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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., chapter 1.1 (search)
derate Battery Gregg, Cumming's Point, S. C. From a photograph. As a corollary to this engagement on the morning of February 1st another Federal iron-clad, afterward ascertained to be the single-turreted monitor Montauk, appeared before Fort McAllister, at Genesis Point, in the Georgia district, and, accompanied by three gun-boats and a mortar-boat, approached to within a South-east angle of the Confederate Fort Marshall, on the eastern end of Sullivan's Island. From a photograph. shorn readiness at the Pocotaligo Station, to bring such reenforcements as might be drawn from the military district [lying between the Ashepoo and Savannah rivers] commanded by General W. S. Walker. On the 28th of February the enemy attacked Fort McAllister with an iron-clad, three gun-boats, and a mortar-boat, and also, on the 3d of March, with three monitors. He was evidently trying his hand before his final venture against Fort Sumter. But the result must sorely have disappointed him; for
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., Minor operations of the South Atlantic squadron under Du Pont. (search)
ontemplated movement, Du Pont desired to give the monitors a preliminary trial, and for this purpose the Montauk, Commander John L. Worden, was sent to attack Fort McAllister, on the Great Ogeechee River. A line of obstructions had been placed in the river opposite the fort. The first attack was made January 27th, 1863. The enemtauk's shells had been expended. Lying thus close under the fire of the fort, the The monitor Montauk destroying the Confederate privateer Nashville, near Fort McAllister, Ogeechee River, Georgia, February 28, 1863. monitor was repeatedly hit, and nearly all the enemy's shot that did not hit came within a few feet of her. She ight hours, but, as Drayton said in his report, no injury was done which a good night's work would not repair. After Drayton's bombardment, all attempts on Fort McAllister were abandoned, and the efforts of the squadron were directed wholly to the attack on Charleston. The only event of importance during the remainder of Du P
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., The early monitors. (search)
s a feat which has no parallel in naval annals. The commander of the Montauk, now Rear-Admiral Worden, having received stringent orders to prevent the Nashville from going to sea, devised a plan for destroying the privateer (then occupying a safe position beyond the torpedo obstruction on the Ogeechee River), by means of the 15-inch shells which formed part of his equipment; but in order to get near enough for effective shelling, he was compelled to take up a position under the guns of Fort McAllister, then commanded by Captain G. W. Anderson, a Confederate officer of distinguished ability. Obviously, the success of the daring plan of not returning the concentrated flanking fire from the fort while shelling the privateer depended on the power of endurance of the Montauk, then for the first time subjected to such a crucial test. The result proved that Worden had not over-estimated the resisting power of his vessel. The fifth shell had scarcely reached its destination when signs of
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., Du Pont's attack at Charleston. (search)
hn Lee Davis; the Seneca, Lieutenant-Commander William Gibson; and the Dawn, Lieutenant-Commander John S. Barnes, to try her powers against the earth-works of Fort McAllister, on the Ogeechee River, behind which the Confederate steamer Nashville was waiting for an opportunity to sail, on a cruise of pillage and destruction, against our ships of commerce upon the high seas. On the 28th of February, 1863, Captain Worden was so fortunate as to find the Nashville, aground, near Fort McAllister, and to approach within twelve hundred yards of her. He was able to set her on fire and destroy her with his shells, while he patiently endured the fire of the batterieDrayton with the Passaic, accompanied by the Patapsco, Commander Ammen, and the Nahant, Commander Downes, to try the batteries of these three monitors against Fort McAllister; with them were three gun-boats and three mortar-schooners. The result of this attack by the monitors, conducted by one of his ablest officers, led Admiral D
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., McAllister's brigade at the bloody angle. (search)
McAllister's brigade at the bloody angle. by Robert McAllister, Brevet Major-General, U. S. V. The writer of the article on Hand-to-hand fighting at Spotsylvania gives all the honor of holding the salient on May 12th, 1864, to the Sixth Corps. It was the Second Corps that made the grand charge of May 12th, and my brigade On the 13th came an order for consolidation, by which this brigade became the Third Brigade, Third Division, Second Corps, under which name it continued to the end of the war.--R. Mca. of that corps, the First Brigade of the Fourth Division, helped to defend the Bloody angle from the first to the last of the fearful struggle. The brigade which I commanded during all these operations was composed of the 1st and 16th Massachusetts, the 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, and 11th New Jersey, and the 26th and 115th Pennsylvania. In the great charge at dawn it was in the second line. At first we moved slowly up through the woods. When the first line reached the open field at
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., Sherman's advance from Atlanta. (search)
headlands, uncertain just where Sherman would secure a harbor. Owing to swamps and obstructed roads and Hardee's force behind them, we could not enter Savannah. Our food was getting low. True, Sherman had sent Kilpatrick to try and take Fort McAllister, a strong fort which held the mouth of the Ogeechee. But as its capture was too much for the cavalry, I asked Sherman to allow me to take that fort with infantry. Hazen's division was selected. My chief engineer, Reese, with engineers and pioneers and plenty of men to help him, in three days repaired the burnt bridge, over 1000 feet long, near King's house. Hazen, ready at the bridge, then marched over and took Fort McAllister by assault, There seem to have been but 230 men in the work. Hazen's loss was 24 killed and 110 wounded.--editors. which Sherman and I witnessed from the rice mill, some miles away on the other bank of the Ogeechee. Now we connected with the navy, and our supplies flowed in abundantly, Slocum soon p
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., chapter 15.100 (search)
front. But there was nothing at the far end of the dam to prevent its being cut, thereby draining the swamp and the rice-field; in which case the position could easily have been carried. To prevent this a work was begun, under the direction of Colonel B. W. Frobel, in front of the rice-field, but before it was completed the enemy appeared in front. The small militia garrison made a gallant and successful resistance, and saved the dam from being cut. The enemy, after the capture of Fort McAllister, on the Altamaha River, effected a permanent lodgment on Hutchinson's Island, crossed the Savannah River, and established works on the South Carolina shore, almost within range of our only line of retreat. At my suggestion, by collecting boats and using the city wharves for flooring and car-wheels for anchors, Colonel Frobel constructed a pontoon-bridge, about half a mile in length, from Hutchinson's Island over the river, and on December 20th the city was evacuated. The artillery,
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., Marching through Georgia and the Carolinas. (search)
rman. Cock-fighting became one of the pastimes of the flying column. Many fine birds were brought in by our foragers. Those found deficient in courage and skill quickly went to the stew-pan in company with the modest barn-yard fowl, but those of redoubtable valor won an honored place and name, and were to be seen riding proudly on the front seat of an artillery caisson, or carried tenderly under the arm of an infantry soldier. Our next objective was Savannah. Hazen's capture of Fort McAllister opened the gates of that beautiful city, while Hardee managed to escape with his little army; and Sherman, in a rather facetious dispatch, presented the city to Mr. Lincoln as a Christmas gift. Flushed with the success of our march, we settled down for a rest. Our uniforms were the worse for wear, but the army was in fine condition and fully prepared for the serious work ahead. In the middle of December in the neighborhood of Savannah, after Hardee's troops had nearly exhausted the
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., Sherman's march from Savannah to Bentonville. (search)
rs from home for nearly every one in the army, from the commanding general down to the private soldier. All that blocked our communication with the fleet was Fort McAllister on the Ogeechee River. This fort was captured by Hazen's division of the Fifteenth Corps on December 13th, and the 15th brought us our mails and an abundant works, and were nearly completed when the Confederates evacuated Savannah. Our troops entered the city before daybreak on the 21st of December. The fall of Fort McAllister placed General Sherman in communication with General Grant and the authorities at Washington, Prior to the capture of Savannah, the plan contemplated by Generbank of the Savannah River to Sister's Ferry, distant about forty miles from Savannah. Sherman's plan was similar to that adopted on leaving Atlanta. When Fort McAllister. From a War-time sketch. the army had started from Atlanta, the right wing had moved direct toward Macon and the left toward Augusta. Both cities were occu