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ow Jackson across the Blue ridge and halt at Boonsboro, in the Great valley, at the western foot ofing its crest with his rear, and encamped at Boonsboro; Stuart still held back Mc-Clellan's advanceell on his left near Turner's gap, where the Boonsboro and Frederick road crosses, and added to theus defense of the South mountain passes near Boonsboro had won a day from McClellan and given Jacksngstreet and D. H. Hill from the vicinity of Boonsboro, and fell back across Antietam river in the oad leading north of east from Sharpsburg to Boonsboro was another bridge, opposite the center of attack on the center of Lee's lines, on the Boonsboro road, by the 25,000 veterans under Porter an intently watched, from a rock, south of the Boonsboro road, on the summit of the hill east of SharSharpsburg commanded the road leading toward Boonsboro and held in check any Federal advance on hishe other insured its success by arresting at Boonsboro the combined armies of the enemy, advancing [5 more...]
ck and Middletown, thus placing himself on the National road between Lee and Washington and Baltimore. To his army 11,000 veterans were added, also large numbers of militia that had responded to Lincoln's call when Lee invaded Pennsylvania. Yielding to urgent orders, from Washington, that he should at once destroy Lee's army, which was vainly supposed to be shattered and in full retreat, Meade took the highway that McClellan had taken the previous September, crossed the South mountain at Boonsboro, on the 11th of July, and after having carefully bridged the Antietam, appeared, on the 12th, in front of Lee's now well protected defensive position, and took up a line which he at once proceeded to fortify. This done, he called a council of war and found that his subordinates were unwilling to attack Lee's lines, well knowing that such an attempt could result only in defeat and disaster. On the appearance of Meade's advance, on the 11th, Lee issued a stirring address to his soldiers,
down the Potomac to near Maryland heights, threatening the Federals holding that formidable position; while Ramseur and Rodes marched to the vicinity of Sharpsburg, leaving one brigade on guard at Harper's Ferry. The cavalry advance marched to Boonsboro, at the foot of the South mountain, while McCausland brought his force to the Antietam in front of Sharpsburg. On the 7th, Gordon drove in the enemy's outposts at Fort Duncan and Maryland heights, and supported by Wharton (Breckinridge's divtes regular cavalry, which he forced to retreat. The remainder of the cavalry marched across the mountains to the vicinity of Frederick City, where it had a slight engagement with the enemy's outposts. On the 8th, Ramseur marched, by way of Boonsboro and Middletown, to the summit of the Catoctin mountain, where he found Early's cavalry advance in position, and where he encamped. Gordon and Wharton marched from Rohrersville, by way of Fox's gap and Middletown, to the foot of the Catoctin mo
anded the brigade, and was slightly wounded, but continued on duty; fought at Boonsboro, receiving a second wound; and led the remnant of his regiment, 56 men, in thade. In the westward movement on September 14th, with his brigade he reached Boonsboro after a hot and tiresome march over the mountains, to which he was ordered to campaign, he reported, his brigade fought in three battles and the affair at Boonsboro, and captured over 600 prisoners. Soon afterward an unfortunate break in his r be held in check at South mountain, his brigade covered the retreat through Boonsboro, where there was a fierce and protracted fight. He succeeded in delaying thebrunt of the attacks of the Federal advance until they were the last to enter Boonsboro. At this point Colonel Lee was unhorsed and run over in crossing a bridge; a cavalry, and in that rank he participated in the battles of Second Manassas, Boonsboro, Sharpsburg and the frequent engagements of the cavalry under General Stuart.