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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Harvard Memorial Biographies, chapter 36 (search)
According to the printed order of Exercises for Commencement, it was above the average in Greek, while in Mathematics he had attained high distinction. It has not been easy to trace his career after graduation. He was always eccentric and reticent to excess, and his own family were often ignorant of where he was and what he was doing. He seems, however, to have resumed almost immediately his old business of teaching. In 1845-46 he taught in an academy then recently established at Westbrook, Maine; in 1847 a school was opened by him at Norway, in the same State, under the title of the Norway Liberal Institute; and in 1848 he became principal of the Oxford Normal Institute at South Paris, Oxford County, Maine, where his success as a teacher was very great, and drew to the new institution at one time as many as two hundred students. Here he taught all the higher branches to pupils of both sexes, and fitted a great number of young men for Bowdoin College, where it was said that no
mes d. 24 Nov. 1808, a. 68. See Cutter Book, 251, 396. 2. Noah, perhaps had Abner, d. 3 May, 1802, a. 2; had Enoch, bap. 24 Jan. 1802, d. 22 Aug. 1805, a. 3; Abner, bap. 16 Sept. 1804. 3. James, perhaps s. of James (1), had child d. 28 Aug. 1802, a. 3. Isaac, had child, d. 10 Sept. 1811, a. 1. Benjamin, of Falmouth [now Portland, Me.], m. Rebecca Cutter, of Charlestown, 5 Apr. 1807—see Cutter Book, 146, 388, 396. He was s. of James (1), and b; in Cambridge 12 Mar. 1779, rem. to Westbrook, Me., where he d. 1857, a. 78. See Cutter (par. 11). 4. Rev. Jacob, of Berwick, m. Hephzibah Prentice, 13 Oct. 1756— marriage fee nothing; customary fee a dollar. She was dau. of Dea. Henry Prentice of Camb. He grad. H. U. 1754, and d. 1798. He was ord. in Berwick, 1756, dism. at his own request 1777, and became a chaplain in the army; in 1781 he was installed at Packersfield, Cheshire Co., N. H., and dism. about ten years after.—Greenleaf, Eccles. Hist. Maine. For son. see Wyman's <