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Browsing named entities in Capt. Calvin D. Cowles , 23d U. S. Infantry, Major George B. Davis , U. S. Army, Leslie J. Perry, Joseph W. Kirkley, The Official Military Atlas of the Civil War. You can also browse the collection for Salyersville, Ky. (Kentucky, United States) or search for Salyersville, Ky. (Kentucky, United States) in all documents.

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Capt. Calvin D. Cowles , 23d U. S. Infantry, Major George B. Davis , U. S. Army, Leslie J. Perry, Joseph W. Kirkley, The Official Military Atlas of the Civil War, Index. (search)
Salineville, Ohio. 94, 4; 140, A9 Salisbury, N. C. 76, 2; 117, 1; 118, 1; 135-A; 142, E13; 171 Salkehatchie River, S. C. 76, 2; 80, 3 Salt Lake, Utah Ter. 120, 1 Salt Lick, W. Va. 140, G12 Salt Pond Mountain, Va. 141, F12 Salt River, Mo. 152, A6, 152, B4, 152, C5 Salt Springs, Ga. 57, 1; 58, 2; 60, 1 Saltville, Va. 118, 1; 135-A; 141, H9; 142, A9 Salt Works, Ky. 118, 1; 141, C5 Saluria, Tex. 26, 1; 65, 10; 171 Salyersville, Ky. 118, 1; 141, E5 San Antonio, Tex. 43, 8; 54, 1; 135-A; 171 San Bernardino, Cal. 120, 1; 134, 1; 171 San Bois Creek, Indian Territory 119, 1 Fort Sanders, Tenn. 48, 2; 111, 5; 130, 1, 130, 2 Sandersville, Ga. 70, 1; 71, 5, 71, 6; 76, 2; 101, 21; 117, 1; 118, 1; 135-A; 143, G5; 144, C5 Sand Mountain, Ala. 24, 3; 48, 1; 117, 1; 149, F9 Sand Mountain, Ga. 48, 1; 58, 1 Sandtown, Ga. 45, 5; 57, 1, 57, 3; 60, 1, 60, 2; 65, 3; 88, 2; 101, 21; 11