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Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, Illinois Volunteers. (search)
Battles of Pea Ridge March 6-8. Expedition to Fayetteville March 15. March to Batesville, Ark., April 5-May 3. Talbot's Ferry, White River, April 19. Fairview, Little Red River, June 7 (Co. L ). Scouts from Batesville June 16-17. March to Helena, Ark., June 26-July 14. Helena July 14. Duty near Helena, Arke and in the Dept. of Arkansas to November, 1865. Expedition from Little Rock to Little Red River August 6-16, 1864. Expedition from Little Rock to Searcy, Fairview and Augusta in pursuit of Shelby August 27-September 6, 1864. Expedition from Pine Bluff September 9-12. Near Monticello September 10 (Detachment). Brewer's House September 11 (Detachment). Expedition from Brownsville to Cotton Plant October 26-November 2 (Detachment). Expedition from Brownsville to Fairview November 28-December 8. Duty in Arkansas till June 6, 1865. Moved to Shreveport, La., June 6-17, thence marched to San Antonio, Texas, July 8-August 1; duty there
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, Missouri Volunteers. (search)
earcy Landing January 30-February 3. Morgan's Mill, Spring River, White County, February 9 (Detachment). Independence, Mo., February 19. Waugh's Farm, near Batesville, February 19. Expedition from Rolla to Batesville, Ark., February 29-March 13. Scout from Batesville to West Point, Grand Glaze and Searcy Landing March 15-21 (Detachment). Expedition from Batesville to Coon Creek, Devil's Fork, Red River, March 24-31. Van Buren County March 25. Scout from Batesville to Fairview March 25-26 (Detachment). Near Cross Roads March 27. Spring River, near Smithville, April 13 (Detachment). Jacksonport April 20. Expedition from Jacksonport to Augusta April 23-24. Near Jacksonport April 24. Ordered to Duvall's Bluff May, 1864, and duty there till October. Scout in Craighead and Lawrence Counties June 25-26 (Co. M ). Clarendon, St. Charles, June 25-26. Clarendon June 27-29. Scout to Searcy and West Point July 26-28 (Detachment). Des Arc Jul
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, Nebraska Volunteers. (search)
ion at Black River January 18. Jacksonport January 19. Expedition after Freeman's forces January 23-30. Sylamore Creek January 23 (Detachment). Sylamore January 24. Scout to Pocohontas February 9-20. Morgan's Mills, Spring River, February 9. Pocohontas February 10. Expedition from Batesville after Freeman's forces February 12-20. Spring River, near Smithfield, February 13. Expedition to Wild Haws, Strawberry Creek, etc., March 10-12. Scout from Batesville to Fairview March 25-26. Spring River, near Smithville, April 13 (Detachment). Moved to Jacksonport, Ark., April 17-19. Attack on Jacksonport April 20. Expedition to Augusta April 22-24. Near Jacksonport April 24. Moved to Duvall's Bluff May 25-30. Veterans on furlough June 10 to August 13. Left Omaha for Fort Kearney, Neb., August 15, arriving there August 23. Operations against Indians in Nebraska and Colorado till July, 1866, participating in numerous affairs with hostile
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, Pennsylvania Volunteers. (search)
h 18. Battle of Winchester March 23. Columbia Furnace April 16. Two Churches and Rood's Hill April 17. Guard and scout duty in Railroad District of West Virginia and Defenses of the Upper Potomac till February, 1864. Actions at North River Mills August 15, 1862. Wire Bridge August 16. Moorefield August 23. Glenville September 30. South Branch Potomac, Moorefield, November 9. Romney December 1. Green Springs Run March 7, 1863. Williamsport, Md., July 8. Fairview July 9. Hedgesville and Martinsburg July 18-19. Whitehall July 22. Burlington August 4. Descent upon Salem December 16. Jackson River, near Covington, December 19. Petersburg January 10, 1864. Operations in Hampshire and Hardy Counties January 27-February 7. Moorefield February 4. Consolidated with Ringgold Battalion February 9, 1864, which see. Weaver's Independent Company Cavalry Organized at Chambersburg September, 1864. Mustered out August 4, 1865.
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, West Virginia Volunteers. (search)
er, Va., January to May, 1863. Ordered to Grafton, W. Va., May 10. Moved to Beverly, Buckhannon, Clarksburg, Parkersburg and Weston, arriving at Grafton June 17. Moved to New Creek and Phillippi July 1 and to Cumberland, Md., July 7; to Fairview July 12. Averill's Raid through Hardy, Pendleton, Highland, Bath, Greenbrier and Pocahontas Counties August 5-31. Jackson River August 25. Rocky Gap, near White Sulphur Springs, August 26-27. Averill's Raid from Beverly against Lewiseek Station October 18-December 22. 1862. Moved to Sir John's Run December 22, and duty there guarding Baltimore & Ohio Railroad till June 16, 1863. Moved to New Creek June 16, thence to Cumberland, Md., and to Hancock, Md., July 4. To Fairview July 11, and to Williamsport, Md., July 14. Operations against Lee till July 28. At Mechanicsburg Gap, near Romney, August 5-November 5. At Alpine till April, 1864. Bath March 19 Crook's Expedition against Virginia & Tennessee Railro