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Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Battles 4 0 Browse Search
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Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Battles, Louisiana, 1864 (search)
-92d Colored Infantry. May 1: Skirmish, AlexandriaMASSACHUSETTS--3d Cavalry; 31st Mounted Infantry. May 1: Affair, David's FerryCapture of U. S. Transport "Emma." May 1: Affair, BerwickNEW YORK--131st Infantry; Picket attack. May 1: Skirmish, Ashton1st Infantry, Miss. Marine Brigade. May 1: Skirmish, Hudnot's PlantationMASSACHUSETTS--3d Cavalry; 31st Mounted Infantry. Union loss, 10 killed, 20 wounded. Total, 30. May 1: Skirmish, Clinton(No Reports.) May 1: Skirmish, Ashwood LandingUNITEDuly 21: Skirmish, AtchafalayaILLINOIS--87th Mounted Infantry. July 22: Skirmish, ConcordiaILLINOIS--4th Cavalry. July 22: Skirmish near VidaliaUNITED STATES--6th Colored Heavy Arty. Union loss, 6 killed, 1 wounded. Total, 7. July 24: Skirmish, AshtonMICHIGAN--6th Heavy Arty. July 24: Attack on Str. "Clara Bell"MICHIGAN--6th Heavy Arty (4 Cos.). Loss, 8 wounded. July 25: Skirmish near Benton's Ferry, Amite RiverILLINOIS--2d Cavalry (Detachment). July 27: Skirmish, Atchafalaya RiverNEW YORK-