Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: April 24, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Cockeysville (Maryland, United States) or search for Cockeysville (Maryland, United States) in all documents.

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rs had been issued by the Government at Washington, directing that the Northern troops, known to have reached Cockeysville, Baltimore county, en route to Washington, should at once return to Pennsylvania. This order had the effect, in a measure, to to be seen upon the promenades. Visits to the Pennsylvania troops. Marshal Kane dispatched Wm. H. Quincey to Cockeysville, who returned about the time the dispatch reached the city. Mr. Q. conversed with Gen. Wikoff, Commander. In-Chief of the Pennsylvania troops, who were encamped about half a mile north of Cockeysville, on a wheat field. He reported that some 4,000 troops were there, and trains were constantly arriving from Harrisburg, so that by night they expected to have from 1itizens and military were sent out last night to be in the vicinity of the encampment of the Pennsylvania troops, near Cockeysville, and to watch their movements. They were represented by visitors to be suffering for the want of food. Squads sent t