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t took place near Petersburgh, Tenn., between a party of rebels and bushwhackers, and two hundred loyal Tennesseeans, under the command of Licutenant-Colonel Brownlow, in which the rebels were routed, with twelve killed and twenty wounded.--Captain Schultze, with a company of Union cavalry, surprised Mosby's rebel guerrillas at a point near Aldie, Va., and succeeded in capturing thirty of them, without any loss on the National side. Thirty-three commissioned officers of the United States army having been found guilty of various charges by general Court-Martial, the details of the several cases being contained in General Orders No. 13, dated February eighteenth, 1863, and the sentence having been approved by the Commanding General, were this day dismissed the service.--Four guerrillas were captured at the house of one----Lisle, on the Nashville turnpike, three miles from Russellville, Ky.--Union meetings were held at Harrodsburgh, Lebanon, and Taylorsville, Ky.--Louisville Journal.
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 7: military operations in Missouri, New Mexico, and Eastern Kentucky--capture of Fort Henry. (search)
ille. Under the shadow of Johnston's protection, and behind the cordon of Confederate troops stretched across the State, the disloyal politicians of Kentucky proceeded to organize an independent government for the commonwealth. They met at Russellville, the capital of Logan County, in the southern part of the State, on the 29th of October. They drew up a manifesto, in which the grievances of Kentucky were recounted, and the action of its Legislature denounced. They then called upon the people of the State to choose, in any manner they might see fit, delegates to attend a Sovereignty convention, at Russellville, on the 18th of November. At the appointed time, about two hundred men from fifty-one counties, not elected by the people, assembled, and with difficult gravity adopted a Declaration of Independence, and an Ordinance of Secession, Nov. 20, 1861. and then proceeded to organize a Provisional Government, by choosing a governor, a legislative council of ten, a treasurer, an
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 15: Sherman's March to the sea.--Thomas's campaign in Middle Tennessee.--events in East Tennessee. (search)
son, See page 419. to their former posts. He was joined by Granger at the latter place, and they reoccupied Decatur on the 27th, but too late to impede Hood's flight, for he had already crossed the Tennessee. But a cavalry force of six hundred men, under Colonel W. J. Palmer, was sent from Decatur in pursuit of Hood's train. Pressing back Roddy's cavalry near Leighton, Alabama, Palmer moved toward Columbus, Mississippi, and captured and destroyed Hood's pontoon train, ten miles from Russellville. Another force being reported in pursuit, under cover of darkness Palmer pushed for Moulton. Meeting the Confederates near Thorn Hill, he attacked and defeated 1865. them, and arrived safely at Decatur on the 6th of January. On the 30th of December, General Thomas announced to the army the. termination of the campaign, Thomas estimated his entire loss during the campaign, in all the operations under his command, from the 7th of September, 1864, to the 20th of January, 1865, at ab
ns overwhelming Union majorities Magoffin's neutrality the President's response Rebel invasion Legislature protests Gen. Grant occupies Paducah Zollicoffer at Wild Cat Nelson at Piketon Schoepf's retreat Rebel Government organized at Russellville Geo. W. Johnson made Governor Kentucky gravely admitted into the Southern Confederacy full delegation sent to the Congress at Richmond Richard Hawes finally declared Governor. we have seen P. 492-7. that Kentucky emphatically, persismy, who but now confidently supposed themselves about to see the old flag floating in triumph from the spires of Knoxville and Jonesville, can but faintly be realized. On the 18th of November, the Kentucky Secessionists held a Convention at Russellville, in the southernmost of her counties, behind their principal camp at Bowling Green, and organized what they termed a Provisional Government — perhaps from their inability to make any provision for its support. Geo. W. Johnson, of Scott county
613; ex-Gov. Morehead arrested; Zollicoffer captures Barboursville, 614; Breckinridge's Address, 615; Gen. Sherman succeeds Anderson, 615; the affairs at Wild-Cat and Piketon, 616; Schoepf's retreat; proceedings of the Secession Convention at Russellville, 617. Kentucky Yeoman, The, on fugitive slaves, 217. kidnapping, cases of, 217. Killinger, Mr., in American Convention. 247. King, Rufus, remarks in Convention, 42. King, Thomas Butler, goes to California, 201. King, Wm. R., M Russell, Majors, and Waddell, their complicity in the Bailey defalcations, 410. Russell, Wm. 11., of The London Times, his opinion of the Carolinians, 451; his estimate of the Union forces before Bull Run, 550 ; citation from, 632. Russellville, Ky., Secession Convent'n at, 617. Russia mediates between Great Britain and the U. S., with respect to captured slaves, 176. Rust, Albert, of Ark., proposition of, 386. Rutledge, John I., on the Constitution, 44-5. Rynders, Capt., o
rn to drag us in chains at the feet of a relentless despotism, which is already pressing heavily upon themselves. When in the hour of our country's peril the extreme North slunk away from the raging contest, thousands of Kentuckians poured into the frozen North to fight on British soil the battles of New England. In return she sends us her hosts of fanatics to despoil us of our homes and of our liberties, and through William H. Seward she invites the outcasts of all nations to join in the carnival of blood. Let us once more fling to the breeze the proud standard of Kentucky. In every valley and on every hill-top let its folds be kissed by the breezes of Heaven. Let our lone star shine, an emblem of hope, from the deep sky-blue of our banner, over the brothers who join in the grasp of friendship; and let the soldier's motto of our State bespeak, under the Providence of God, the strength of the cause which He commits to our hands. S. B. Buckner. Russellville, Ky., Sept. 12, 1861.
Doc. 118. Conference at Russellville, Ky. Russellville, Ky., Oct. 29, 1861. In accordance with a notice previously given, a number of gentlemen from several counties in the State assembledRussellville, Ky., Oct. 29, 1861. In accordance with a notice previously given, a number of gentlemen from several counties in the State assembled in Odd Fellows' Hall, in the city of Russellville, on Tuesday, October 29, 1861, for the purpose of conferring together in reference to the situation of the country, and the steps to be taken to betRussellville, on Tuesday, October 29, 1861, for the purpose of conferring together in reference to the situation of the country, and the steps to be taken to better preserve domestic tranquillity and protect the rights of person and property in the State of Kentucky. On motion of Colonel George W. Johnson, of Scott County, Hon. H. C. Burnett, of Trigg Counted in any manner now possible by the people of the several counties of the State, to meet at Russellville on the 18th of November, and we recommend to them the passage of an ordinance severing foreve, was adopted. On motion, the thanks of the Conference were tendered to the Odd Fellows of Russellville, for the use of their hall. And then the Conference adjourned sine die. H. C. Burnett, Ch
e rest of the guard were asleep in it, but fortunately they were in a cabin a little distance off. They were aroused by the firing, but by the time they were up, the Federals were at the cabin, and they had to surrender. They put the prisoners under guard, tore down the cabins, put the planks on the bridge, which they sprinkled with turpentine, and then fired it. Our informant was set about gathering up the baggage of the guard, but, finding an opportunity, he made his escape and came to Russellville. Willis Campbell, of Logan County, a member of Captain King's company, and Hatch Jupin, of Bardstown, a member of Captain Wickliffe's company, were killed, and Joseph Wilson, of Bardstown, also in Captain Wickliffe's company, was severely but not dangerously wounded in the thigh. While loading his gun for the second fire, his right forefinger was shot off. Joseph Hall, James Watshall, and John Jernigon, of Captain Mitchell's company; Isaac Duckwall and Joseph Johnson, of Boshe's Portl
Gen. Buckner, at Rochester, on Green River, Ky., forcibly took a fine yoke of oxen and other property from the Rev. Mr. Wiggins, a worthy clergyman, and paid him with a three hundred dollar check on the Southern Bank at Russellville, where he hadn't funds to the amount of a dollar. To say nothing of the epauletted rascal's forcible seizure of the property, his giving a check upon a bank in which he had no money deposited was a penitentiary offence under our laws. We hope the officers of justice in that section will do their duty. We are well aware, that if Buckner shall be put to hard work at Frankfort in the service of the State, his friend the Governor will let him loose, but he should be sent there anyhow.--Louisville Journal, Oct. 12.
e just had an interview with a gentleman of high character, who lives in Hopkinsville. He says that he heard a lieutenant in the rebel army speak of John C. Breckinridge as a common drunkard. His intoxication was so frequent, that he was hardly ever able to perform his official duties. On one occasion, a party of soldiers were sent to destroy some liquors in a groggery, but Breckinridge ordered the liquor to be brought to his quarters, when he indulged in a drunken revel. When his command was ordered to march on Rochester, on Green River, he pretended to have rheumatism so badly that he had to stay behind at Russellville, dead drunk. The rebel lieutenant added that the confederates had lost all confidence in him, and regarded him with mingled distrust and contempt. Alas for human ambition and folly! A few brief months ago, and he seemed the petted child of fortune, and to-day he is a detested and despised traitor, grovelling in the very gutter of disgrace.--Louisville Journal.