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The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Index (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller) 1 1 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: March 5, 1861., [Electronic resource] 1 1 Browse Search
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George Meade, The Life and Letters of George Gordon Meade, Major-General United States Army (ed. George Gordon Meade), chapter 5 (search)
tlestown and Westminster. The Sixth Corps was ordered to move to Manchester; the First Corps to the crossing of Marsh Creek, half-way to Gettof the plan of the previous day. It brought up the right flank to Manchester, the left to beyond Emmettsburg, and the centre to Littlestown; othe same distance from, the circumference of the circle, and that Manchester and Westminster, seven and a half miles distant from each other, final advance from Chambersburg to Gettysburg, and the line from Manchester to Emmettsburg, which represented the extreme right and left of Mhe Potomac, at Emmettsburg. Meade has his right wing extended to Manchester, because Early has been over on his right as far as York. If Leef supplies. Meade's Headquarters, at Taneytown, had lain between Manchester and Emmettsburg, a little south of a line drawn between those two points, and a little nearer to Emmettsburg than to Manchester. The reader has now been afforded, first, a view of the general field of ope
George Meade, The Life and Letters of George Gordon Meade, Major-General United States Army (ed. George Gordon Meade), chapter 17 (search)
ivors when unfairly impeached. General Meade took command of the Army of the Potomac, on Sunday, the 28th of June, at Frederick, Maryland. On Monday, as he states, the army was put in motion, and by Tuesday night the right flank had reached Manchester and the left occupied Emmettsburg. General Buford's cavalry had advanced as far as Gettysburg, and reported that the Confederate army was debouching from the mountains on the Cashtown road. Upon this intelligence General Reynolds was ordered omplished all the objects contemplated—namely, the relief of Harrisburg and Philadelphia—and that he would now desist altogether from the offensive. He proposed to post the whole army in line of battle on Pipe Creek, the right flank resting on Manchester and the left on Middleburg, involving a new change of front, and there await the movements of the enemy. The position which General Meade had selected for the final struggle between the two armies was some fifteen miles distant from Gettysburg
ssas Junction, Va.: I., 146; II., 34, 39 seq., 40; after Confederate attack, II., 41; disaster at, caused by delay in reenforcing Pope, II., 43; III., 30; IV., 87, 89; military train destroyed at, IV., 91; federal supplies captured at, IV., 93; Jackson destroys supplies at, IV., 95 seq. Manassas Station, Va.: Orange and Alexandria R. R., I., 161 seq.; III., 315; captured, IX., 75. Manassas,, C. S. S.: I., 227, 228, 232, 234; VI., 189, 191, 192, 194, 198, 218, 310, 314. Manchester, Md., VIII., 204. Manderson, C. F., X., 231. Maney, F., I., 186. Maney, G.: IX., 245; X., 295. Maney's battery, Tenn., I., 186. Mangan, J. C., IX., 158. Manhattan,, U. S. S., VI., 247. Manigault, A. M., X., 283. Mansfield, J. K. F.: I., 64; II., 61, 68 seq., 324; X., 129, 216. Mansion House Hospital, Alexandria, Va. , VII., 233. Manson, M. D., X., 87. Manufacturing depots Viii., 56. Many thousand go, IX., 352. Ma
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 3. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Addenda by the editor (search)
Union Bridge, and Union, to Union Mills; the Sixth corps, from New Windsor to Manchester; the Twelfth corps, from Taneytown and Bruceville to Littlestown; Gamble's anvia Emmettsburg, to Gettysburg; Gregg's cavalry division, from Westminster to Manchester; and Kilpatrick's cavalry division, from Littlestown to Hanover. Kenly's and Mills, via Hanover and McSllerrystown, to Bonaughtown; the Sixth corps, from Manchester en route to Gettysburg; and the Twelfth corps from Littlestown, via Two Taverns, to the field of Gettysburg. Gregg's cavalry division marched from Manchester to Hanover Junction, whence McIntosh's and J. I. Gregg's brigades proceeded to Hanover, while Huey's brigade returned to Manchester. Kilpatrick's cavalry division moved from Hanover, via Abbottsville, to Berlin. Stannard's Vermont brigade, from thehe field of Gettysburg; and Huey's brigade, of Gregg's cavalry division, from Manchester to Westminster. July 4. Gamble's and Devin's brigades, of Buford's cava
Senator Sumner, on Saturday, presented the memorial of 5,000 citizens of Massachusetts against any compromise whatever. He said that more were coming of the same character signed by 37,000 persons. "Mountain Maid." a racing mare well known to horse fanciers and sporting men of Philadelphia, died at Lancaster, Pa., last week. Dr. Diffenbach, President of the Irving College, died suddenly at Manchester, in Carroll county, Md., on Saturday. Hon. C. C. Clay, ex-United States Senator from Alabama, has gone to Minnesota for the benefit of his health. The Montgomery (Ala.) papers announce the death of James S. Christian. He was a native of Virginia. Hon. Wm. L. Yancey has resigned his seat in the Alabama Convention.