Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: June 20, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Darien, Ga. (Georgia, United States) or search for Darien, Ga. (Georgia, United States) in all documents.

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The destruction of Darien. --The destruction of the town of Darien, Ga., on the 11th inst., by the Yankees has been noticed. All the churches, the market-house, court-house, jail, private houses, stores, and even stables, were burnt, the soldiers putting turpentine on the floors and setting fire to it. The soldiers in this Darien, Ga., on the 11th inst., by the Yankees has been noticed. All the churches, the market-house, court-house, jail, private houses, stores, and even stables, were burnt, the soldiers putting turpentine on the floors and setting fire to it. The soldiers in this outrage were negroes, officered by Massachusetts and Pennsylvania men. They shot down cows in the street and left them lying there. A letter says: They have left nothing but the chimneys standing in all Darien. They took every negro that was in the place, forcing some to go with their guns pointed at them all the time. One standing in all Darien. They took every negro that was in the place, forcing some to go with their guns pointed at them all the time. One negro woman ran from them and they shot her in the head, and then carried her on board their boat. They have taken the schr. Pet, that was ready to sail for Nassau with a cargo of cotton.