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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 25. 2 0 Browse Search
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what they saw and told of are few, as search will disclose. Now, for old Medford vistas let us make search. Naturally, we turn first to the published histories, only to be disappointed, as the first is of 1855, and scantily illustrated. The earliest attempt to portray any view or scene in Medford which has come to our knowledge was made (doubtless in 1835) when some one painted a view with the legend, Junction of the River, Canal and Railroad in Medford, 1835. As one said of it in Marblehead, where we first saw it (1903), It is evidently the work of a novice. It conveys the idea expressed but imperfectly, and the novice introduced features so manifestly incongruous as to cause its later owner to endorse on its back (in effect) that the fine houses were a fancy of the artist. Crude as it is, and of no artistic merit, it, however, is the result of a worthy motive, the presentation of a new and important feature in scenic Medford. Who the novice was is unknown, but, in