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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore) 2 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 2. (ed. Frank Moore) 2 0 Browse Search
Colonel Theodore Lyman, With Grant and Meade from the Wilderness to Appomattox (ed. George R. Agassiz) 2 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 11. (ed. Frank Moore) 2 0 Browse Search
John G. B. Adams, Reminiscences of the Nineteenth Massachusetts Regiment 2 0 Browse Search
William Schouler, A history of Massachusetts in the Civil War: Volume 2 2 0 Browse Search
Allan Pinkerton, The spy in the rebellion; being a true history of the spy system of the United States Army during the late rebellion, revealing many secrets of the war hitherto not made public, compiled from official reports prepared for President Lincoln , General McClellan and the Provost-Marshal-General . 2 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 8. (ed. Frank Moore) 2 0 Browse Search
George P. Rowell and Company's American Newspaper Directory containing accurate lists of all the newspapers and periodicals published in the United States and territories, and the dominion of Canada, and British Colonies of North America, together with a description of the towns and cities in which they are published: description of towns and cities. (ed. George P. Rowell and company) 1 1 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: December 12, 1863., [Electronic resource] 1 1 Browse Search
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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Bristow Station, battle of. (search)
3d Corps, when, at about noon (Oct. 15), he was startled by the appearance of Warren's troops approaching his rear. They had outstripped Ewell's, and were expecting to meet Sykes's at Bristow Station. Hill instantly turned and opened his batteries upon Warren, who was surprised for a moment; but in the space of ten minutes the batteries of Arnold and Brown, assisted by the infantry divisions of Haves and Webb, drove back the Confederates and captured six of their guns. These were instantly turned upon the fugitives. A flank attack by the Confederates was repulsed with a loss to them of 450 men made prisoners. This was an effectual check upon Hill's march. Just at sunset Ewell came up, and Warren's corps (5th) was confronted by a greater portion of Lee's army. Seeing his peril, War ren skilfully withdrew under cover of the approaching darkness, and joined the main army in the morning on the heights of Centreville. Warren's loss in the battle was about 200 in killed and wounded.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Hamilton, Frank Hastings 1813-1886 (search)
46 he was appointed Professor of Surgery in the medical college in Buffalo, of which he later became dean. When the Long Island Hospital College was established in 1859, he became Professor of the Principles and Practice of Surgery there and also surgeon-in-chief. In 1861 he was made Professor of Military Surgery, and at the outbreak of the Civil War went to the front with the 31st New York Volunteers. During the first battle of Bull Run he was director of the general field hospital in Centreville. In 1862 he was appointed a medical director in the army, and in 1863 a medical inspector, with the rank of lieutenant-colonel. He, however, soon resigned, and went to the Bellevue Hospital Medical College as military surgeon. When President Garfield was shot Dr. Hamilton was one of the first surgeons called in attendance, and continued on that duty until the President's death. Dr. Hamilton performed many noteworthy operations, and invented or improved a number of instruments used in
ormation was received, through Captain Hill, of General Johnston's forces, that the enemy, at Centreville, was in a complete state of demoralization, and in full flight towards Washington. Upon learham's forces, which, with General Longstreet's brigade, were then in the closest proximity to Centreville. After a brief discussion of the matter between the President and Generals Johnston and Beaundoned stores, subsistence, and baggage, that could be found on the road in our front towards Centreville, and on other roads by which the enemy had retreated towards the stone bridge and Sudley's Mio their organization, and assigning them new positions, with the advance—Bonham's brigade— at Centreville. Holmes's brigade, by direction of President Davis, was ordered back to its former position.atteries and a force of cavalry, were ordered to advance to Vienna Station, and Longstreet to Centreville. As the leading column was approaching Fairfax Court-House, Captain Terry, of Texas, a noted
Chapter 15: Colonel Pryor, of the military committee of Congress, visits General Beauregard at Centreville, to propose his transfer to the West. General Beauregard finally yields to the wishes of Congress and the executive. he parts with his army on the 2d of february, and on the 4th arrives at Bowling Green. intervt upon the country. criticism of General Johnston's strategy.> Towards the end of January, 1862, General Beauregard received a visit, at his headquarters at Centreville, from Colonel Roger A. Pryor, of Virginia, a member of the Military Committee of the Confederate Congress. He informed General Beauregard that he had been depund under General Johnston, in middle Kentucky, and the remainder under General Polk, in western Tennessee. Meanwhile, many of General Beauregard's friends at Centreville and Richmond, aware of the efforts that were being made, sought to dissuade him from relinquishing his position in Virginia, and what was considered the chief f
al Johnston in pursuit, in the direction of Centreville, these brigades advanced nearly to that play our right wing and centre on the enemy at Centreville, took up a position on the Union Mills and Centreville road, more than a mile in advance of the Run. Ordered back in consequence of the miscaom an attack by that route on their rear at Centreville, which served to augment the extraordinary s, the commander of the Federal reserves at Centreville, says the movement caused painful apprehensscarriage of my orders for his advance upon Centreville in the afternoon, was ordered by General J of General Bonham, joining that officer at Centreville on the night of the 17th, before the battleto attack the enemy in flank and reverse at Centreville, through which the triumph of our arms was brigade, Brigadier-General M. L. Bonham, at Centreville. 2D brigade, Brigadier-General Ewell, at oLongstreet, at or about the crossing of the Centreville and Union Mills road and the Braddock's roa
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, Maryland Volunteers. (search)
etam Forge, near Leitersburg, July 10. Shepherdstown July 14 and 16. Beverly Ford September 6. Advance from the Rappahannock to the Rapidan September 13-17. Culpeper Court House September 13. Rapidan Station September 13 and 15-16. Raccoon Ford September 15. White's Ford September 21. Bristoe Campaign October 9-22. Germania Ford and James City October 10. Near Warrenton October 11. White Sulphur Springs October 12-13. Bristoe Station October 14. Near Centreville and Brentsville October 14. Advance to line of the Rappahannock November 7-8. Mine Run Campaign November 26-December 2. Grove Church, near Morrisville, November 26. Parker's Store November 29. Duty in Middle Department till June, 1864. Princeton May 6. Jeffersonville May 8. Wier Bottom Church, on Bermuda Hundred Front, Va., June 16-17. Richmond and Petersburg R. R. June 19. Deep Bottom July 21. New Market Heights July 27-28. Strawberry Plains, north of
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, Massachusetts Volunteers. (search)
. C., November 3. Attached to Casey's Provisional Division, Military District of Washington, to February, 1863. Casey's Division, 22nd Army Corps, Dept. of Washington, to April, 1863. Abercrombie's Division, 22nd Corps, to May, 1863. Service. Duty at Camp Barry, Defenses of Washington, D. C., till November 19, 1862. At Hall's Hill, Va., till November 27. Moved to Fairfax Station, Va., November 27-28; thence to Union Mill, and duty along Potomac from Wolf Run Shoals to Centreville till February, 1863. In forts on Centreville Heights till April. Ordered to Upton's Hill April 18. Duty at Forts Ramsey and Buffalo till May 23. Moved to Boston May 25-28, and there mustered out May 29, 1863. Organized at Readville and mustered in for three years January 2, 1864. Left State for Washington, D. C., February 5. Attached to Defenses of Washington, 22nd Army Corps, to April, 1864. Artillery, 2nd Division, 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac, to July,
Woodstock June 2. Mount Jackson June 4. New Market June 5. Harrisonburg June 6. Battle of Cross Keys June 8. Near Mount Jackson June 16. Rapidan River August 3-4 and 12. Pope's Campaign in Northern Virginia August 16-September 2. Fords of the Rappahannock August 16-23. Kelly's Ford August 21. Catlett's Station August 21-22. Fant's Ford, Great Run, August 23. Thoroughfare Gap and Haymarket August 28. Battle of Bull Run August 29-30. Expedition from Centreville to Bristoe and Warrenton Stations September 25-28. Reconnoissance to near Warrenton October 12. Thoroughfare Gap October 17-18. Haymarket October 19 (Detachment). Operations on Orange & Alexandria Railroad November 10-12. Reconnoissance from Chantilly to Snicker's Ferry and Berryville November 28-30. Berryville November 30. Battle of Fredericksburg, Va., December 12-15 (Detachment). Scout to Luray Valley December 22. Kelly's Ford March 17, 1863. Stoneman's Ra
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, United States--Regular Army. (search)
ters, Army of the Potomac, to July, 1863 (Cos. A, B, D, F, G ). Dept. of the East to April, 1864. Provost Guard, 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac, to October, 1864. 1st Brigade, 2nd Division, 5th Army Corps, to November, 1864. Baltimore, Md., 8th Army Corps, Middle Department, to August, 1865. chanicsville June 26. Gaines' Mill June 27. Turkey Bridge June 30. Malvern Hill July 1. At Harrison's Landing till August 16. Movement to Fortress Monroe, thence to Centreville August 16-28. Pope's Campaign in Northern Virginia August 28-September 2. Battles of Groveton August 29. Bull Run August 30. Maryland Campaign September 6-22. Battle of Antietam September 16-17. Shepherdstown Ford September 19-20. At Sharpsburg, Md., till October 29. Kearneysville and Shepherdstown October 16-17. Movement to Falmouth, Va., October 29-November 19. Snicker's Gap November 3. Battle of Fredericksburg, Va., December 12-15. Mud March January
ed by the four companies left on provost duty at New Iberia, it commenced a return march to Brashear City, forming a portion of an escort for a five-mile negro and supply train. Having marched sixty-nine miles, in passing through Franklin and Centreville on the 25th, it was attacked in the rear by the advance of a large rebel force under General Mouton. The attack having been repelled without any loss to this regiment, the march was resumed, and continued during the night, making a distance oor active service in the field; the brigade being at that time near Fort Lyons, under orders to march to Fairfax Station and Union Mills, to which it advanced the next day, occupying Wolf Run Shoals, Blackburn's Ford, and picketing the line to Centreville. Colonel Randall was soon relieved from this command by Colonel D'Utassy. The brigade having no cavalry, the command was frequently detailed to act as scouts; and, in connection with the Keystone Battery, several reconnoissances were made to
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