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Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories 31 1 Browse Search
Colonel William Preston Johnston, The Life of General Albert Sidney Johnston : His Service in the Armies of the United States, the Republic of Texas, and the Confederate States. 14 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 3. (ed. Frank Moore) 11 3 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: February 14, 1862., [Electronic resource] 10 0 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 10 2 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore) 9 5 Browse Search
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Battles 8 0 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume I. 7 1 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 11. (ed. Frank Moore) 6 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: November 5, 1861., [Electronic resource] 6 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: February 14, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Russellville (Kentucky, United States) or search for Russellville (Kentucky, United States) in all documents.

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it will stand to tell to distant ages the genius of Sydney Johnston. The left wing rests on Russellville. Here Floyd and Buckner are posted with a certain number of men, and are anxious to measure ng to see the antics which this "bright son of an aged parent" cut before our troops came to Russellville, Tom had audaciously crossed Green river and stationed some of his motley followers at South Carrolton, about 40 miles from Russellville, From all accounts not a pig, nor an egg, nor a bit of poultry, was safe in the neighborhood of these protectors. They slew, killed, and ate with a relish his ragged regiments in double-quick across Green river. Whether our Generals will winter at Russellville, depends on the movements of the enemy. I can see no chance for a fight now. Indeed, upon a dom, will indulge in a great deal of palaver before trying another battle. A letter from Russellville would be incomplete without some special mention of Gen. Buckner. The position he has held f