Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 27, 1860., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Pekin (Illinois, United States) or search for Pekin (Illinois, United States) in all documents.

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th, via Queenstown on the 16th, has arrived. A dispatch from St. Petersburg says the Allies and Chinese had concluded a peace, and the Emperor had returned to Pekin. The report of the assassination of Garibaldi arose out of the murder of Col, Dunn, of the Sicilian army. The chief share of the spoils at Pekin fell to Pekin fell to the French, who sacked the Emperor's summer palace. The treasure taken would be equally divided between the French and English. Some private soldiers sold their share of the spoils at 30,000 francs. The Canada passed the Africa and Arabia going up the Channel on the 16th. The Canada brings $450,000 in specie. The Eance had decreased 2,600,000 francs during the month. The treaty between the Allies and the Chinese was ratified on the 5th November, and the Allies evacuated Pekin. Commercial. Liverpool.Dec. 15. --Cotton — Estimated sales Saturday of 45,000 bales. Market firm. Provisions dull. Flour buoyant. Wheat steady.