Statue of Alexander H. Stephens unveiled at Crawfordsville......May 24, 1893 Cyclone on the coast of Georgia and South Carolina, 1,000 lives lost......Aug. 28, 1893 Yellow-fever epidemic at Brunswick......Sept. 17, 1893 Cotton-spinners' Southern Association meets at Augusta......Dec. 13, 1893 The cotton States and international exposition at Atlanta opened......Sept. 18, 1895 Ex-Speaker C. F. Crisp dies at Atlanta......Oct. 23, 1896 Tornado at Arlington, eight killed......March 22, 1897 Roman Catholic cathedral at Savannah b
ury, and who was opposed to the policy. I have not the book before me, and only give the substance of what Mr. Davis said, as reported by Dr. Craven, to the best of my recollection. The policy in regard to the proper use of cotton, as advocated by me from the beginning, is to be found in numerous speeches made, from the time the Confederate Congress sat at Montgomery up almost to the collapse which closed the war. I send you an extract of one of these speeches, made in the town of Crawfordville (the place of my residence) in the fall of 1862; it was immediately published in the newspapers, and has been in a book containing almost all my public speeches, published in 1866. The facts, so far as concerns my position during the whole time on this subject, I have never heard questioned. This is what I then said: * * * The ability of a people to support and wane war depends partly upon their resources, and partly upon the skill and economy with which they are wielded. We have
Doc. 32. letter of Alexander H. Stephens: on State sovereignty. written in reply to a communication addressed to him by his friends in Georgia, on the subject of which it treats. Crawfordsville, Ga., September 22, 1864. Gentlemen: You will please excuse me for not answering your letter of the fourteenth instant sooner. I have been absent nearly a week on a visit to my brother in Sparta, who has been quite out of health for some time. Your letter I found here on my return home yesterday. The delay of my reply thus occasioned I regret. Without further explanation or apology, allow me now to say to you that no person living can possibly feel a more ardent desire for an end to be put to this unnatural and merciless war upon honorable and just terms than I do. But I really do not see that it is in my power or yours, or that of any number of persons in our position, to inaugurate any movement that will even tend to aid in bringing about a result that we and so many more
Hon. J. L. M. Curry , LL.D., William Robertson Garrett , A. M. , Ph.D., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 1.1, Legal Justification of the South in secession, The South as a factor in the territorial expansion of the United States (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Biographical: officers of civil and military organizations. (search)
ity which had so long withstood the rude alarms of war under his presidency. Alexander Hamilton Stephens Alexander Hamilton Stephens, Ll. D., Vice-President of the Confederate States—a man eminent in natural abilities, in intellectual training, in statesmanship and moral virtues—grandson of a soldier under Washington—was one of that body of great men who stood firmly by the venture on independence made by the Southern people in 1861. He was born February 11, 1812, in Georgia, near Crawfordsville, where he is buried, and where a monument erected by the people speaks of his fame. Educated during his early youth in the schools of the times, he was graduated in 1832 at the age of twenty years, and was admitted to the bar in 1834. His practice of the profession scarcely opened before he was summoned to enter on the long and distinguished political career which gave his name an exceedingly prominent place in American history. After declining political honors and seeking to pursue <
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 36. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.15 (search)
Presidency of the Confederacy offered Stephens and refused. From the times-dispatch, February 17, 1907. Colonel David Twiggs Hamilton, of Georgia, tells this story of why Alexander H. Stephens was not elected President of the Southern Confederacy: The subject was broached to Mr. Stephens on the way to Montgomery, says Colonel Hamilton. Mr. Toombs took the train with us at Crawfordville, and we found Mr. Chestnut, of South Carolina, aboard. He came over and took the seat in front of Mr. Stephens and me. Mr. Toombs was in the seat behind. Mr. Stephens, said Chestnut, the delegation from my State has' been conferring and has decided to look to Georgia for a President. Well, sir, Mr. Stephens replied, we have Mr. Toombs, Mr. Cobb, Governor Jenkins and Governor Johnson. Either will suit; I will give my vote to either. We are only looking to you and Mr. Toombs, Mr. Stephens, Chestnut answered positively. No other names were mentioned, and the majority of the d