Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 10, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Pekin (Illinois, United States) or search for Pekin (Illinois, United States) in all documents.

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China advices state that the ratification of the treaty with the Allies was exchanged, and the Convention signed at Pekin, October 24th. The French army retired from Pekin, November 1st. The English would remain until the Ambassadors left. A Pekin, November 1st. The English would remain until the Ambassadors left. A large force were to remain at Tientsin till the treaty conditions were fulfilled. The principal clauses of the treaty are as follows: The Emperor is to apologize for the Peiho affair of last year. English and French Ministers are to reside at PekiPekin. The indemnity fixed is to be doubled, and Tientsin is to be opened to trade immediately, and emigration is to be allowed.--Cowloan has been ceded to Great Britain. The Emperor's summer palace had been entirely burnt. The bodies of the Englis the English prisoners who died in the hands of the Chinese were brought to Pekin and buried. Captain Brabazon and Abbe Huc were beheaded by the Chinese about September 21st. Their bodies had not been recovered. The Emperor was still in Tartary.