Browsing named entities in Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume I.. You can also browse the collection for Darien, Ga. (Georgia, United States) or search for Darien, Ga. (Georgia, United States) in all documents.

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ity of Representation from Taxation necessarily affirmed the grander and more essential right of each innocent, rational being to the control and use of his own capacities and faculties, and to the enjoyment of his own earnings. Witness the Darien (Ga.) resolutions. In the Darien committee, Thursday, June 12, 1775: When the most valuable privileges of a people are invaded, not only by open violence, but by every kind of fraud, sophistry, and cunning, it behooves every individual to be uperto frustrated by the influence and authority of men in office and their numerous dependents, and in every other natural and just way by the various arts they have put in practice. We, therefore, the representatives of the extensive district of Darien, in the colony of Georgia, being now assembled in congress by the authority and free choice of the inhabitants of the said district, now free from their fetters, do Resolve-- There are six resolutions in all The first eulogizes the firm and m
the Charleston Convention, 309; resigns the chair, 318; President of the Seceders' Convention, 318; sent to Charleston by Buchanan, 409. Cuyler, Theodore, speech at the Philadelphia Peace meeting, 365; welcomes President Lincoln, 419. D. Dakotah Territory, organization of, 388. Dallas, George M., of Pa., on the Tariff and Slavery, 92; nominated for Vice-President, 164; 191. Dane, Nathan, reports Ordinance of 1787, 40. Daniel, Judge, of Virginia, on Dred Scott, 257-8. Darien (Ga.) resolutions, The, 33. Davis, Col. T. A., (Union,) at Bull Run, 544. Davis, Com. C. H., rescues Walker at Rivas, 276. Davis, Garret, of Ky., allusion to, 615. Davis, Gen. Jeff. C., in command at Jefferson City, 586; 587; is directed to intercept Price, 589. Davis, Henry Winter, votes for Pennington, 306; resolve, in the Committee of Thirty-three, 386; is beaten by May, for Congress, 555. Davis, Jefferson, 97; votes against Gen. Taylor, 199; opposes Clay's Compromise mea