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Doc. 13.-the gunboat fight near Columbus, Ky. Commander Porter's report. United States gunboat Essex, Wm. D. Porter, Commanding, Fort Jefferson, Jan. 13, 1861. Flag-Officer A. H. Foote: sir: On the morning of the eleventh, Gen. McClernand sent on board this vessel and informed me that the enemy were moving up the river from Columbus with several vessels, towing up a battery. I immediately signalled Lieut. Commanding Paulding, of the St. Louis, to get under way and prepare for action. A very thick fog coming on, we were compelled to steam slowly down the river; but about ten o'clock, or a little after, it rose, and showed us a large steamer the river, rounding to occasionally and giving us broadsides. This running fight continued until he reached the shelter of the batteries on the Iron Banks above Columbus. We continued the action, and drove him behind his batteries in a crippled condition. We could distinctly see our shells explode on his decks. The action last
e interior of Kentucky in the neighborhood of Columbus and towards Mayfield and Camp Beauregard. nd David Frazer, supposed to be couriers from Columbus, were made. No United States forces having p demonstration to be made in the direction of Columbus, by six companies of cavalry, commanded by Caafforded for successful attack and capture of Columbus. From this near approach, the cavalry retuch a manner as to command the approaches from Columbus by both bridges across Mayfield Creek, in thang mounted pickets were thrown forward toward Columbus and to the bridge across Mayfield Creek, at Hearly movement southwest, in the direction of Columbus, and repeating a near approach to that place, the night, in line of battle, ten miles from Columbus, taking a strong position, commanding the appterly dircection, on the road from Milburn to Columbus, and there again learned that Camp Beauregardenemy had retired within his intrenchments at Columbus. And, soon after, I learned that he had dest[12 more...]
transportation and communication between Bowing Green and Columbus useless, and afterwards to pursue the rebel gunboats and me establishment which cast the great gun that burst at Columbus, Ky., some time ago, by which Gen. Polk nearly lost his life or New-Orleans, or by a flank movement reaching Memphis, Columbus, Nashville, or Bowling Green. An entrance has been effecment of Fort Henry: When the rebels took possession of Columbus, and made a stand at Bowling Green, they saw the necessitve upon the rebel leaders generally, and upon the camp at Columbus particularly. At that impregnable point, as they have bees, it would seem reasonable to conclude that not even in Columbus will the rebels venture to dispute the palm with Commodord, thus severing the connection between Bowling Green and Columbus, and threatening the rear of both these important points.s speedy maturity either the capture of Bowling Green and Columbus, or the evacuation of both — more probably the latter. T
ened to the shore, and the mortar directed down the river, which from that point stretches away in a broad and straight sheet of water, five or six miles, toward Columbus. Everything having been got in readiness, Capt. Constable fired a small charge of four pounds of powder, for the purpose of scaling the mortar. The first expunds, and can be thrown at least half a mile farther than were those filled with the sand. Say, twenty of these mortar-boats drop down to within easy reach of Columbus, and at the same time be out of the reach of the best rifled cannon the rebels may bring to bear — so small, indeed, at a distance of three and a half or four mi these terrific missiles may be thrown into the rebel camp and fortifications. Can they endure it? Pandemonium would be a Paradise to the place it would make of Columbus. The trial of to-day demonstrated that the recoil of the boat was altogether lateral, and not perpendicular, as it was feared it would be. It also shows that
ingham, Adjutant-General of Ohio: dear sir: The Fifty-eighth Ohio regiment was the first regiment on the enemy's battery; the flags presented by the ladies of Columbus the first planted on the battery; the band the first playing our national air, The Star-Spangled Banner. We took upward of two thousand prisoners, ten cannon, omay soon close, and the American citizens live in peace and harmony, connected in one general interest, united in one cause, to sustain liberty. I have found in Columbus many good friends, who have aided me in the purpose for which I came here — to sustain liberty. I shall never forget those, I feel under particular obligations Lieutenants, (whose names, for want of official reports, I cannot give,) all deserve the highest commendation. Lieut. G. S. Martin (whose company is now at Columbus, Ky., but was ordered to that post by Major-Gen. Polk) commanded one of the guns, particularly attracted my attention by his energy, and the judgment with which he
as the trim of his own whiskers, or the features of his helpmate. One day she might be seen moored near some house far up the Cumberland, while her suave commander, Capt. Phelps, explained to some wondering native the object and scope of the present rebellion; the next day she would probably pitch a shell into the works at Fort Henry, or carefully cruise along the shore, in search of, or exchanging broadsides with, some masked battery; twenty--four hours after she would be cruising around Columbus, or possibly convoying transports, laden with troops, on some of the thousand and one expeditions that characterized for so long a period the operations at Cairo, during the summer and fall of 1861. The swiftest boat on the river, she has always been used for an express as well as gunboat, and thus, in one capacity or the other, has had scarcely an hour's leisure since she was first set afloat. There is not a house between Cairo and Fort Henry, on the Tennessee, and Fort Donelson, on th
Doc. 73.-occupation of Columbus, Ky. General Halleck's despatch. St. Louis, March 4, 186March 4, 1862. To Major-General McClellan: Columbus, the Gibraltar of the West, is ours, and Kenten. Sherman remains temporarily in command at Columbus. [Signed] A. H. Foote, Flag-Officer. y letter of the second instant, I stated that Columbus had been evacuated and burned by the rebels. ent parties that Columbus was evacuated; that Columbus was reenforced; that Columbus was burned, andColumbus was burned, and that Columbus was neither reenforced, evacuated, or burned. I see by the telegraphic despatches oflambered as rapidly as was the great bluff of Columbus to-day by the Illinois volunteers just named.nt of transportation. The troops that left Columbus went to three different places--one third to es having cleaned them out also. Altogether, Columbus is one of the poorest and gloomiest towns I hdid they destroy the track in the vicinity of Columbus. They left in too great haste to do any dama[28 more...]
iately in the rear of the Thirty-ninth were the Sixty-third Ohio on the extreme right; the Twenty-sixth Illinois and the Eleventh Missouri was on the left, in the rear of the Forty-third Ohio. The report was that there were five gunboats at the river-wharf, and about five thousand troops in and about the fort, just beyond the southern part of the town. There had been some earth-works thrown up on the road by which we approached the town, but they were not defended. We learned also that Columbus was evacuated and that the force had moved to an island about ten miles above the town, which was strongly fortified, and accounted for the presence of the gunboats at New-Madrid. As the line of battle was being formed, a gunboat from the upper part of the town threw a shell which burst at a short range in mid-air. They fired at intervals, but the range was short. Soon, however, they began to play more accurately on the right wing, and the cannonading was as brisk as we could desire.
lory of this victory. But let us not be partial, unjust or haughty. Let us not forget that alone we were too weak to perform the great work before us. Let us acknowledge the great services done by all the brave soldiers of the Third and Fourth divisions, and always keep in mind that united we stand, divided we fall. Let us hold out and push the work through — not by mere words and great clamor, but by good marches, by hardships and fatigues, by strict discipline and effective battles. Columbus has fallen — Memphis will follow — and if you do in future as you have done in these past days of trial, the time will soon come when you will pitch your tents on the beautiful shores of the Arkansas River, and there meet our ironclad propellers at Little Rock and Fort Smith. Therefore, keep alert, my friends, and look forward with confidence. F. Sigel, Brig.-Gen. Commanding First and Second Divisions. New-York Herald narrative. Pea Ridge, Benton County, Arkansas, March 9, 1862. <
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 4. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 104 1/2.-capture of Union City, Tenn. (search)
sing, as they fled in to give the alarm. The National column immediately pushed on after them so vigorously that they had scarcely given the alarm to the main body ere our men were on them. Union City is at the junction of the railroads from Columbus and Hickman, and consists of a depot, a dozen indifferent wooden buildings, the whole situated in a clearing less than a mile in diameter. As we reached within a half-mile or so of this clearing, the road widened somewhat, the trees became thin and seven companies of cavalry, Lieut.-Col. Jackson. The Twenty-first Tennessee numbered six hundred and sixteen men, and is the regiment formerly commanded by Col. Pickett. The cavalry was commanded by Col. Logwood, but since the affair at Columbus, he from some cause, has concluded to resign. The entire force, in round numbers, was about one thousand men. The infantry were well armed, having in a majority of cases either Minie muskets or French rifles; the cavalry had sabres, carbines, a