Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 21, 1860., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Pekin (Illinois, United States) or search for Pekin (Illinois, United States) in all documents.

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Arrival of the Persia.Capture of Pekin by the Allies. New York, Dec. 20. --The Persia, from Liverpool Dec. 8th, has arrived. The Canada arrived at Queenstown Sunday. A dispatch received at the British Foreign Office says that the Allies had captured Pekin. The Emperor's summer palace was sacked and immense spoiPekin. The Emperor's summer palace was sacked and immense spoils taken. The Emperor fled to Tartary. Parks and Leach, the prisoners taken from the English, had been returned. The two others--one of them Bowlby, reporter for the London Times--had died of ill treatment. The Allies were to winter in Pekin and Tiensin. From Italy there is nothing important. The reaction movementment. The Allies were to winter in Pekin and Tiensin. From Italy there is nothing important. The reaction movements continued. Commercial. Liverpool. Dec. 8. --Cotton dull and irregular, Flour advanced 6d.@1s. since Tuesday. Wheat almost recovered Tuesday's decline. Corn firm. Consols 93½@93¼. div. off.