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orps, with a new record to make that should wipe out Chancellorsville, and ready to do it. Saturday they had been at Boonesboro, twelve or fifteen miles to the north-west of Frederick; by Tuesday night, the First corps lay encamped on Marsh Creek,usquehannah, and particularly to his advance of four thousand men under Brigadier-General W. F. Smith, who joined me at Boonsboro, just prior to the withdrawal of the confederate army. In conclusion, I desire to return my thanks to my staff, gene force was subsequently encountered and driven off by General Stuart, and pursued for several miles in the direction of Boonsboro. The army, after an arduous march, rendered more difficult by the rains, reached Hagerstown on the afternoon of the sil, one mile below Shepherdstown, Anderson's division being in the advance. That night the head of Hill's corps reached Boonsboro, which latter place was occupied by Wright's brigade of Anderson's division. From this place we moved on Chambersburgh
nnsylvania by the way of Edwards's Ferry and Boonsboro, so did the whipping of him at Hanover prevehis road could be sent off on another toward Boonsboro. While this was going on, another column waneral Kilpatrick slowly retired, and reached Boonsboro the same night. In this contest the enemy dly, and at eleven o'clock that night reached Boonsboro. The enemy did not follow. On this marcho the four winds. The battles at and near Boonsboro, Funktown, and Antietam Creek, Tuesday mouly seventh, the cavalry force moved back to Boonsboro, the enemy following closely the rearguard, is battle, and those that took place between Boonsboro and Hagerstown, I have before pretty fully dg presented to the division by the ladies of Boonsboro was sent to the front. Sergeant W. Judy, bee sixth, General Buford made a short halt at Boonsboro, and then moved upon Williamsport, where he e last three weeks--especially the ladies of Boonsboro — who with their own fair hands made and pre
mountain, well in hand for attack or defence more so by far than when the enemy made this attack at Gettysburgh, for the corps were then twenty miles away. Thursday night, the Sixth corps, which was in advance, had pushed out four miles beyond Boonsboro, or within three miles of Funkstown, Buford's cavalry having gallantly cleared the road after two days severe fighting with Stuart. On Friday, the headquarters of General Meade were established near Antietam Bridge, on the Williamsport road, three miles west of Boonsboro, and seven miles south of Hagerstown, they remaining there until Tuesday night. From Friday until Tuesday morning, our average advance against the enemy was about three miles. During this time our line was formed on the west side of the Antietam, and we approached the enemy to within a distance ranging from half a mile to a mile and a half. Here we fell to throwing up works of defence. The lines of the two armies were from six to eight miles long, that of